Parkview Panthers Newsletter #5
August 14, 2023
Principal's Message
What an amazing turn out for our school Curriculum Night! Thank you to all the families who were able to attend. Bridging the connection between home and school is very important in supporting the success of all students.
I would like to share out some exciting news for our school, the CAASPP data for the 2022-2023 school year has been released and our amazing staff did a phenomenal job teaching academics to our Panthers. In Language Arts, we ranked 12th out of the 50 schools in our district for being proficient/advanced. In mathematics, we ranked 6th out of the 50 schools for being proficient/advanced. Teamwork makes a difference!
Just a few reminders:
TK and Kinder parents, for safety purposes, please ensure your child lines up in their designated line before school. Students are not to use the play structure, tricycles, or run around on the grass. Thank you for your support.
To support in the reduction of loss of instructional time, please remind your child to bring their lunch to school (if they bring a lunch).
Late pick ups, students need to be picked up on time. The front office cannot provide after school childcare as there are many things happening throughout the day.
Reminders for the Week:
PTA Shoe Drive...August 14-25
Our PTA is collecting new or gently used shoes for the shoe drive. Donation boxes will be in each classroom.
DAC/DELAC...Tuesday, August 15 @ 12pm
The district will have its first DAC/DELAC meeting of the year. Thank you to Rebecca Arce and Sylvia Martinez for attending.
Fall Pictures...Wednesday, August 16
All students will take their fall picture...remind your child to bring their best smile!
MTSS/PBIS meeting...Wednesday, August 16 @ 3:30pm
We will have our MTSS/PBIS (behavior support) meeting in room 202.
School Site Council Meeting...Thursday, August 17 @ 3:30pm
Our first SSC meeting of the school year will take place in room 202.
PTA General Association Meeting...Thursday, August 16 @ 3:30pm
All PTA members and anyone considering joining PTA can attend the meeting. It will take place in the new PTA room, located on the north side of the lunch arbor next to the kinder playground.
Parkview school website:
DASH after school program information...
For any parent questions, please email
Monday - Thursday DASH hours 3:10pm - 5:40pm
Friday & Minimum Day DASH hours 1:40pm - 5:20pm
School-wide Expectations: We ask that all students, staff, and community follow our 3 school-wide expectations.
Be Safe
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Have an amazing weekl!
GO PANTHERS! #PantherPride!
Warm regards,
Ms. Valdivia
Principal - Parkview
Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night
Curriculum Night
Panther Pride
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Curriculum Night
Panther Pride Assembly
Panther Pride
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Panther Pride Assembly
Upcoming Events
August 22: Coffee w/ the Principal/ELAC mtg. 9:00am (Rm. 202)
August 22: Fall Picture Make ups
August 28: School Safety Committee mtg. 3:30pm (Rm. 202)
September 4: Labor Day (Legal Holiday)
September 4: PTA FUN RUN event
September 12: DAC/DELAC District mtg. 12pm
September 12: PTA Executive Board mtg. 5pm
September 13: Board of Education mtg. 6pm
September 14-21: Parent-Teacher Conferences (minimum days)
September 14: School Site Council mtg. 3:30pm (Rm. 202)
September 19: Coffee w/ the Principal/ELAC mtg. 9:00am (Rm. 202)
September 20: Red Carpet Awards Assembly - 9am (TK-2), 10am (3-6th)
September 21: PTA General Association mtg. 3:30pm (Rm. 603)
September 22: Family Flick Night w/ concessions 7:30pm
September 22: Last of School for Quarter 1
September 25-October 9: Fall Break (no school)
October 10: Students Return to School (minimum day)
Parkview Elementary School
Location: 575 Juniper Street, Chula Vista, CA, USA
Phone: (619) 421-5483