Rāmere Friday 21st of Haratua May (T2: Wk3 of 10)
Our Tumuaki Principal
Kia ora koutou.
Here are some snippets from me...
- Kapa Haka: Thank you to the parents who returned the permission slips for their child to be part of our Kapa Haka group. Their first session was this Wednesday. Our tutor is Sharne Parkinson with a lead teacher being Miss Kim Nicol. We would love to have some parents joining us as well. Please contact Kim Nicol at if this is something you can commit to for a Wednesday afternoon.
- Maori Iwi: We like to ensure that our student records are accurate and that our Maori children are connected in our system to their right iwi. Please give us a ring to check that we have the right records for your child here at school. Further, we would encourage whanau to register their child with their iwi to build that important connection and belonging for your tamariki now and into the future.
- Interviews and Reports: This time next month we will be moving into our Mid-Year Interview with reports. In the coming weeks, a code will come out for you to book your interviews online. We love children being part of this as the learning is about them and for them.
- School Map: We have worked hard to update our school map. You will see it appearing around the school, below this newsletter and on our website. It gives you a great idea of where everything is in our school.
- Busing: Buses are important for a rural community as they enable children to get to and from school. There is a lot of information on our school website ( around the rules and regulations of busing. There you will find our Transport Entitlement Zone (TEZ) which sets out who is eligible to come to our school. You will also see our bus maps which show where the buses go. Notice they are not a door to door service. You may need to transport your child to meet a bus.
Thank Yous - Team Edendale
- Laura McVicar: Laura is our Acting Assistant Principal. She has stepped into this role whilst Mrs Laura Russell is on maternity leave. There is a lot expected of this role in terms of school-wide events and programme support and Laura is doing a fine job. Our whole school is benefiting from her thought and efforts.
Ka kite
David McKenzie
Principal's Term Two Challenge - Being Authors and Illustrators
The Challenge
Become an author or illustrator OR BOTH by entering the Term Two Principal's Challenge.
Section Two: Become an Illustrator - In a style of your choosing, create an original winter-themed picture that can be put alongside our poems as illustrations.
Age Groups: There will be pages dedicated to...
- New Entrants
- Year One
- Year Two
- Year Three
- Year Four
- Year Five
- Year Six
- Open Section (mum, dad, grandma, grandad, teacher, etc)
The End Result
Successful entrants (authors and illustrators) will be put into a book that we will print for the school that will go into our school library and a copy for each class.
We will then sell copies to the general public.
The Requirements and Rules
- The theme is WINTER so the poem and/or picture must reflect this.
- The word limit for the poem is 200 words.
- The illustration style can be of your own choosing, A4 in size (landscape or portrait) but it must be able to be scanned into a jpeg.
- The entries are due by Friday 11th June.
- On all entries make sure you put your name, age, year level and room on the back. (Unless you are in the Open section where your name will suffice)
- You can enter as both an author and illustrator.
- You can only enter one piece of work for each section.
Our Events Coming Up
Week Four (of 10)
- Monday 24th May - Home and School Meeting, 7.30 pm, staffroom
- Tuesday 25th May - Sports Activator
- Wednesday 26th May - Kapa Haka (Y4-6).
Week Five (of 10)
- Wednesday 2nd June - LMV Cross Country, 1.00 pm, Wyndham Racecourse
- Thursday 3rd June - LMV Cross Country postponement
- Friday 4th June - Teachers Only Day First Aid Training (School closed)
Week Six (of 10)
- Monday 7th June - Queen's Birthday Public Holiday (School closed)
- Wednesday 9th June - Kapa Haka (Y4 - 6)
Week Seven (of 10)
- Tuesday 15th June - Sports Activator
- Wednesday 16th June - Toi Maori and Kapa Haka (Y4 - 6)
- Friday 18th June - Southland Cross Country (Waimumu)
Week Eight (of 10)
- Tuesday 22nd June - BOT General Meeting, 6.00pm, school staffroom
- Wednesday 23rd June - Toi Maori and Kapa Haka (Y4 - 6)
- Saturday 26th June - Jump Jam Competition
Week Nine (of 10)
- Monday 28th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Tuesday 29th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Wednesday 30th June - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Thursday 1st July - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
- Friday 2nd July - Edendale's Got Talent; Mid Year Interviews with Reports
Week Ten (of 10)
- Tuesday 6th July - Sports Activator
- Wednesday 7th July - BOT Strategic Planning Day
- Friday 9th July - Senior Remarkables Ski Trip
- Friday 9th July - Last day of Term Two
Our Kaitiaki Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees - General Meeting Report for 18th May
The BOT met on Tuesday for their third of eight general meetings of 2021.
It was an earlier meeting, starting at 6.00 pm, with a tea thanks to the Pioneer Tavern. The BOT then received three reports from four teachers (Miss McVicar - Team Kea, Miss Mineur - Team Kiwi, Mrs Clarke & Mrs Duffy - Team Weka) about what is happening in their classrooms. The BOT received the presentations in the classrooms. This gave the BOT a real, on-the-ground feel for our school, reinforcing that it is about the children and their learning.
After that, the meeting continued.
- Mrs Coyle tabled the Positive Behaviour for Learning report for Term One.
- The principal presented his Compliance Report and then the Progress Against the Annual Plan Report
- The final financial report was tabled with auditor recommendations for 2020.
- The Remarkables Ski Trip for the senior school was confirmed for 2021.
- Work continues forward for the remodel of our administration block to incorporate a space for the Learning Support Coordinators. Plans have been tabled and reviewed by the BOT.
- The BOT is working to advance plans for the replacement of the boiler with the school working with EECA and then the MOE to get this project off the ground. We do not have a timeframe for this project as yet but expect that this year is the last year for the current boiler.
- The BOT is working to replace the translucent cladding on the pool and junior block veranda. Work is occurring between the school, the MOE and a potential project manager. As yet no plans or timeframe has been presented to the BOT.
- Miss den Boon presented an Evaluation Report in relation to the Term One Year Five and Six camp.
- The BOT looked at what culturally responsive education encompassed from a governance level for the school.
The next BOT meeting is Tuesday 22nd June, starting at 6.00pm in the school staffroom. Material for the meeting goes out a week before with that agenda being closed off at that point.
Situations Vacant - Relief
We are looking for a person or people who could be a relief cleaner or relief After School Care coordinator. Email: with your CV if you are interested.
Our Home and School
Home and School - Term Two Meeting
The Term Two Home and School meeting is to be held on Monday 24th of May at 7.30pm in the school staffroom. Currently, we have three vacancies for office bearers (Chair, secretary and treasurer). If you are interested in supporting the school in this way, please come along to the meeting.
Home and School Fundraiser - Winter Wood
The Home and School has cut 50 cubic metres of old man pine. The wood is currently in a great spot under some trees drying out.
At a later date, we will advertise the wood for sale but if you want to get an early order in please contact Hamish Blackmore 027 636 0421.
Our Kura News and Information
School App - Instant Notifications
We are coming to that time of the year when snow can cause disruptions to the school day.
It is important for us that we can contact a large number of people very quickly.
Our school app allows us to do that and we expect all families to have it operational.
Here are some important aspects to remember.
- Make sure that all adults in the home have it downloaded.
- Make sure that the mobile devices that it is downloaded to are with you all the time and have data.
- Make sure, that if there is a person who is looking after your child/ren for a prolonged or regular period of time, that they have it downloaded as well.
Following the above three points ensures that the message gets to the right person, at the right time, who can make the right decisions.
You can get our app from your App Store. Look up SchoolAppsNZ and download it. Then once inside the app search from Edendale PS Southland.
After School Walking Bus - Staff Supervision
After school, we supervise children from school, over the gravel road, over the shunting track, over the main south railway track and then over the pedestrian crossing.
When the 3.00 pm bell goes we expect all township students to wait near the south netball pole and then they are taken as a whole group, supervised by a teacher. This helps us know that we have kept our children safe.
Uniform Tops - Maintaining Excellence
We love our uniform and love it when everyone wears it with pride. Please keep an eye on your child that they are doing this. There are some variations creeping in.
Spare uniform items can be purchased at the office.
Our Team for this Week - Team Kereru
Kia ora
It has been so nice getting all of the children in Team Kereru back in the classroom and into our learning routine for Term Two.
Our writing for the start of this term has focussed on persuasive writing, which is leading into our speeches. The children in Team Kereru had to choose a topic that has an impact on them or their world around them.
We are continuing to add to our kete (basket of knowledge) of mathematical language and strategies for solving problems in our PR1ME maths programme.
As part of our DRIVE learning for this term we are being Social Historians and we are learning about the early arrival and settlement of Māori in Aotearoa, New Zealand. We are looking at Te Ao Māori (the Māori world view) which includes some te reo (language), tikanga (customs), pūrākau (legends and myths), and toi (Māori arts), especially weaving.
To fit in with our DRIVE topic for this term, we have started weaving for art. We used different coloured card and paper to make patterns with our weaving.
For our fitness we have been practising for the cross country that is coming up and we have had our first session with Sarah, our Sports Activator, where we learned some basketball skills.
With Mrs McKinnel Team Kereru has started learning about using harmonies and rhythm in songs and music.
Ngā mihi
Miss Kim Nicol
Team Kereru Teacher
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) - Term Two Haepapa Responsibility
When we come from so many different families our values draw us together as one big school whanau.
We show haepapa responsibility when we...
Are ready for our learning
Work right through from start to finish.
Care for people, property and places.
Look after our belongings.
Involve ourselves in our school whanau community.
Every time these are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Manaakitanga Respect
Term Three - Tohungatanga Excellence
Term Four - Ponotanga Integrity
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Rilan Anderson for being a contributor of values to our school.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
Erin Wallis is our MVP in Team Tui for Haepapa – Responsibility!
Erin is an outstanding team member who demonstrates all of our school values very well. She is always doing the right thing at the right time and she makes an excellent role model.
Erin takes responsibility for her own learning by being ready for every single lesson, and making sure she completes all of her tasks to a high standard. She is a fantastic team member when completing group work, often taking leadership roles and ensuring everyone is co-operating.
Erin not only does her own end of day job, but she also helps others do theirs, and then she often does extra jobs without having to be asked, all with a smile on her face. I can rely on her to do any job or task and it will get done quickly and correctly.
Team Tui is so lucky to have you Erin, keep up all of your hard work and you will continue to succeed. Ka pai!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kahu
Team Kahu’s MVP for displaying Haepapa - Responsibility is Diesel Ross.
Every morning, he arrives at school with a smile and gets himself ready for the day by unpacking his bag and getting all his learning tools out.
Diesel knows our classroom routines and is always willing to lend a hand to distribute workbooks and activity tasks.
Diesel works very hard at being a great learner. He knows that persistence and participation are essential for making progress. Diesel asks for help if he is unsure and knows that it is ok to make mistakes, as long as we keep trying and giving things a go.
Diesel is a positive and caring member of Team Kahu. He works well with all his teammates and shows respect towards himself, his peers and his teachers.
Diesel is actively involved in our school community, often representing Edendale School at a range of sporting events. He also encourages others to do their best and to be involved.
Diesel, you are a valued member of Team Kahu and a great role model for haepapa – responsibility. Keep up the fantastic work.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kiwi
Nile Walton is a young man who shows our school values. This week Nile is Team’s Kiwi MVP for Haepapa – Responsibility.
Nile is a kind caring boy who I can rely on to do the right thing at the right time.
Nile has excellent manners and uses kind words to his peers and adults in our school which is what we are all about in Team Kiwi.
Nile comes in with a big hello and a smile on his face. Once Nile walks in he is ready to start his day by making sure he has the right equipment out for his learning. He often helps out his peers by making sure they have the right equipment out. Nile puts away any equipment he is using and is always making sure our equipment during action stations is put back in the correct place.
Nile demonstrates responsibility by always doing his homework and returning his reading book each day. Nile has a fabulous can-do attitude when it comes to his learning. Nile challenges his learning as he tries new things and works hard to complete tasks to a high standard. He is always organised for his learning and makes sure he stays focused and follows instructions.
Nile, you should be proud of yourself for all of the hard work you have been doing in Team Kiwi. You are a super-duper learner and a great friend to many. We are very lucky to have you as part of our class. Ka Pai!
Writer of the Week - Mason Dinnan
$$ The Money I Found $$
I was staying up very late on a dark night. Much later than usual. My brain signalled me to go to bed. When I got to my room, it was freezing like Antarctica.
I got under my blanket and started going to sleep when I felt a cold breeze cruise by from under my bed. I got up, out of my bed and looked underneath. I could not believe my eyes.
There was a bright vent that I had never seen before. I also found a note that had numbers written on it: 1, 4, 6, 9. I immediately knew that it had to be a code or something similar. I dared myself to go into the vent.
About 5 minutes later, I finally found an exit but in that exit, there was a room. In the room, there was a vault! It had a 4 digit code pin to open and I was carrying one in my hands. I knew it had to be for the vault.
I was thinking for 2 minutes straight, “Should I open it or should I not?”
I opened it because I was just too curious to see what was inside. When I opened it, I found $100,000,000. I had to keep it a secret from my parents.
When I woke up the next warm morning, I checked under my bed but the vault wasn't there. It turns out it was only a dream.
But that night, I felt a cold breeze cruise by from under my bed...
Community Notices
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally
- Friday 21st May, 7-9 pm
- Edendale Activity Centre, George Street, Edendale.
- Anyone 9 years old and up welcome just come along.
Boys – Games night
Girls – Spotlight - please wear warm clothes
Contacts: Johno Ferguson 206 6878 or Liz Pask 206 6135.
Youth Group - Saturday
Youth Group is on Saturday night.
- Saturday 22nd May, 7.30-10.30pm
- Edendale Activity Centre, George Street
- Anyone from Year 9 at school is welcome to come, just turn up.
Any questions contact Becs Ferguson 027 412 4941.
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool