Ottawa Newsletter
October 2022
Letter from the Principal
What a great start to our school year. As a new member to the Ottawa TEAM, I am amazed at all of the things happening in our school community. Thank you all for being so welcoming and supportive throughout the first month of school.
We continue to work on our dismissal procedures to support flow of traffic and getting students moving as quickly as possible. The most important thing to remember is safety of all students. Please make sure to be present when you are in the car line to ensure you are following hand signals.
Our Ottawa TEAM is so excited for the rest of the year. It has been wonderful having events back, as well as seeing volunteers in school. Remember if you would like to be a volunteer, please fill out the volunteer form with background check. Contact your child's teacher or the front office for more information.
As a staff we are committed to our TEAM. Over the next month, we will be working together to enhance our Positive Behavior Systems (PBiS) providing opportunities for students to be leaders. Our 5th grade Safety Patrol will begin this month, as well as our Ottawa Student Council. We look forward to providing more leadership opportunities for our students throughout the year.
Looking forward to another great month!
Jodi Schreiber
Ottawa Color Fun Run
PTO News & Meetings
October 12: PTO Meeting - Topics of discuss will include Harvest Festival, Ottawa Craft Night, volunteering and sponsorships.
November 9: PTO Meeting - Topics of discussion will include Holiday Shop for December, and School-wide Winter Countdown Days.
December 14: PTO Meeting - Topics coming soon
Upcoming Events
- October 7: Picture Day
- October 14: PTO Meeting @ Ottawa (3:30PM)
- October 18 & 20: Parent Teacher Conferences (see below for more information)
- October 19: Unity Day - Wear Orange
- October 28: Ottawa Harvest Festival
- November 10: Picture Retake Day
Parent Teacher Conference Sign up Information
Please Register for Parent-Teacher Conferences!
Parent-teacher conferences are on October 18th and October 20th. If you did not receive a scheduled conference time, please register online at www.ptcfast.com/reg1. You will need to enter the code for your child’s teacher found below. Please only sign up for one time slot per student. Dual household or co-parent families will need to share the same conference time. Please leave at least 15 minutes between sibling’s conference times. If your child sees one of our special education teachers, please check both teacher’s schedules and sign up for the same time block. If you do not have internet access, please contact our office at 348-2130 to schedule a conference time.
Ms. Gendich: NBY1201495
Mrs. Rogier: LHN1201500
Mrs. Bartel: UAS1201514
Ms. Santti: SQU1201507
Mrs. Leppien: UWS1201509
Mrs. Willson: 17R1201508
Mrs. Ivie: 13N1201512
Ms. Shafer: WV91201513
Mrs. Ledig: D8H1201515
Ms. Ney 9WP1201499
Mrs. Adams: G0M1201516
Ms. Rabideau: 8C31201517
Special Education:
Mrs. Milks F601416004
Mrs. Ruckman NRB1417859
Ms. Jansen: Please email to schedule a conference jansen.mw.t@northmen.org
Mrs. Penberthy-Keene: Please feel free to call me at (231) 348-2308 during the following times or send an email to penberthy.la.t@northmen.org .Tuesday: 5-6:30 p.m. & Thursday:5-6:30 p.m.
Mrs. Asiala Gross: Please feel free to call me at (231) 348-2319 during the following times or send an email to asiala-gross.sa.t@northmen.org.Tuesday: 5-6:30 p.m. & Thursday: 5-6:30 p.m.
Ms. Teuscher: Please email to schedule a conference. teuscher.tj.t@northmen.org