30 Days to Healthy Living
Time to Get Started!
What a Typical Day Might Look Like:
1. (If you have Greens Balance) – Add 9 Oz. of cold water with 1 Scoop of greens balance OPTIONAL WAYS CAN INCLUDE 1 Citrus Fizz and 1 Digestion Plus with Ice. Greens can be flavored with any flavored Fizz and or Arbonne’s hydration, mind health or other Phytosport drinks which can be purchased separately on your Arbonne website store. Also, Greens Balance can be added to your shake if you prefer.
2. Breakfast 9 oz. of water or nut milk or a mixture of the two 1 Scoop Vanilla Protein 1 Scoop Chocolate Protein 1 Scoop Fiber boost can add your Digestion in shake if you like Frozen Organic Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries or any combination (You can do vegetables if you like Organic, Nut butter many, many variations) See shake recipes but don’t use the ones with High Glycemic fruits unless it is within 30 minutes of a vigorous workout.
3. 10:00 am Snack. Suggestions would be cut up Organic veggies and hummus, Brown Rice Cakes and Nut butter or Arbonne fit chews, or an Arbonne protein snack bar. You never want to be hungry on this plan no need to be.
4. 12:00 Lunch can be the same as breakfast except no fiber only 1 scoop a day. 9 oz. of water or Nut milk or a mixture of the two 1 Scoop Vanilla Protein 1 Scoop Chocolate Protein and Frozen Organic Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries or any combination (You can do vegetables if you like Organic, Nut butter many, many variations) See shake recipes but don’t use the ones with High Glycemic fruits unless it is within 30 minutes of a vigorous workout.
5. 2:30 PM Snack Suggestions would be cut up Organic veggies and hummus, Brown Rice Cakes and Nut butter or Arbonne fit chews, or an Arbonne protein snack bar. You never want to be hungry on this plan no need to be.
6. Dinner: See menus & recipes in your additional Smore links.
7. If you need a little snack later then same as other snacks… noted above.
Drink up to 3 Fizz Sticks, and as much tea as you like. Any day all day.
The cleanse that comes in the kit. There is not “required days” to drink the cleanse, some suggestions are you wait until week 2 to start using that. Then do 2 packets week 2, 3 packets week 3, and 2 packets week 4. While doing the cleanse you can still drink the tea and again there are no hard and fast requirement for which days you do it.
Some additional tips to keep you focused and get your 30 Days off to a great start!
- GO SHOPPING!!! Bring your grocery list (included in menus) and get all your meal ingredients. Get your healthy snacks as well!
- Prepare your snacks in grab bags so they are ready to grab 'n go! (i.e., cut up your veggies, prepare baggies of 10 almonds, have your chews, fizz and protein bars ready to go for the next day).
- Remember to drink WATER! It is important to consume at least 8 Cups of H2O per day to help flush out toxins. Pop in an Arbonne Energy Fizz Stick for added flavor and energy!
- Move your body. Make a plan to move at least 30 minutes each day!
- Prepare your MINDSET. I cannot emphasize enough how important this is. Rather than thinking "I can't have this...or that". Start creating lists of what you CAN have. If you get clear on this from the get go...this will be SOOOOOO much easier.