MTMS Wolf Wire
February 2, 2024
MT's purpose is to educate and empower students to become responsible citizens
Important Dates
School Dates
February 14 - 1/2 day students released @ 11:12am
February 14 - Parent Teacher Conferences walk-in 4:00pm - 7:30pm
February 15 - No School (Parent Teacher Conferences)
February 15 - Parent Teacher Conferences by appointment 9:30am - 8:00pm
February 16 - No School
Boys Basketball
February 5 -7th grade @ Warren
February 5 - 8th grade vs Warren
February 6- 7th grade vs Pioneer Ridge
February 6 - 8th grade @ Pioneer Ridge
February 8- 7th grade @ Trail Ridge
February 8 - 8th grade vs Trial Ridge
February 4 - Last day to order spirit wear
February 8 - Papa John’s All DAY
February 21 - General PTA Meeting
A Few Words from the Principal
MTMS continues to send the message that kindness matters. During the month of February we have challenged our students to do 1 act of kindness each day. We hope you see your student spreading this kindness at home. They might help their siblings with homework, read to a younger sibling, help with chores around the house, or telling you that they love you. Your student may also ask for help in completing an act of kindness in the community. We have given students a list of over 50 different acts of kindness. They are not limited to this list; they may also identify their own acts of kindness to carry out. Ask your student about their acts of kindness.
Students who complete 1 act of kindness each day for the 29 days in February and records them (they may double up on three days) will be recognized and entered to win prizes. We are excited to see these acts of kindness filling the halls of MT, your homes, and the community.
Take care!
Jennifer Smith
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent teacher conferences are quickly approaching. Here is some information about the format for conferences.
Wednesday, February 14 - Conferences will be open for everyone to attend. Teachers will be available to discuss your student's progress in the commons and gym from 4:00pm - 7:30pm
Thursday, February 15 - Conferences will be by scheduled appointment with teams from 9:30am - 8:00pm. Teams have sent out information regarding setting appointments.
If you have questions or concerns, remember teachers are always available to meet with you and you do not have to wait to have a conversation about your student's academic success.
Spelling Bee
Congratulations to these students who placed or got medals at the Kaw Valley League Spelling Bee on February 1:
Camryn K. - 1st place, 6th grade
Lola K. - 2nd place, 6th grade
Declan B. - 4th place, 7th grade
Ethan J. - 6th place, 7th grade
Anna S. - 6th place, 8th grade
We are very proud of you!
From Student Council
It's Candy Gram time! All next week, StuCo will sell Candy Grams during lunch for fifty cents apiece. Buy some for your friends, your teachers, and yourself! Be sure to know 8th hour classes as delivery will take place during ELT.
National School Counselor Week - February 5 - 9
Help us to thank our school counselors for everything that they do to help us be our best. Please take a few minutes to send your counselor a quick email showing your thanks.
Ms. Olson - 7th grade Navigators and 9th grade - colson@usd232.org
Mr. Keltner - 6th grade and 7th grade Trailblazers - skeltner@usd232.org
Career Exploration Day - Your help needed!
MTMS will have a career exploration day on the morning of March 8. We need your help to make this day a success.
We are looking for individuals to share with our student scholars about their careers on the morning of Friday, March 8. Our goal is to provide our scholars the chance to learn about a variety of opportunities for their future as they prepare to make their course selections for the 2024-2025 school year. If you or someone you know would be willing to share during a short small group presentation, please complete the information on the form linked below. We will provide more details about the day to those who respond. We look forward to partnering with you.
Career Exploration Day Presenter Form
Thank you for supporting our scholars by completing this form. If you have questions or need additional information please reach out to Principal Smith at jrsmith@usd232.org.
Spirit Wear
New spirit wear is available! Check out our store for the latest designs and updated selections. There are lots to choose from. www.tinyurl.com/MTMSWinter24. MTMS PTA will receive a portion of the total profits to invest back in the school. Please contact Amber Scherrer at ascherrer@usd232.org with any questions. Thank you for your support!
Please note, sale ends Sunday, February 4th!
From PTA
Restaurant/Business Givebacks:
Hi MT, with your support, we raised about $212 at our Spirit Night at Urban Air on Kansas Day!🌻 Please save the date for our next restaurant fundraiser with our local Papa John's all day on Thursday 2/8 and 25% of orders using code MTMS will benefit Monticello Trails! Please reach out to Andrea Lerner at (620)757-0349 with questions.
Spirit Wear:
New spirit wear is available! Check out our store for the latest designs and updated selections. There are lots to choose from. www.tinyurl.com/MTMSWinter24. MTMS PTA will receive a portion of the total profits to invest back in the school. Please contact Amber Scherrer at ascherrer@usd232.org with any questions. Thank you for your support!
Please note, sale ends Sunday, February 4th!
Our next general PTA meeting will be Wednesday, February 21st at 5:30pm in the MTMS office. Please join us if you would like to hear what we’ve been up to.
From Nurse K.
Illness, Covid and Influenza (the Flu)
Please report any symptoms of illness to the school.
Please be specific- report symptoms such as sore throat, nausea, and fever instead of reporting “ill” or “sick”. Giving symptoms helps with Health Department Reporting and to see illness trends at MTMS and in the district.
The transition to chillier weather often comes hand-in-hand with cold and flu season, but healthy habits can help protect everyone from getting or spreading germs. As we enter cold and flu season, we appreciate you encouraging these healthy habits with your children.
- If you have a child who is sick, we ask for your support by keeping them at home. Students and staff must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication, and free of vomiting and/or diarrhea for 24 hours before returning to school.
· If your student is diagnosed with Influenza (“the Flu”) or with COVID, they must remain at home for 5 days from the onset of illness, with return on day 6.
· If you have questions about your student’s health, please contact your school nurse. Additional information regarding health and wellness is available on the district website.
· Remind your child of important preventative measures for any illness, such as coughing into the sleeve, frequently washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and getting plenty of rest and fluids.
Illness and Covid policy can be found by clicking on the following links:
Attendance Line: (913) 422-5854
Fax Line: (913) 422-4990
Website: http://mtms.usd232.org/
Location: 6100 Monticello Road, Shawnee, KS, United States
Phone: (913) 422-1100
Twitter: @mtms_wolves