The Olive Branch 5.16.21
What's Up At The Nest...
Principal's Message
Dear OMS families,
We hope you had a wonderful weekend and found time to relax outside.
On Friday afternoon the heat in our building was turned off in anticipation of the warm weather approaching. The A/C startup process will take several days to complete districtwide and it is anticipated that our system will be on later in the week.
If we experience unseasonably cold weather, please make sure your child brings an extra layer of clothing if necessary as we are not able to turn the heat on.
In case you missed Dr. Bein's recent letter, masks will continue to be required on all D25 property. We have done such an amazing job at keeping each other healthy and safe, let's keep it up for a few more weeks.
Looking forward to great week,
Erin, Julia, and the OMS staff
ABC Countdown
Hat Day- Wear your favorite hat or a fun hat.
I-Spy Day - Can you find the hidden objects?
Joke Day- Share some jokes or read a joke book.
Kindness Day- Kindness is important every day, but today, make kindness a priority and do as many kind things as you can!
Language Day - Learn to say hello in a new language!
Have you REGISTERED yet?
CURRENT FAMILIES - You should have received an email from D25 with registration steps and a link to follow. If you did not receive this information please check your SPAM folder. If it isn't there contact Chris and Allison at
NEW FAMILIES - If you know of a new family moving into the area please spread the word and share the links below so that they can register too!
Kindergarten Registration CLICK HERE
NEW STUDENT (Grades 1st-8th) Pre-Registration CLICK HERE
As we like to think "the more the merrier" let's fill up the nest!
Olive-Mary Stitt Elementary
Ms. Erin Davis, Principal
Mrs. Julia Pemberton, Assistant Principal
Location: 303 East Olive Street, Arlington Heights, IL, USA
Phone: 847.398.4282
Twitter: @ahsd25Olive