Dublin High School
Week of September 5, 2023
A Note From Dr. Overstreet...
We're thrilled to spotlight the Dublin City Schools College and Career Academy's Welding Pathway - a classroom where sparks of innovation and opportunity fly high!
“Industry is begging for welders,” explains Ben Lanier, CEO of The WAY. “It’s a huge need in our workforce. And, while in years past, industry leaders have had to pay for their staff to earn certifications, our students will already have them before they leave Dublin High School.”
In fact, for the first time, Dublin High School has five students who will earn THREE Technical College Certificates before they graduate. Taj Carswell, Kelwuan Gilmore, Deago Jackson, Jyah Jackson and Jarvis Wiggins are true trailblazers in our Welding Pathway. Having already taken dual-enrollment classes through Oconee Fall Line Technical College, each can prove they’ve mastered stick welding, welding in the flat position and using the cutting torch…and they still have months, if not years, before becoming Dublin High School alumni. With work ethics that just won’t quit, Gilmore, J. Jackson and Wiggins take OFTC dual-enrollment classes each evening after a full day of classes and football practices, while Carswell joins after school and off-season practice with Storm Wrestling.
Carswell, who’s only a few classes away from earning his Associate’s Degree, explained that he first learned about welding through a TikTok video and was instantly intrigued the first time he saw it in person.
“It immediately piqued my interest,” he said. “This is my fourth welding class, and I’ve developed a love for it the same way I have for wrestling. It doesn’t stop here. My eventual plans are to become a professional welder.”
After high school, Carswell will begin his welding apprenticeship under his uncle - a successful welder in Atlanta. He credits The WAY with guiding him toward his eventual career path.
“As a 9th Grader, I didn’t understand the College & Career Academy; however, when they started explaining the steps we could take to improve our life on our way to having careers after high school, I was hooked,” he said. “I’ll be able to start in a small town like Dublin, and, by working hard, show others how they can set the stage for their future.”
Unlike Carswell, the intricacies of welding didn’t instantly click for Dublin High School 11th Grader Jarvis Wiggins.
“Truthfully, it was a little rough in the beginning,” he said. “But, I was determined to get the work done, and now, I’m a welder for life. For me, I’ve always wanted a plan, a career that would allow me to be great. And, I feel like welding’s that path. I’m lucky. I have people behind me - like my parents, Coach Lanier, Mr. Yawn, family and friends - that are showing me the correct way to do things and helping me along when I mess up.”
Both Carswell and Wiggins encourage underclassmen to give welding a try, especially if they enjoy working with their hands.
However, since welding’s move back to the Dublin High School campus, the waitlist to begin classes might be a little longer. This year we have 24 students just in Welding 1!
In fact, over the past two years, The WAY has seen an overall 1500% increase in the number of Dublin High Schoolers taking dual-enrollment classes through OFTC, with welding being one of the main contributing factors to our growth!
Fighting Irish Family, join us in celebrating these exceptional students who are shaping the future of welding and bridging the gap in the workforce!
Shamrock Bowl Announcement: We would like to share an important reminder concerning attendance at all Dublin sporting events including the Shamrock Bowl. Children 16 and under are required to be accompanied by an adult in order to be admitted to all athletic events. This will be strictly enforced, and is designed to promote the safety, health, and well being of all students. Also, anyone found to violate the GHSA Code of Conduct, which states “…Profanity, degrading remarks, and intimidating actions directed at officials, competitors, or other spectators will not be tolerated, and are grounds for removal from the event site,” will be banned from future events. Let’s put our best foot forward while also cheering our Irish on to victory! #GoIrish
Student Safety & Wellness: Signing Out Students From School: Students are not allowed to leave campus during the school day without written permission from the parent and approval from the school administration.. No student is allowed to sign out to get lunch and return to school. All students must sign in and out of the school office before departing the school campus. Each student checking out should have a note and should submit it to the Front Office no later than 8:00 a.m. for verification and approval. The note should have the name and telephone number of the parent/guardian to be called. Students shall not be released until a parent/guardian is contacted and the verification process is completed. If a student checks out, he/she must keep his/her check out note and present it to the teachers whose classes were missed when the student returns to school. Under no circumstances should any student leave campus, once the student has arrived on campus, without parent/guardian verification before signing out.
Scholarships: There are several scholarships that are now available. Please review the list of scholarship posted in this newsletter weekly. Students can complete the scholarship application online, or by seeking the assistance of the high school counselor, Ms. Jessica Lemon.
Have a great week!
Don't Stop Believing!
Michael Overstreet
Leadership/Scholarships Opportunities
- 10th, 11th & 12th Graders: Dublin-Laurens International Committee's Dublin-Osaki, Japan Sister-City Exchange Program
- 12th Graders: The Gates Scholarship
- 10th & 11th Graders: Laurens Youth Leadership Application - Due Monday, August 28th 10th, 11th & 12th Graders: GSBA's Student Video Contest
- 10th, 11th & 12 Graders: Superintendent Woods seeks 2023-2024 Student Advisory Council
- 11th and 12th Graders: United States Youth Senate Program - Due September 29th
- 12th Grade Only Coco Cola Scholarship https://www.coca-colascholarsfoundation.org/apply/ the deadline to submit is 5 pm Eastern on Monday, October 2, 2023.
- Students Scholaship.org. The Largest Collection of Scholarships on the web: https://studentscholarships.org/scholarships.php
- The Heisman High School https://apply.mykaleidoscope.com/apply/a0DHq00000leoNrMAI/a1PHq00000BlyySMAR
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, 9/5, Lady Irish Volleyball vs West Laurens 5PM/Home
Tuesday, 9/5 Lady Irish vs Montgomery County 5:30/Home
Wednesday, 9/6 Lady Irish vs Washington County 5:30/Home
Thursday, 9/7, Lady Irish Volleyball vs Taylor County @ 5PM/Home
Thursday, 9/7 Irish Cross Country GMC Bulldog Dash 5:30PM Away
Thursday, 9/7 Lady Irish Softball vs Bleckley County 5:30/Home
Thursday, 9/7: Dublin High School Blood Drive
Thursday, 9/7: Dublin High School Lady Irish Volleyball AWAY @ Taylor County at 5:00 PM
Friday,9/8: Dublin High School Football AWAY @ Emanual County at 7:30 PM
Saturday, 9/9: Dublin High School Administering ACT
Tuesday, 9/12: Dublin High School Cross Country @ Warner Robins at 4:30 PM
Tuesday, 9/12: Dublin High School Lady Irish Volleyball AWAY @ Bryan County at 6:00 PM
Tuesday, 9/12: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ East Laurens at 6:00 PM
Wednesday,9/13: Dublin High School Lady Irish Volleyball HOME vs. Talbotton Central at 5:00 PM & Taylor at 7:00 PM
Thursday, 9/14: Dublin High School Governance Team Meeting at 5:00 PM
Thursday, 9/14: Dublin High School JV Football HOME vs. Jefferson County at 5:00 PM
Thursday,914: Dublin High School Lady Irish Softball AWAY @ Swainsboro at 6:00 PM
Friday, 9/15: Dublin High School Football HOME vs. Metter at 7:30 PM
Saturday, 9/16: Cross Country @ Hawkinsville Red Devil's Invitational
September 9/25 - 29: Dublin High School's Book Fair
Monday, 9/25: Local School Governance Team Training
About Us
Email: michael.overstreet@dcsirish.com
Website: https://dhs.dublincityschools.us/en-US
Location: 1127 Hillcrest Pkwy, Dublin, GA 31021, USA
Phone: 478-353-8040
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhsirish
Twitter: @dublinhighga