Panui / Newsletter
Rāmere Friday 9th December Hakihea 2022 (T4:W8/8)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
It's the last week of Term Four and the last week of the school year for 2022.
Thank You: It has been a big year for the school as we move forward and mostly out of the COVID restrictions and seek to run the school as normally as we can. Thank you for your support and understanding throughout the last several years which has certainly been a time like no other. We have a great school supported by a committed and strong community.
Concerts and Prize Givings: The year is now complete and has ended with celebrating our children and their talents at our concerts and Year Six Farewell. There are videos and photos up on our Facebook page for you to enjoy. A big thank you to the staff for all their work with this as there is a lot of behind-the-scenes thought and effort to get everything together for you our parent community. I would like to especially mention Miss Sanne den Boon who has a lot to organise and manage with our Year Six children and she does it adeptly and confidently. Sanne is a real asset to our school. Thank you, Sanne.
Staffroom: We finally got back into our staffroom last Friday as the carpet went down. It was good to free up the Thomas Brydone Learning Centre space for its activities and be back 'home' in the staffroom. The Learning Support Coordinators Office (my previous office) is mostly set up for them to be able to work with the children. It is proving its worth already.
Boiler: We still expect this project to get done over the holiday period and so please be vigilant if you have children playing at school as there will be a lot of work involved around our boiler area so best practice is to keep well away.
Christmas Postie Elf: Christmas card deliveries are complete for another year and several thousand cards have gone out across the rooms to children. It is a great way to put our values into practical action to bring a smile to the face of another person. Thank you to the mums and dads who supported their children in the process. The children really enjoy it. It is very affirming for them as many don't receive mail nowadays.
Out-of-School Achievements: We love highlighting the out-of-school achievements our students are involved with. Send any photos or links to and we will pop them up on our Facebook page.
First Day Back 2023: The first day back for the children will be Wednesday 1st February 2023. School starts at 8:50 am with the classrooms and the school office open from 8:30 am.
Book Packs: Please note that a Book Pack for your child is available from the school office. The office will be open before school starts from 10-00 am until 3-00 pm on...
- Thursday 26th January,
- Friday 27th January,
- Monday 30th January
- Tuesday 31st January
This will enable you to purchase your child’s Book Pack.
We expect that all stationery purchases will be completed prior to our first day back for pupils so that they are all ready to go.
Acknowledging - Team Edendale
- Andrea Russell: The end of the year is something close to frenetic in the office as there are so many tasks for now and next year. Two of the more hidden jobs relate to tidying up the end-of-year accounts and moving into another financial audit round. This requires a lot of documents and 'ticking boxes' to have all the material available for the accountant and auditor. Andrea adeptly manages the multiplicity of tasks incredibly well as it doesn't seem to get less but more and more that is required of schools.
Our Events Coming Up
Term Dates - 2023
- Term 1: Wednesday 1st February to Thursday 6th April (10 weeks)
- Term 2: Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June (10 weeks)
- Term 3: Monday 17th July to Friday 22nd September (10 weeks)
- Term 4: Monday 9th October to Wednesday 13th December (10 weeks)
Term One 2023
Week 2
- Monday 6th February - Waitangi Day Public Holiday (School Closed)
Week 3
- Monday 13th February to Friday 17th February - Goal Setting
Week 4
- Tuesday 21st February 7.00 pm - School Board AGM and General Meeting
Our Kura News and Information
Well done to the Jump Jam teams that performed at the Wyndham A & P Show last Saturday. Thanks to Mrs Coyle for organising this and parents for supporting this.
MLT Senior Citizens Lunch - Performance
On Tuesday Teams Kiwi and Pukeko headed across to the Pioneer Tavern to sing their concert items and a Christmas song for the MLT Edendale Senior Citizens Christmas lunch.
It was a pleasure to be involved and we hope they enjoyed the entertainment!
Thank you to our local MLT board member Jeannine Cunningham for the invite.
Thank you to Mrs Coyle and Mrs Duffy for their work on this.
Merry Christmas to all our wonderful Senior Citizens!
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Term One - First Meeting and AGM for 2023
The School Board's next and first meeting for 2023 will be an AGM followed by a General Meeting on Tuesday 21st February, starting at 7.00 pm in the staffroom.
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term One 2023
The Term One 2023 meeting of the Home and School, also an AGM, is scheduled for Monday 27th of February at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Bobby Calves - Thank You
Thank you to the many families who are supporting the school through livestock grazing and raising. Of recent note is a big thank you to Paul and Helena Hoekstra for a contribution to the Home and School through their bobby calves.
Our Writer of the Week - Fleur Blackmore
End-of-Year Farewell Speech
Leaving primary school is like leaving the nest and soaring into the sky. It's time to leave the past behind. Spread your wings and fly!!!
Welcome to Team Kahu’s last day at Edendale Primary school, I'm Fleur and I'm going to tell you about my journey through my schooling years at Edendale Primary School.
For me, it all started in Room One, Team Kea in October 2016. Mrs Robertson was the teacher that welcomed me into the school and sent my learning mind off to a great start. I skipped Team Kiwi with Mrs Weir and trotted to Team Weka in the Thomas Brydone Learning Center. This was Miss McVicar’s classroom and her first year teaching at Edendale Primary School. She had so many new tricks to teach us, one of them being sign language. I always remember this when the song “This is me” by Stan Walker, plays on the radio.
Off to the senior block we went to find Miss Nicol. This was our third year at school and we have only had a couple of our classmates move on to other schools but also had more join us. Mrs Russell was the Year 4 teacher and this is when Covid hit the country.
Lockdown learning was a different way to learn but she helped us all through this hard time. We missed our friends, the playground and all things school related. It was a hard year for Dads and Mums as they became teachers too… (but without the years of study to help them) - thank you to all the parents, even if you wanted to pull your hair out at this time!!
We all had fingers crossed for a good year ahead, entering Year 5 we had Miss Nicol jump back into being our teacher. It was a fast year with lots of ups and downs. Covid wasn't leaving the country and we all had to keep ourselves safe. No parents at school and masks on our faces became a way of life. At the end of the year, we had Mrs Ure step in to be our teacher.
We have now arrived in 2022 and are Year Sixes at Edendale School. Team Kahu classmates and our teacher Miss Den Boon are standing in this room around you all. It's been a year to remember as we have come out the other side of Covid we got to enjoy sports days, swim sports, Pet day and having parents back on the school grounds.
The children in my classroom started in small uniforms and shoes but look at us now. We have all grown up (well some of us are still short) and are ready for the next chapter in our schooling lives.
Our primary school journey has come to an end. We all choose our own path to lead us to the next step in our lives. Nothing can stop us now we’re going to high school, different teachers, different students but all the same friends. I will miss the staff members and the amazing students I have met. And I will never forget how awesome Edendale School is. It has been an amazing primary school journey.
Dr Seuss said
“You’re off to a great place,
Today is your day!
Your mountains
are waiting, So…
Get on your way”.
This is probably the last time we will ever say this but… “Edendale Primary School is the school where our dreams begin. And to help us reach our dreams we are Confident, Connected, Actively-Involved Lifelong learners!
Our Community - News
Boys Outreach and Girls Rally - Final Night Friday 9th December 6.30pm-9.30pm.
- Boys and Girls combined
- Queen's Park Challenge night
- Everyone 9 years old and up is welcome, just come along
- Christian Activity Centre, George St, Edendale
- Contacts Liz Pask at 027 657 4615 or Johno Ferguson at 027 444 1102.
Youth Group - Saturday 10th December 7pm
- Ten Pin Bowling $10
- Meet at Christian Activity Centre, George St, Edendale
- Anyone Year 9 and up is welcome.
- For any questions contact Becs Ferguson at 027 412 4941.
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool