North Star News
May 13, 2022
North Elementary
440 N. 10th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060
Phone: 317-773-0482 Fax: 317-776-6274
Follow us on Twitter at @Northelem2
Follow us on Facebook at North Elem and North Elementary School PTO
Principal's Point
Hi North families,
Last week North had a no tech day which followed a book that we shared called "Our Table".
Hopefully, you have all had a chance to read it. It really focuses on family time and the worthy investment that can boost your child's communication skills and self esteem. As a result, they may learn more.
If you're a busy as me it may seem hard to try to fit everything in, so here are some suggestions for fitting in time with your youngster.
Maximize minutes
Sharing simple, everyday moments may lead to conversations about school or friends. Maybe ask your child to help with dinner. They could make a salad while you peel potatoes. Or sing along with the radio when the two of you are in the car or listening to music at home.
Have "play dates"
Join your child when they play. You might have them teach you the rules of Mousetrap, or you could show her a card game you liked at your age. Maybe preten with her---maybe she will be a veterinarian and you bring stuffed animals for checkups.
Plan Ahead
With your child, list special activities you both enjoy, such as going to the flea market, having a picnic, throwing the baseball, eating ice cream, watching a favorite show etc. Then put them on a calendar that you hand on your fridge. This allows your child to know that their company is important to you.
They grow up so fast!
Have a great weekend.
Mr. Lugo
North Elementary
Mr. Lugo's BrainBuster
Imagine you are in a boat in the middle of the sea. Suddenly, you are surrounded by hungry sharks waiting to eat you. How can you put an end to this?
Upcoming Activities and Reminders
May 18 Family Night 6:30-8:00 North Family Night
May 30 No School Memorial Day
May 31 Field Day
June 2 Last day of school
PTO Volunteers Needed
All volunteers must have a level 3 background check on file. The background checks cost $18.95 and are good for 6 years. Click on the link below if you are interested in becoming a volunteer.
The PTO is looking to fill some positions on the board for next year. If you would like more information, please contact the PTO at northelementarypto@gmail.com
Counselor's corner
Notes from the Nurse
PARENTS OF 5th GRADERS: Immunization requirements for 2022-2023:
ALL 5th graders going to 6th grade will need: 1 MCV4 (Meningococcal) and 1 Tdap (Tetanus and Pertussis). These are shots only given to this age group and/or when entering middle school. Noblesville Schools require a complete record by the first day of school. Once your student receives their immunizations, return an updated copy of your student’s shot records to the school nurse.
IMMUNICATION CLINIC: May 25, 2022 from 3:00-6:00PM. Location: 18025 River Road, Noblesville, 46062. If you would like to participate in the immunization clinic, please complete the online form at: patients.vaxcare.com/registration. Enrollment Code: IN65942. Select: Noblesville-5/25. Walk-ins the day of the clinic are also welcome.
Bring your insurance cards. We accept and bill all insurance (commercial, Medicare, Medicaid). There is no cost to those without insurance.
All who participate in the clinic will be vaccinated with all CDC recommended vaccines. We will consult the state immunization registry to assess the immunization needs of each individual. If you would like to refuse a specific vaccine, please contact the Indiana Immunization Coalition at least 48 hours prior to the event: clinic@vaccinateindiana.org or call 317-628-7116.
NHS Marching Band school wide contest - "A Million Dreams
Your Student’s Voice Could Be in the Marching Millers Competition Show!
The NHS Marching Millers invite students in grades K-8 to enter for a chance to win their Million Dreams contest. Your student’s voice, describing the world they dream of, could be highlighted in the band’s competition show for the upcoming school year! Three winners will be chosen. For more information go here.
Cafe News
Nutrition and Food Services is looking to hire several positions. Hours work great with kid's schedules, no nights, weekends, or holidays. For more information contact Erin Brattain at 317-773-3171 ext.10420 or erin_brattain@nobl.k12.in.us.
Week of 5/16 – 5/20
On the days with two options, one item is guaranteed, but it could be either option. Prepare to possibly have either option once one item runs out.
A– Rotini & Meat Sauce w/ breadstick
B- Yogurt Combo Pack (V)
A- Fish Bites & Mac & Cheese
B– Chicken Caesar Salad
C- Garden Salad
A–Chicken Patty Sandwich
B– Deli Sandwich
A–Cheeseburger Sliders
B– PBJ Combo
A–Bosco Sticks
B– Deli Sandwich
Community News
NEFL Youth Football & Cheer (K-6)
Registration is open and closes July 4th.
Click here for more information
Miller Explorers Summer Camp
Click here for registration information.
Noblesville Learn to Swim
Swim lessons (Age 4-14)
Click here for more information.
NSEF Amazing Miller Race - Virtual Scavenger Hunt
June 3-5, 2022
Click here for more information