Hembree Highlights

Message from Ms. Smith
Hello Hawks!
Another great week of school is in the books! We are continuing to practice routines and procedures and beginning to dive into our curriculum. Speaking of curriculum, did you know that there is a Curriculum Hub for parents? Simply go to www.fultonschools.org, Students and Families, and click on Curriculum Hub for Parents. In addition to a standards overview, there are also parent resources that may be helpful as the year progresses. Learning doesn't just take place in our four walls, however. We are excited to continue the Cultural Kaleidoscope field trips this year. These trips, one per grade level, afford our students the opportunity to learn in sometimes new and always interesting locations. PreK is going to the Teaching Museum, Kindergarten will go to the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, 1st grade to the Alliance Theater, 2nd to the Chattahoochee Nature Center, 3rd to the Atlanta Ballet, 4th to the Atlanta History Center, and 5th to the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra. All of these trips are free to our students and chaperones. Be on the lookout for more information from your teachers as the trip dates approach.
Enjoy your weekend!
AJ Smith
Hembree Springs ES
470-254-2905 - office
678-525-7704 - cell
Important Dates
8/22: SGC Meeting
8/23 PTA Spirit Night @ Menchie's Crabapple from 2:30-5:30pm
8:21 - 8/27: Provide Feedback (Parents, Students, and Staff) on Departmentalization in grades 2-5
9/4: Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
9/5: Teacher Workday - NO SCHOOL for students
9/6: Professional Development Day for Staff - NO SCHOOL for students
9/8: STAR & STEM Night/ Title I Building Parent Capacity STEM workshop @6:00-8:00pm
9/12 Annual Title I meeting @7:40-8:40am (General PTA meeting to immediately follow)
9/21 PTA Spirit Night @ Bad Daddy's Burger Bar from 5:00-9:00pm
From Title I
STEM & Star Night
Please join us for our first STEM & Star Night of the year! Join us on September 8th from 6:00-8:00pm. Sign up here:
Title I Parent Meeting
Our Annual Title I Parent Meeting will be held on September 12th from 7:40-8:40am. Our first General PTA Meeting of the year will be held immediately following.
All Stars Wanted
Each week the PE department will choose 4 All Star Athletes (2 students & 2 staff members). If your student enjoys hiking, swimming, baseball, softball, football, biking, etc. Please email a picture to marzetti@fultonschools.org.
Ms. Marzetti
From SGC
THANK YOU to all of our volunteers that helped with various tasks over the summer. From filling Teacher Binders and Open House folders, to painting walls and refreshing our Teacher’s Lounge area, you are all amazing. Our staff is forever grateful for all of your hard work!
Staff Certified in Youth Mental Health First Aid Course
Over the summer, several of our staff members participated in a Youth Mental Health First Aid course provided by Fulton County Schools. Our participants were trained to identify and assist students who are developing a mental health problem or crisis. Every participant is now certified and available to help our students if needed. This training was coordinated and organized by our School Governance Council (SGC) and our PTA provided snacks and lunch for all participants. Thank you to all of our staff that took time to become certified!
Math Curriculum Update
Over the course of the last several years, Fulton County has been phasing out its advanced math curriculum in favor of an enhanced course. Enhanced math will cover the current grade level standards, as well as provide pre-exposure to standards from the next grade. This year at Hembree Springs, we have decided to complete the rollout of enhanced math to include 4th and 5th grade. We will be providing enhanced and accelerated math options for our students. Students who were previously participating in on level math will transition to enhanced math, which is reflected in the enhanced course name in Infinite Campus. Our math coach, Joey Waller, will be working closely with teachers and students in order to offer support during this transition. If you have any questions, please reach out to her: wallerj@fultonschools.org
Student Success Skills
TAG Referral and Screening
Computer Museum of America
Did you know that our very own Roswell is the home of the Computer Museum of America? In the past half century, computing has grown from a few gadgets to an almost universal extension of human life. Yet while computing has become commonplace, the history of its innovation is being lost every day, as ‘old’ technology is discarded, recycled, or consigned to the landfill. The Computer Museum of America (CMoA) was created to preserve this history and educate visitors on the past and future of computing, empowering the innovators of tomorrow. CMoA’s mission is to preserve the stories and artifacts from the digital age while educating and inspiring visitors of all ages and backgrounds. Its vision is to reveal lessons from the history of computing and technology to the widest possible audience and empower generations of students, entrepreneurs, workers, and educators.
Want to be a Room Parent?
Hi Families!
Our amazing teachers are in need of equally amazing Room Parents. If you love to connect with your child’s teacher, communicate with other parents, and help to organize various needs and events, this is the opportunity for you! Meredith, our excellent Room Parent Coordinator, will answer any questions you have, provide training, and support you every step of the way. Kids LOVE seeing their parents in the classroom - this is the perfect way to be involved!
If you are interested in becoming a Room Parent or need more information on the many, many ways to volunteer and be involved at school, please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/Wm4aHzEyfsww6Xjh7
Reach out to Meredith at roomparents@hembreespringspta.org with any questions. We are excited for a wonderful school year!
Join the PTA
It's not too late to join the PTA! What does PTA membership entail? It's just your financial support of the school. Membership is only $10 per parent/guardian, but we'll gladly take more donations! Your membership funds all of our activities throughout the year, and you'll be eligible to vote during PTA meetings. That's it! Join here: https://jointotem.com/ga/roswell/hembree-springs-es-pta
Lunch Visitor Schedule by Homeroom
Lunch visitors will start the week of August 21, 2023.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Previous Newsletters
Hembree Springs Elementary School
Website: https://www.fultonschools.org/hembreespringses
Location: 815 Hembree Road, Roswell, GA, USA
Phone: 470-254-2902