Merrymount Elementary School
September 2023
Welcome Back to School!
Please call the school at 617-984-8762 or email Secretary Stacy Scott at with any questions or assistance needed.
We look forward to seeing you on the first day of school!
Assistant Principal: John Rogan
Secretary: Stacy Scott
Guidance Counselor: Mairead Bastian
Nurse: Mollie Ehrlich 617-984-8925
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7:45 AM - 2:00 PM
Wednesday - Early Release 7:45 AM - 11:25 AM
4 Agawam Road
Quincy, MA 02169
Telephone: 617-984-8762
Fax: 617-984-8909
After-school Strings Program for Grades 2-5
On Friday, September 29th, there will be a string instrument demonstration for students in grades 2 and 3 (if any student in grade 4 or 5 is interested in attending the demonstration, please email your student's homeroom teacher to let them know by Thursday, September 28th). The program is open to any student in grades 2-5 and more information can be found below.
Band Instrument Program for Grades 4 and 5
On Thursday, September 21st, there was a band instrument demonstration for Grades 4 and 5 at Merrymount. Please see the flyers below for more information.
As a reminder, band instrument rental night will be on Monday, September 25 at 6pm at Quincy High School. Families need fill out the online rental form by the afternoon of Friday, September 22nd to be able to pick up their instrument at rental night.
PTO Meeting ~ September 20th at 6:30 in the Merrymount School Media Center
Band Demonstration for Grades 4&5 on Thursday
On Thursday, September 21st, the QPS instrumental music teachers will be holding band instrument demonstrations for grades 4 and 5. String demonstrations will be held on a later date.
QCARE Families
When collecting your Merrymount student at QCARE, please exit the QCARE door. For safety and security reasons, please refrain from walking through the school or visiting your student's classroom after school hours. Thank you.
QPS Opt Out of Photo/Video
Families who want to opt out of photo/video of their student being shared with the press or appearing on social media. Please follow this link to see the form:
Quincy Schools Exhibit at the QArts Gallery
Back to School Information
First day of School for Grades 1-5 is Wednesday, September 6, 2023. The first day of school is an early release day. We dismiss at 11:25 am.
Breakfast starts at 7:30 am on September 6th and students may enter through front door. Lunch will be served as well.
Kindergarten Orientation is Friday, September 8, 2023.
Open House is Tuesday, September 12, 2023 @5-6:30 pm
QPS School Committee Meeting is Wednesday, September 13, 2023.
*Date Change! Merrymount School Council/PTO Meeting is Wednesday, September 20, 2023.
September Calendar
- Monday, September 4 Labor Day
- Tuesday, September 5 Welcome Back Merrymount Staff
- Wednesday, September 6 First Day of School Grades 1-5
- Friday, September 8 Kindergarten Orientation/Merrymount Pride Day*
- Monday, September 11 First Day of School Kindergarten
- Monday, September 11 9/11 Day of Remembrance
- Tuesday, September 12 Open House 5-6:30 PM
- Wednesday, September 13 QPS School Committee Meeting 6:30 PM
- September 15-October 15 Hispanic Heritage Month/Merrymount Pride Day
- September 15-17 Rosh Hashanah
- September 18th Citywide PTO Meeting
- September 19-28 Ganesh Chaturthi
- September 20 School Council/PTO Meeting at 6:30pm at Merrymount School in the Media Center
- September 21 - Band Demo for Grades 4/5
- Saturday, September 23 Autumn Equinox
- Monday, September 24/25 Yom Kippur
- Monday, September 25 Extended Day Programs Begin/Band Instrument Rental Night QHS
- Wednesday, September 27 Heath Screenings K and 5 at MMT/QPS School Committee
- Friday, September 29 Mid-Autumn Festival
- Friday, September 29 Strings Demo for Grades 2/3
- Tuesday, October 3 Band Begins
- Tuesday, October 10 Picture Day
*On Merrymount Pride Days wear class shirt, class colors, Merrymount gear or Merrymount school colors to show your Merrymount Pride!
Arrival and Dismissal Locations
School Begins at 7:45 am.
Students will line up with their assigned homeroom. Please the map below for arrival and dismissal locations.
- Friendly reminder that only students will be permitted inside the school building. Please see below for more information about our visitor protocols.
- **Please note the slight change to the Grade 2 arrival area for Monday, 9/25
Protocols for Visitors Entering the Quincy Public Schools
Drop Off and Pick Up Protocols
- Many of our families walk to school! All members of the Merrymount Community must use crosswalks when arriving and leaving the school. Our Quincy Police Department crossing guard will assist you at our front intersection both before and after school.
When driving to Merrymount, you have the option to drop-off or park.
Drop off: To help with the flow of traffic during morning drop off, please help by pulling over to drop students off on on Agawam Road. Please do not stop in the street and block the flow of traffic. When pulling over, please be mindful of the driveways of our neighbors, and of the buses, teachers and other families trying to travel down the street.
Parking: Families that would like to park their car to drop off or pick up their child can do so along the neighboring streets of Merrymount School. However, please be mindful when parking on side streets near the school, especially on the corners of Virginia Road and Agawam Road as well as Virginia Road and Shore Avenue. The buses need clearance to turn and exit the neighborhood safely. Please avoid parking opposite from other cars on our side streets. It restricts passage for both buses and emergency vehicles. all city parking sign regulations.
- Staff Parking Lot: Please refrain from parking in the staff parking lot at the side of Merrymount School as this is used for staff as well as the drop off area for the morning.
- Bus Transportation: Quincy Public Schools is now accepting applications for transportation for the 2023-2024 school year. Please note that a new application must be filled out each year to renew your student's transportation. Please use the link here for more information.
Requests for early dismissal of students must be submitted in writing either through a note or an email to the secretary. Students will only be released to a parent, guardian, or adult authorized on their contact card. If a new adult who is not listed on your contact card, will be picking up your child, we will need in writing, by note or email, of the full name of the person picking up your child. When dismissing your child, you will be asked for identification.
If you find it necessary to change your child's dismissal plans, please send a note or email to your child’s homeroom teacher and our secretary in the morning. If an emergency situation arises, please call the office.
Pets on School Grounds
Pets must be leashed at all times and on the sidewalk/outside perimeter area for everyone’s safety.
Merrymount Health Procedures
1. If your child is sick, absent or tardy, please call or email Stacy Scott at 617-984-8762 or DAILY until your child is well.
2. Students are sent home by the school nurse for the following reasons:
Parents will be notified by phone so please make sure the telephone numbers you have listed are active.
· Fever above 100.0 Fahrenheit
· Vomiting
· Diarrhea
· Severe injury at school
· Your child may return to school 24 hours after the last time experiencing fever above 99.6, diarrhea or vomiting without medication.
3. Medications will only be given when these procedures are followed:
· Medications must be sent in the original prescription bottle including: label with name, dosage and directions.
· Students requiring medication while in school must have a signed doctor’s order from his/her physician for each new school year along with documented parental consent. The medication must be brought to school by an adult in the original prescription bottle. If the decision is made to stop administration in school, a letter from the doctor and parent is required.
· Short-term medications (antibiotics, allergy-relief, etc.) can and should be given at home. Physicians can prescribe a convenient schedule to conform to this ruling. If this is not possible, the above rules apply.
· The following over-the-counter medications have been prescribed as a “Standing Order” by the QPS doctor : acetaminophen (up to 650 mg), Tums (up to two tabs), and ibuprofen (up to 400 mg). These medications can be administered by your child’s nurse with signed parental consent (an option on the Student Health Information Update Form, which is distributed yearly).
· Elementary students should never carry medications of any kind to school in their pocket, backpacks or lunch boxes. This could be very harmful to your child if the incorrect dose is taken and, if lost, dangerous to other students who may ingest the lost medicine.
4. Please notify me via email (even if on a weekend) if your child has been diagnosed with:
· Strep throat, Pink eye, Impetigo, 5th Disease, Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease
· Respiratory Influenza A or B
· Pneumonia
· Chicken pox, Measles, Whooping cough, Mononucleosis
· Covid-19
5. In accordance with Massachusetts Department of Public Health regulations, each incoming 4th grade student needs a physical submitted with a date of 9/1/22 or later. Your student might be due for a physical over the summer and you can send that along when you get it. This is just a reminder to submit the physical as soon as you can. This can be emailed, faxed or dropped off to the main office.
6. Life-threatening allergies are a major concern for schools. Children with such allergies can be put in harm’s way if they come in contact with and/or consume certain foods such as: peanuts, eggs, nuts and milk. Allergic reactions can vary with each child and can be life threatening. QPS has guidelines based on the health needs of their students and parents are asked to comply. Parents are asked not to send in food for their child’s classroom (i.e birthdays, Halloween, etc.)
Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thank you,
Mollie Ehrlich MSN, RN
School Nurse
Homeroom Assignments
Kindergarten Students: Kindergarten parents were emailed information about Homeroom/Classroom assignments and about Kindergarten Orientation. Orientation times have been scheduled for Friday, September 8th. The first day of school for all Kindergarten students is Monday, September 11th.
Do you need help with your Aspen Account information or your Aspen Password Reset?
Please contact our secretary, Ms. Scott at 617-984-8762 or to have Aspen password reset.
Alternately, please fill out this form. QPS I.T. will reach out to you once your request is complete.
You may also send an email to:
Breakfast and Lunch Program
Breakfast will be served in the cafeteria before school at 7:30am. Students may enter the front doors at Merrymount for breakfast.
Free lunch will continue to be served every school day including all half days at the K-12 level. Elementary schools will continue to serve lunch in the classroom on Wednesday half days to ensure maximum access to a healthy meal throughout the week.
We strongly continue to encourage families to complete the free and reduced meal application, as there are many other financial benefits, such as access to the P-EBT/Summer EBT benefits, discounts on internet/cable service, free SAT testing, waivers on college application fees, etc.
Please visit our Quincy School Nutrition website here for an application. You can also find other useful information such as menus, pre-payment options, links to our social media accounts, and educational tools. Or you can also go to and find our website under the “School Nutrition Department information” link in the center of the home page.
New Staff at Merrymount!
Ms. Meg Ward and Ms. Ariana Biancuzzo has joined Grade 4 as a teacher and Ms. Christina Bither has joined Grade 5 as a teacher. Ms. Emilia Guarente (Media) will be covering Ms. Curto's paternity leave this fall and Mr. Conor Driscoll will cover Media classes.
Volunteering at Merrymount
Would You Like to Volunteer at Merrymount During the 2023-2024 School Year?
QPS School Calendar
At the September 13th School Committee Meeting, the 2023-2024 School Year calendar was reviewed in light of scheduling of the 2024 Massachusetts Presidential Primary Election Day on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. March 5 will now be a NO SCHOOL day as most school buildings are now polling sites. (The Coddington Building and high school offices will be open.)
The updated calendar is above, please note the following:
The scheduled last day of school for students moved to Tuesday, June 18 (if no snow days).
For staff, the last day of school moves to Thursday, June 20 (if no snow days).
The last day for seniors moved to Friday, May 31
The SchoolMessenger system is essential for notification and communication. QPS school officials will use SchoolMessenger to deliver a single, clear message to parents or guardians by telephone, cell phone, email, or text message in any combination. SchoolMessenger can also be used to notify you of a school closing due to inclement weather and to communicate daily information, such as sports schedules, newsletters, attendance notifications, and other announcements.
The system is set up to automatically pull your contact information from what we have in our Student Information System (Aspen) and carry it over into SchoolMessenger. Please contact your school building office to update your contact information or confirm you are receiving SchoolMessenger communications.
If you have not been receiving district text messages, you may opt-in by texting "Y" or "Yes" to our school's short code number: 67587. This is a FREE service and you may opt-out at any time by replying to one of our messages with "Stop."
Open Parachute School Wellness Program
There are some excellent parent resources available (link) to families to help navigate the many stages of a child's life.
Please feel free to reach out to Mrs. Bastian with any questions.
Merrymount School Council/PTO/EDI
September we Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month!
Please see some wonderful information about Hispanic Heritage (linked here) put together by our Merrymount EDI Committee.
Merrymount PTO Officers
Co-President: Marianne Anderson
Co-President: Amy Bacchieri
Co-Vice President: Lori Jacobs
Co-Vice President: Dana Lawson
Co-Secretary: Madeline Reggiannini
Co-Secretary: Kimberly Mace
Co-Treasurer: Meaghan Sturtevant
Co-Treasurer: Taylor Sturtevant
The first meeting is scheduled for September 20th! The meeting will be held at Merrymount School in the Media Center.
- PTO Website link
- PTO Facebook Page: Merrymount School PTO
- PTO Email:
- School Council Email:
- Citywide PTO link
Merrymount Class Shirts
The PTO has ordered each Merrymount student a Merrymount shirt. Each grade level will receive a different colored shirt that can be worn on Merrymount Pride Days (Fridays) or for school, grade or class activities! So let's show our Merrymount Pride on Friday, September 8th and wear our Merrymount class shirt! Thank you PTO!
Class Colors for 2023-2024
Kindergarten = Red
1st = Orange
2nd = Yellow
3rd = Green
4th = Blue
5th = Purple