North Side Family Flyer
April 2023
Inspire, Engage, Empower!
State Assessments and End of Year Happenings
State testing has arrived. ILEARN testing for grades 3, 4, and 5 will begin the week of April 17th and extend through the week of May 1st. Students will not test every single day, but they will test many days each of those weeks. Here is the number of tests each grade is required to take:
3rd grade: 5 tests total (2 tests are encouraged to be split into two days each, which makes
7 days of testing)
4th grade: 7 tests total (3 tests are encouraged to be split into two days each, which make
10 days of testing)
5th grade: 6 tests total: (3 tests are encouraged to be split into two days each, which make
9 days of testing)
Please look for the ILEARN letter that is going home with students on Monday, April 10th.
FOR ALL K-5 PARENTS - If you are interested in attending end of year field trips, please make sure that you have a background check completed. You can pick up a form in the office. These background checks take at least 2-3 weeks to be completed and returned to us. We ask that you plan ahead, if possible.
Please reach out if you have any questions about testing, background checks or anything else. We are here to help!
Your partner in education,
Stephanie Leasure
Upcoming Events:
March 23rd - April 14th - PTO Read-A-Thon Fundraiser
Monday, March 27th - Friday, April 7th - SPRING BREAK
Tuesday, April 11th - Math Bowl Competes @ South Side, 5 p.m. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Wednesday, April 12th - Board Meeting @ ALC, 6 p.m.
Thursday, April 13th - Kindergarten Round-Up, 5:30 p.m., in the cafeteria
Monday, April 17th - Friday, May 5th - ILEARN Testing for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders (Students will not test every single day)
Monday, April 17th - Student Council Meeting, 3 p.m.
Friday, April 21st - Progress Reports go home with students
Monday, May 1st - Friday, May 5th - Staff Appreciation Week
Inspiring Ideas with Miss T
“The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends daily reading aloud (15-20 minutes) from birth to grow vocabulary and promote healthy brain development.”
It’s not just language skills that are improved when you read to your child. Check out the other benefits of reading to your child!
- Preschool age children who have been read to tend to exceed at school.
- Reading with your child provides a sense of well being as well as intimacy.
- Reading to your child helps promote a longer attention span.
- Reading to your child helps promote communication between the two of you.
- Reading to your child helps build their imagination and improve their listening skills.
- Reading to your child helps them see that reading is FUN! It encourages and influences them to become a reader themselves as they mature.
Join our North Side PTO for their spring Read-a-Thon event. Not only does this fundraiser help foster a love of reading in our students, but it also helps promote the benefits listed above! See below for more details from our North Side PTO on our Read-a-Thon.
Front Office Guidance with Mrs. Hilterbrand and Ms. Myers
KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP IS HERE!!! Please share this date and information with anyone you know that has an incoming kindergarten student. Kindergarten Round-Up is on Thursday, April 13th, starting at 5:30 p.m. All guests should enter through Door 5 near our back parking lot. We look forward to meeting our new students...
Pease remember to call your child into school if they will not be in attendance. This is for their safety, so we know that they are accounted for. You may reach us in many ways, they include: calling our voicemail anytime at (260) 347-1354, calling our office between 7:30-9:00 a.m. to notify office staff that your child will be absent, or sending an e-mail to our attendance secretary, Taylor Myers at tmyers@eastnoble.net or Treasurer/Secretary, Jane Hilterbrand at jhilterbrand @eastnoble.net. We appreciate your support with this!
Spring is here which means wet and soggy grass. We are finding more students coming to the office with wet, muddy clothing because they fell while playing. We do our best to find other clothing for the students to wear, but do have limited supplies. Please consider sending an extra set of clothes in your child's bag for such occasions.
School hours:
Mondays - 8:45-2:40, Doors open at 8:15 a.m.
Tuesday - Friday - 8:00 - 2:40, Doors open at 7:30 a.m.
PTO Corner:
Happy April! The North Side PTO has been working hard promoting their spring Read-a-Thon! The Read-a-Thon is an event that encourages children to become better readers and learners by nurturing a joy of reading. This is their LARGEST fundraiser of the year. Students will collect donations from sponsors and have three weeks to read as much as possible (ending Friday, April 14). Please encourage your child to participate and gather as many pledges as you can. No amount is too small and all the money goes right back into our students and teachers!
Our goal is to raise enough money to fund our end of year field trips, provide classroom supplies, have an end of year celebration, purchase recess equipment, and be able to grant teacher requests for their classrooms. We can succeed and accomplish this goal with your help!
In Tune with Attendance and Safety with Mr. Perlich
Attendance –
The end of the year is approaching fast! Let’s finish off the year strong with great attendance. Your child being present at school is important for them to get the most of their education. Letters will continue to be sent out to those that are at 3,5, or 7 days. Doctors notes help us to verify your child being absent. Please get those notes in when they return. Letters will still be sent out due to our school corporation policy. Please reach out when you receive a letter and wonder why you are getting them. Communication is a great way to work together to figure out your child’s attendance.
Tardies can have the same impact as an absence. Starting the day off late is not helpful to the student. Getting to school on time allows the student to start the day off with the rest of the class and can have a big impact on how the day goes for them.
Safety –
In the month of March, we practiced in the national tornado drill. With the weather starting to warm up, severe weather is a possibility. These drills are to help us prepare for the worst-case scenario. The month of April will see us practicing the following drills:
- Fire drill
- Lockdown/Shelter in place drill
Safety is an important part of preparing our students and staff in case of an emergency. Talking to your students about safety will help them be prepared for an actual emergency. Stress to them not to panic and react to each situation with confidence and calmness.
If you should have any questions regarding attendance or safety, please contact me at the school or by email at jperlich@eastnoble.net.
Wesley posing with North Side's TEACHER OF THE YEAR, MRS. CHESEBROUGH, CONGRATS!!!
The Nurses Nook
A shot clinic will be provided for 5th graders on Friday, May 5th for needed vaccinations before entering 6th grade. Parents will be required to complete paperwork prior to this date, if you would like your child to receive these shots at school. Please look for more information in later April.
Friendly reminders:
- Your child must be fever-free, without fever-reducing medication, for 24 hours before returning to school. The same applies to vomiting and diarrhea.
- Please send a change of clothes in your child’s backpack for those occasional accidents or spills. I will do my best to provide your child with a change of clothes, but if I do not have the appropriate size, I will have to call home and ask for a change of clothes.
- If your child has clothes that they have outgrown, I am always accepting clothing donations!! This is how I keep my “extra clothes” stocked. I am always in need of pants and underwear, sizes 6-12. Don’t worry, clothes are always washed before I give them to students 😊
Nurse Whitney
Nutrition Notice with Mrs. Yates
Testing season is here! We all know the importance of students eating a well-balanced nutritional breakfast before taking assessments. We all have busy schedules and the school would be happy to help alleviate some of this stress by providing breakfast for your child.
Breakfast opens at 7:30 a.m. each day. If your child is a car rider, we recommend dropping them off between 7:30-7:40 a.m.
Champions Fall Enrollment 23-24 SY
Champions Current SY
Summer Camp '23
North Side Elementary School
Email: sleasure@eastnoble.net
Website: ns.eastnoble.net/
Location: 302 Harding Street, Kendallville, IN, USA
Phone: (260) 347-1354
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NSElementary
Twitter: @NorthSideElem