WMS Friday Forecast
August 20, 2021
"Make Kindness the Norm at WMS"
Our 2021-2022 school year has started on a positive track! This year, we are going to focus intensely on kindness. Our motto is going to be, "make kindness the norm." Through social media, in the news, and in our community, our kids see acts of unkindness. As parents, we may help put those unkind actions and words into perspective and remind our kids that there are more acts of kindness than unkindness. And at Wredling, we want our students to focus on how they can send a ripple of kindness throughout our school and community.
I love dinner table talk. It is a great time to talk about important things. This week, talk about kindness with your RedHawk. Some things that you can do with your child that can help them build a community of kindness include:
Ask them what acts of kindness or unkindness they see on social media, in the news, at school, or in the community, and how those acts make them feel.
Talk to them about the importance of kindness. Share some stories of how you have been kind to others and when others have been kind to you.
Plan an act of kindness for someone- a friend, family member, or community member.
Write a postcard or note to someone telling them what they mean to you (or your family). People love getting handwritten notes today!
And if you are looking for more ideas, click here.
Please help us make kindness the norm at Wredling Middle School!
Enjoy your weekend!
Curriculum Nights Rescheduled
The beginning of the school year historically brings opportunities for families to see where their children spend their days, meet the teachers, and get to know other parents and guardians. As we began the 2021-2022 school year, we were hopeful that our schools would be full of happy and excited parents on Back to School and Curriculum Nights. On August 17, it quickly became apparent to our administrative team that, based on Kane and DuPage Counties moving into the “high community transmission” category for COVID-19 cases, the best option was to hold virtual events for all our schools.
Throughout the pandemic, we have seen changes in transmission rates in our community, including decreases. We look forward to the time when we can once again welcome families, our most important partners, into the schools. Your continued patience and understanding is greatly appreciated
Wredling will email all parents/guardians a link to a website that will contain links to videos that our teachers have created that highlight their work with your children. We will send that out Thursday, September 2.
Building Supervised Study (BSS)
Locks & Lockers
In efforts to help our students as much as possible with locks, we are asking all students to be sure they are using a Wredling-issued lock. One of the few reasons for this is we are able to help students with their combination if they forget it. With that said we have noticed several lockers that have a non-school-issued lock on them. We are telling students the same message each day in our announcements. If you need a school lock please have your student stop by the office and we can provide one to them. $3 for a used lock and $6 for a new lock. We will add that fee to your PushCoin account. Please reinforce this message with your student at home otherwise any outside locks will be cut off on Wednesday, 8/25. In addition, please be sure your student is using the correct locker that was assigned to them. Their locker number is listed in HAC. Thank you for your support!
WMS Daily Announcements:
The Daily Announcements are added to a shared weekly template, which is updated each day. New templates are emailed to all students each Monday. They are also added to the Wredling website and emailed out to parents who have subscribed to the WMS Daily Announcements.
To subscribe for the WMS Daily Announcements go to this page and scroll down the page to “SUBSCRIBE TO DISTRICT & SCHOOL NEWSLETTERS”. Choose the newsletters you wish to receive. To UNSUBSCRIBE from any newsletters, follow the directions on the same page.
Are you interested in being a Red Hawk leader?
WMS student council is looking for enthusiastic 6th, 7th and 8th grade students who want to join our group. Meetings will be held on Tuesday mornings from 7:30 to 8:20 . Students will be chosen for this group based on the application. The application can be found at this link. Applications are due on August 24th.
Questions? Please contact Mrs. McCullough @ kathy.mccullough@d303.org., Dr. McGuire @ patrick.mcguire@d303.org or Mr. Schilb @ ryan.schilb@d303.org
Reusable Water Bottles
Middle School Food Service
The cafeteria will be able to accept cash payments this year. They WILL NOT be making change for students. Any unspent funds will be added directly to the student's PushCoin lunch account as available funds for future purchases.
Just a reminder that lunches are free to all K-8 students. Only 1 lunch per student per day. Ala cart items (snack items) are not part of the lunch so students have to pay for those items
Students should pre-order their food using a Google form which is posted on our website. Students can order meals between 6 pm the night before until 9:30 am that day. To order a meal, students need to be in a Chrome browser (or on their Chromebooks) logged into their D303 Google account. Only students can order meals.
Middle School Early Release Dates
- September 1
- September 29
- October 27
- December 1
- January 26
- February 23
- March 23
- April 27
NOTE: These dates are also on the Wredling calendar on our website.
Help Wanted!
Do you enjoy working with kids?
Are you looking for a job where you can make a difference?
Wredling is looking for a Native Language Tutor to start immediately!
- Paraprofessional license
- Position requires Spanish fluency (reading, writing, speaking)
- Work with small groups of students in reading, writing and math
- Organized
- Good computer skills (Microsoft Office)
- Part time position at 5.9 hours/day M-F, must be able to maintain a flexible schedule
Apply online HERE
Parent University - Mental Illness: The Silent Epidemic
September 2, 2021
Mental Illness: The Silent Epidemic
Zoom at 6:00 pm; Recording to be posted
Mark Potter is a nationally recognized basketball coach and speaker who is bringing his message to families in St. Charles. Mark grew up in Kansas, where he was a basketball and baseball stand-out. He played both sports at the collegiate level before moving into a career as a high school teacher and coach for 11 years. He then served as Head Men’s Basketball Coach at NCAA Division II Newman University for 19 years and has the distinction of being the winningest basketball coach in Newman’s history.
Thirteen years ago, Coach Potter began a downward spiral into a world of darkness. He missed eight games and 25 practices due to severe depression. He now brings his story to businesses and schools to promote education about mental illness. His passion is to share his story in hopes that people will also pursue treatment and find a way to live productively with mental illness.
Join the District 303 Parent University Webinar on September 2 from 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. as we welcome Coach Potter. Click here to register!
Wredling Middle School - Home of the RedHawks
Website: wredling.d303.org
Location: 1200 Dunham Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-3700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WredlingMiddleSchoolD303
Twitter: @WredlingD303