Don't Be Scared There's Work to Do!
September 21, 2023
Standing Committee Sign Up
Good Day Everyone! As we begin the school year, ASASP would like to invite all members to participate on a committee. This is completely voluntary however, your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Please complete the form below by Thursday, September 28 at 5:00 p.m. It is important to remember that only Members in good standing may participate on an ASASP committee. Thank you in advance for your service to our Union!
Vacancies at the Center of PGCPS Education Crisis, UNACCEPTABLE!
Are you being told to stay late, come in early, called on the weekend, expected to work over the weekend and/or do the work of a vacant position without any extra compensation?
That's a problem and it needs to be nipped in the bud immediately, to ensure your well-being as we begin yet another school year.
We can't keep going along to get along at the expense and detriment of our health and our families. Even more so than that, we cannot continue to accept opening school with hundreds and even thousands of vacant positions. What is really going on, when we allow our children to be treated as if their education is just a foregone conclusion, like that's just the way it is. Treated like they don't matter at all.
This would not be accepted by others, why must Prince Georgians accept it. Virginians across the Potomac would never tolerate such mediocrity and Montgomery has no where near the number of vacancies, yet all three systems have about the same number of students.
Perhaps it is time we let our collective voices be heard, because something is wrong and everyone over here seems to be willing to accept excuses year after year, after year, after year!!
Keep your eyes open and read your negotiated agreement article 3.02 sections A-F and let me know what part of this article you think needs be re-negotiated in January.
Email me at jeffery.parker@asasp.org or better yet join a committee, but whatever you do, we must stand together!
You know I don't own the rights to any of these clips but I wanted to share for clarity and thought. Have a great evening and stay tuned to ASASP Times News!
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP