Rāpare Thursday 23rd June Pipiri 2022 (T2: Week 8 of 10)
Our Tumuaki / Principal
- Mid-Year Interview with Reports: Thank you very much for booking your times and coming in and seeing your child's teacher and receiving their mid-year report. We have had over 90% of parents through this week with the remaining, due to absence or flu, occurring in the next few weeks. Thank you for the effort you have put in to arrange the time to come in.
- Matariki 2022: Tomorrow (Friday 24th June) is NZ's first ever Matariki Public Holiday. Events for it have been organised up and down New Zealand and in our area as well. The Gore and Districts Matariki Celebration is up at the Waimumu Field Days starting at 2.00 pm and going through to our fireworks show, which should start at around 6.30 pm. Our school kapa haka group is performing at 4:40 pm. Come along and be part of the celebration.
Thank You - Team Edendale
- Sharne Parkinson and Kim Nicol: I really appreciate the work that Sharne Parkinson has done for our Kapa Haka group. Recently, Kim Nicol has also come and supported them. Having the skills and expertise of these two ladies has been invaluable to getting this group up and running, including the uniform and performance items. Thanks so much.
- Jeanette Howe: Jeanette and her team from the Home and School did a fantastic job with the recent toilet paper fundraiser. Good work.
Our Events Coming Up
Term Two 2022
Week 9 (of 10)
- Friday 1st July Student Council Fundraiser: Dress Up Day (My Dream Job)
Week 10 (of 10)
- Friday 8th July Last Day of Term Two
Our Kura News and Information
Firewise - Authentic Learning
On Monday our two senior classrooms, as part of this term's Firewise Programme, got to practise how to use a CO2 and powder-based fire extinguisher.
It was hands-on, authentic learning that can have a practical and important application in an emergency.
A big thank you to Brent Shephered and his team for providing an excellent learning experience for our children. Well done.
GRIP Leadership -Growing Today's Young Leaders for Tomorrow
On Tuesday our Student Council attended the GRIP Student Leadership Conference in Gore.
The conference included presentations from guest speakers, motivational ideas and leadership activities and games.
Thank you to the parents who provided transport and supervision for the day.
Student Council - Term Two Compassion Fundraiser
On Friday 1st July, we will have a dress-up day to support the Southland Charity Hospital Trust, which was established in memory of cancer patient, Blair Vining.
The Southland Charity Hospital will provide healthcare for those living in the Southern DHB Zone who would otherwise be unable to access treatment through the private or public systems.
The theme of our dress-up/mufti day is “My Dream Job’ - children can dress up to reflect the job that they think they would like to have when they grow up. This ties in with our current DRIVE Inquiry exploring jobs in our community.
Children who dress up or choose to wear mufti are to please bring a gold coin donation.
Our Team for this Week - Team Pukeko
Kia ora! Kumusta! Hello! Sat Sri Akaal! Mhoro!
What a multi-national team of kids we have in Team Pukeko, with all our cultural heritage making us a wonderful mix of personalities. We are enjoying using our different greetings in the mornings.
We cannot believe the term is nearly over - like everyone else we have been extremely busy.
A big highlight for us was having Mrs Belinda Knapp, our third-year trainee teacher from the University of Otago, on her posting for three weeks. Mrs Knapp ran the class programme for the duration of her posting, covering all our reading, writing and maths work, as well as teaching us about the celebration of Matariki.
Mrs Knapp introduced us to the artwork of Michel Tuffery, and we used his style as inspiration for our own Matariki stars, which we enjoyed sharing at Celebration Time today. Mrs Knapp will be back in Term Three for her big five-week posting and we look forward to working with her again.
Earlier this term we explored simple machines, and wheels in particular, as part of our DRIVE Inquiry - we learnt a lot about how simple machines, like wheels, help us with our day-to-day activities in so many ways.
Our autumn visit to Kamahi Reserve gave us a chance to observe changes in the bush when compared to our summer visit in Term One. We noticed everything was a lot damper, and we saw a lot of different fungi, fallen miro berries, and changes in the bark or leaves of some trees.
We walked the long loop this time and enjoyed seeing the big stands of tree ferns alongside some parts of the track. In spring we will be looking for the new fronds of growth on the tree ferns so we can work out if they are kātote or whēki tree ferns.
Currently, we are finishing the term by writing our speeches (about the job we would like to have when we grow up), which is related to our second DRIVE Inquiry about jobs in our community.
We will finish writing these next week and present our speeches in the last week of term. Among our team are all sorts of career aspirations, including vets, teachers, doctors, nurses, ballet dancers, horse trainers, fitness trainers, farmers, police officers, and even FBI agents!
In maths, we are continuing our work with addition and subtraction. Some of us are doing subtraction stories and problem-solving with facts to 10 or 20, while others are working on solving addition problems with 2-digit and 3-digit numbers and using regrouping to help us. We have found that knowing our basic facts quickly, and without needing to use our fingers, is really useful, so keep practising everyone!
When Mrs Muir has been with us, she has worked with us to learn about 2-d and 3-d shapes, and now we are exploring the measurement of length. We are learning about some Maori legends for our literacy work with her too.
Many of us have moved up reading levels this term, which is fantastic, and much of this is a result of the work some of us do each day with our awesome Teacher Aide Liz, or sessions some of us have with the wonderful Tracey and the Five Plus programme (thank you Home and School committee!)
We are also steadily building up some wonderful writing skills across our team. Mrs Knapp worked hard with us during her posting on capitals and full-stops; our new focus is to use compound sentences and more describing words when we are writing.
We all feel proud of our efforts at the LMV Cross-Country, and we have enjoyed the different winter sports skills that we have been practising with Sarah, the Eastern Southland Sports Activator, and with Mrs Muir when she releases Mrs Coyle from the class.
The next two weeks will fly by! Have a great end of term everyone - thank you to all the parents and whanau for their support with our home learning, and for attending the mid-year report interviews. Team work makes the dreams work!
Character Values Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L): Term Two Responsibility Haepapa
Responsibility means we own our actions towards our roles, activities and items for our own and other’s benefit and is shown through loyalty, duty, commitment, initiative, onus, ownership, contributions, trustworthiness and doing.
At Edendale Primary School respect is demonstrated when we...
Are ready for our learning.
Work right through from start to finish.
Care for people, property and places.
Look after our belongings.
Involve ourselves in our school whanau community.
Every time our values are shown they make our school a great place to be for children and adults.
Term One - Respect Manaakintanga
Term Three - Excellence Tohungatanga
Term Four - Integrity Ponotanga
Principal's Values Award
This week the Principal/Tumuaki would like to acknowledge Lexie Mainland for being a strong contributor, living out our school values every day.
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Kea
Aleeah Henderson is a kind young lady who demonstrates our school value of Haepapa - Responsibility.
Aleeah walks into school with her friends and is often chatting away sharing a story with them. She knows our routines and gets herself organised and ready for the day.
Aleeah has been an amazing big buddy to the new Team Kea children. She is thoughtful, making sure that they have a friend to play with and that they are well looked after. Aleeah has built positive relationships and is a valued member of our class.
Aleeah listens, follows instructions and stays focused. She tries her best with her learning and is already making progress in all learning areas. I can rely on Aleeah to make great learning and behaviour choices throughout the day.
Aleeah, your confidence has grown so much since day one. We appreciate how polite and caring you are and it makes myself and others smile each day. You should be very proud of your learning journey so far. You are a superstar!
Most Valuable Pupil: Team Tui
Hudson Howe is Team Tui’s MVP for our value of Haepapa - Responsibility.
Hudson is a happy and caring young man, who comes in every morning with a smile on his face and a polite greeting before he heads off to get himself ready for the day. He takes responsibility for his own learning by making sure he completes all his tasks to a high standard.
Hudson is a fantastic help in Team Tui, by helping younger students with their tasks if they are stuck especially in Maths. Hudson also leads out his own equipment to children who don’t have the right tools so they can complete the tasks too, making him a real team player.
Hudson does not need to be reminded to do his class job at the end of the day and once he has completed it, Hudson is happy to help others with their jobs. He makes sure he brings back his reading book each day and his home partnership is always completed, which shows the great success he is making.
Hudson, you always make positive choices and show all our Edendale Primary School values without a doubt. Team Tui is lucky to have you as part of our class.
Writer of the Week - Angus McRae (Team Pukeko)
When I grow up I want to be a spear-fisher and a diver that goes in the lakes and goes out to sea. I think I would be good at it because I am good at swimming.
I would enjoy it but I would also be helping poor people because I would sell my catch for low prices. I would catch fish and paua and also crayfish.
For my job I would have a big boat named ‘Fishing Bomb’. I would need some spear-guns and also I would need some fishing rods.
Our Kaitiaki School Board
Meeting Four - Summary
The School Board held its fourth general meeting for the year on Tuesday 21st of June commencing at 6.00pm. Here's a summary of the meeting.
- Classroom reports were presented by Mrs Jenny Coyle and Miss Caci Mineur. The School Board received these in the teachers' rooms and got to hear about a 'day in the life' of each class.
- Mrs Coyle tabled the mathematics student achievement report which focused on the work that teachers had been doing as part of the new structured PR1ME Maths programme and how this was supporting student achievement. Whilst there is still work to do, the programme is providing teachers and children with a well-laid out, structured and sequential scope of work to progress through.
- The school continues to do the behind the scene property paperwork to get across the line four different projects. The tender for the classroom upgrades in Room 1 & 2 and 3 & 4 is being compiled with contractors coming through to price the job. The new boiler looks like being replaced in October. Continual delays in materials and pricing have undermined the administration remodel with the hope that we finally see something in December, almost two years overdue. The School Board confirmed two price additions to this project (administration carpet and an office storage unit). It is hoped that some work may begin for this in October. The pool roof project is stalled over costings and awaits a way forward from the MOE in order to proceed.
- The principal presented his Progress Report in relation to the annual plan and a Compliance Report in relation to the day-to-day running of the school. Of note is a pleasing return in regular attendance of students after Term One was badly hit. There is still COVID going through the school but not having the dramatic impact it did in Term One.
Term Three - Meeting Five
The next general meeting for the School Board in Term Three is Tuesday 9th August at 6.00 pm. Meeting material goes out a week prior to this meeting. This will be the final meeting of this current School Board.
Board Election - Timeframe
- Call for nominations: Friday 15th July
- Nominations Close: Friday 5th August before 4.00 pm
- Voting Papers Issued: Wednesday 10th August
- Voting Closes: Wednesday 7th September at 4.00 pm
- New Board Takes Office: Wednesday 14th September
Our Home and School
Next Meeting - Term Three 2022
The Term Three 2022 meeting of the Home and School is scheduled for Monday 15th August starting at 7.30 pm in the school staffroom.
Our Community - News
The Menzies College Ball Committee would like to borrow a child's swimming pool as a prop for their upcoming ball at the end of July. The size of a shell pool would be perfect. If anybody has one they would like to lend Menzies could they please get in touch with Andrea in the office and she will pass your details on.
Menzies College - Basketball Training Camp Sessions
Over the July school holidays the Menzies College/NSC Senior Boys Basketball team will be running training camp sessions at the Menzies College gym for any Southland Primary School students.
The sessions available are:
- Wednesday 13th July
1pm - 2.30pm: Year 1-4 students
2.30pm - 4pm: Year 5-8 students
- Wednesday 20th July
1pm - 2.30pm: Year 1-4 students
2.30pm - 4pm: Year 5-8 students
The cost of the sessions is $10 per student per day. You can pay online in advance or bring cash and pay on the day. All participants must be registered beforehand and we do have a number limit. To register please email
All funds will be used to support the team to attend the New Zealand Basketball Secondary Schools Southern Cup in Dunedin
Our Contact Information
Location: Edendale Primary School, 24 Salford Street, Edendale 9825, New Zealand
Phone: 03 206 6959
Twitter: @EdendaleSchool