Hornet Happenings
Sharing Best Wishes for 2024
Beverly Bootstraps Donation Drive
MERHS donated over 400 lbs. of food, soap, toothbrushes, diapers, feminine hygiene products, and baby wipes to Beverly Bootstraps in December. We are so proud of our students and their efforts!
PE and Health News
We are currently learning about physical, social, and emotional health. We are researching The Blue Zones. There are 5 cities in the world that are considered the healthiest for a variety of reasons. (Quality of life, average temp, nutrition, social life, family, stress free environment). The students are comparing life in the blue zones with major cities across the United States in an expansive group project.
Music News
Congratulations tto all the student musicians on a successful Winter Concert! The concert featured performances by: Chorus, SoundWaves, Concert Band, Jazz Band, and an original song performed by freshmen Maggie Whitman and Tyler Cummins.
Upcoming Performances:
3/14: Evening of Jazz with guest artist George Darrah (MERHS Class of 2007)
4/4: Spring Concert
5/2: A Cappella Night
5/18-5/20: NYC Trip
MERHS Green Scholars address the need to reduce Carbon Pollution on Campus
Manchester-Essex Seniors developed a project in the Green Team Scholars class that would engage sustainable practices locally. Through research, they were able to expand on an existing project (Walk-Bike Manchester) that has already been implemented. Their focus is to encourage everyone to look at their daily habits. They wanted to create an informative campaign concerning excessive driving, excessive idling and the use of walking and biking as an alternative. They engaged the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection and Massachusetts Department of Transportation to obtain materials to be distributed, as well they have received a variety of signs that will be installed at the schools.
Aiden Brown and Gavin Davis discussing with a parent excess Idling, and the production of CO2 and CO that it causes
Paul Coughlin and Ian Carlin distributing information about how we can achieve better air qualityDebate Team News
Members of the debate team earn recognition through points and degrees in the NSDA Honor Society. Each new degree represents hours of learning, practice, and improvement by our students, which wouldn't be possible without our dedicated coaches!
The following degrees were earned at Manchester Essex Regional High School from 12/01 - 12/31:
Gwendolyn Berger - Distinction
Summer Demeo - Merit
Class of 2024 REMINDER:
Class dues must be paid in full to participate in all senior week activities ($200 per student). Class dues are accepted via check or on Unipay until April 5, 2024, which is the last day of Quarter 3. Students at the Manchester Essex High School are never excluded from attending a trip or participating in a classroom/school activity due to their inability to pay a fee. If at any time cost is a concern, please contact Julie Sgroi, Principal. All communication of this nature is completely confidential.
Tuesday, March 26th and Wednesday, March 27th
Tuesday, May 21st and Wednesday May 22nd
Tuesday, June 4th and Wednesday, June 5th