MVHS EdTech Tips
August 2016
Welcome Back!
I hope that your summer has been restful and reinvigorating. We embark on another year where our students wait patiently for our guidance, our support, and our excitement. This newsletter is all about starting a new school year. We have the ability to start on day one with an exciting and engaging lesson that introduces students to our content, teaching style, and passion. Let the first few days set the tone for the rest of the year.
Rethinking the First Day of School
Here is an article that presents a challenge for all teachers to rethink how they spend the first day of class. It is titled, "The Absolute Worst Way to Start the Semester". Classroom culture is developed from the moment students walk in the room. Begin making connections to students to show that relationships are paramount.
Here are some ideas:
- Create Learning Stations: Develop several tasks associated with your content are that students can explore independently or in small groups. Have students interact with content, questions, images, and texts. Empower students to ask their own questions and develop their own responses.
- Motivational Video: Find a TedTalk or content related video that addresses the major themes associated with your content. Have students engage in a quick-write and small group discussion about the message of the video and then predict how it relates to the course.
- Problem Solve: Present students with a typical problem or task associated with your content area. Let students think through, and probably struggle, to develop a solution or potential explanation. This task will allow students to practice the processes and thinking skills that will be addressed through out the year.
- Go Outside: Find somewhere on campus that would inspire students to think about your content area. Consider the topic, questions, and task students can complete. Frame your content spatially so that students always see they are surrounded by the content we teach.
Planning for Success
Asking Questions
Rubik's Cube: A question, waiting to be answered
Find Your Awesome
Kid President's Pep Talk to Teachers and Students!