Blanco High School
Panther Prowler -- December 1, 2023
Mark Your Calendar
December 1 - Girls Basketball @ Marion Tournament
December 1 - Football vs Edna - Regional Finals - Bastrop - 7 PM
December 2 - Girls Basketball @ Marion Tournament
December 2 - Blanco County Livestock Show work day - Johnson City - 8 AM
December 2 - UCA Southwest Regional Cheer Competition
December 5 - English 1 STAAR EOC retest
December 5 - Boys Basketball vs Navarro - 5 PM
December 5 - Girls Basketball vs Lago Vista - 5 PM
December 6 - Algebra, US History, and Biology STAAR EOC retest
December 7 - English 2 STAAR EOC retest
December 7 - Band Christmas Concert - BHS Cafeteria - 6:30 PM
December 7 - Boys Basketball at Brady Tournament
December 7 - Girls Basketball at Brady Tournament
December 8 - Boys Basketball at Brady Tournament
December 8 - Girls Basketball at Brady Tournament
December 8 - Fall Musical - Frozen - 2:30 PM
December 8 - Fall Musical - Frozen - 7 PM
December 9 - Boys Basketball at Brady Tournament
December 9 - Girls Basketball at Brady Tournament
December 9 - Fall Musical - Frozen - 7 PM
December 9 - Band Region Auditions
December 9 - Blanco FFA Chapter Show
December 10 - Fall Musical - Frozen - 2:30 PM
STAAR retesting
STAAR retesting will be happening next week. Students who did not pass the STAAR test in the Spring will be taking re-tests. The STAAR test is a required element of graduation.
Seniors and Senior Parents
Friday (December 1) - TODAY - is the LAST DAY to purchase a Senior ad for the 2024 Yearbook. Please use the link below to access the Jostens page. From there you can go to the recognize your student page to purchase the ad.
FAFSA/TAFSA Night for Seniors
Representatives from Schreiner University will be at BHS to assist with FAFSA/TAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid/Texas Application for State Financial Aid). Completion of FAFSA/TAFSA is a graduation requirement. Please bring your completed tax information for 2022 in order to complete the forms. This will be held on January 11 from 5:30-7:30 PM in the Blanco HS Cafeteria.
Survey says...
Parents should have received a Leader in Me Survey earlier this week. Please take the time to complete the survey so we can better assess our needs and utilize Leader in Me in the most efficient way possible. The survey will close on December 15. If you have not received the survey link, please let us know (using contact information at the bottom of the newsletter) so we can send another link.
Athletic News
The varsity girls basketball travelled to Marion for tournament action on November 30. They lost to Yoakum and San Antonio Christian. They will return to Marion for games on December 1 and 2. The varsity boys played their first game against Marion (November 28). The JV and Varsity both lost.
Frozen schedule changes!
The Blanco HS Theater Musical Production of Frozen was put on ice as cast and crew dealt with some health issues. This caused the postponement of 3 scheduled performances. Everyone is back healthy and ready to perform and we have gotten permission from the company that holds the rights to Frozen Jr. to reschedule those performances. The new dates will include a "double feature" on December 9 with showtimes at 2:30 PM and 7 PM. There will also be one final show on Sunday, Dec 10 at 2:30 PM. Mark your calendars and make plans to attend!
Football Playoffs!
The Panther Football team entered the AAA Division 1 playoffs Thursday (November 9) against Lytle. The BiDistrict Game was held on Thursday (November 9) at Comalander Stadium in San Antonio. The Panthers dispatched Lytle 47-0 to advance to the Area round against London. They defeated London 55--24 moving on to the Regional Semifinals against Goliad. The Panthers were dominant in that game shutting out Goliad 34-0. They will now face Edna in the Regional Finals in Bastrop on Friday, December 1. Game time is 7 PM.
Breakfast with Santa
Please see the information below for a community event that may be of interest to you or your family.
Construction Update
Construction is complete on the temporary student parking lot. Students and parents have adjusted to the change quickly. This lot is TEMPORARY and is only chip sealed at the moment. Once the ECA is constructed the finishing touches including adding curbs and topping the parking lot will be completed.
Fencing has been placed around the current (old) student parking lot. The current lot will soon be taken up and construction on utilities for the new Educational Center for the Arts will begin, with the building to follow.
Parent pickup is now in front of the school. Parents can pick up from 3:40-3:50. Buses will arrive at 3:50 and will also pick up in front. So far, the parent pickup line has progressed quickly and there has been no conflicts with the buses.
Check back for more details as the construction process progresses.
Shout Outs!
In an effort to recognize contributions and accomplishments of BHS students and staff, we will be giving shout outs to individuals or groups who have made and impact, represented Blanco HS well, done a good deed, gone above and beyond expectations, extended a helping hand, received an award, or just did something cool. These are the BHS Shout Outs for the week:
The Panther Football Team for their wins over London and Goliad.
The band, cheer, and colorguard for travelling to San Antonio over the Thanksgiving Break for the playoff game.
Panther fans for showing their support and making their presence known in Seguin on Friday.
Our donor for sponsoring the student spirit bus to the playoff game tonight.
Athletic Tickets
Fans can also download the Home Town Ticketing app to their smartphone and order tickets through the app.
Tickets are usually available for purchase 3-5 days prior to the contest. In person (cash) tickets will not be available at the gate/door.
This will only apply to BISD HOME games. We have no control over how other schools sell their tickets. If other venues require online ticketing, we will provide that information as soon as we have it.
Who to Contact
Blanco High School - 1215 4th St., Blanco, TX - 78606 -- Phone 830-833-4337
Brad Kinney - Principal - brad.kinney@blancoisd.org
Jake Raley - Assistant Principal - jacob.raley@blancoisd.org
Deeanna McLendon - Counselor - deeanna.mclendon@blancoisd.org
Amy Hackebeil - Academic Dean - amy.hackebeil@blancoisd.org
Lisa Petri - Registrar - lisa.petri@blancoisd.org
Monique Pennington - Secretary - monique.pennington@blancoisd.org