Smithfield Elementary News
Summer 2021
Letter from the Principal
Dear Smithfield Families,
The end of the year has arrived. We've had many challenges this year but just as many successes along the way. I thank you for your patience and flexibility as we navigated unchartered waters with hybrid learning, remote learning, and simply the unknown regarding Covid mandates. You (our students' caregivers) were forced to become teachers overnight. Your flexibility and dedication towards assisting our teachers with providing the highest level of learning possible is immeasurable. Our students showed time and time again their strong resilience and maintained their excitement toward school and learning. We could not have achieved this without you! I hope you find time to enjoy the summer and I can't wait to see everyone in the Fall.
Kristin Lord
Calendar of Events
24th-28th: Final week of PSSA testing
25th: PTO Virtual meeting 6-8pm
25th: 5th Grade visit to JTL (Group "A" students )
28th: 5th Grade visit to JTL (Group "B" and ESACA students)
31st: NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day Holiday
1st: Ice cream truck celebration (Group A students)
2nd: 5th Grade Car Parade (2:30 pm - 3:30 pm)
4th: Ice cream truck celebration (Group B students)
8th: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL (1pm dismissal)
10th: Final grades posted to Parent Portal in Sapphire
PTO Meeting
Tuesday, May 25, 2021, 06:00 PM
Kindergarten Registration
Children must be five years old on or before September 9 of the school year they wish to enroll in. Please visit our registration page to complete an online registration application and schedule an appointment.
If you have any questions, call Central Registration at (570) 424-8500 x10902.
The Reading Nook
Earn Summer Reading Rewards!
Prevent the Summer Slide!
Summer Reading Booklet
Counselor Corner - Newsletter and resources!
Click Here to view our summer newsletter.
Our guidance counselors are ready to assist!
Photo of Mrs. Rovi and Mrs. Osmun below.
ESASD Attendance and Truancy Procedures 2020-2021
CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program) and Medicaid
For Pennsylvanians who have lost health coverage or are currently uninsured and need coverage for themselves or their children.
Women, Infants and Children Program (WIC)
The Pennsylvania Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC)
WIC income guidelinesOpens In A New Window