Warrior Weekly
Published September 28th
Highlights of the Week!
Coleman Families,
It has been a great week of teaching and learning at Coleman! Teachers have completed all beginning of the year assessments and are differentiate instruction to meet each child's learning needs.
A big thank you to all students and families that participated in our Fall Mum Sale. You raise $1,893.75 for our student activity fund. This fund enables us to pay for assemblies, reduce field trip costs, and building activities, like grandparents day. Thank you again for all those that participated!
Mark your calendars, Coleman PTO will be meeting on October 9th at 6:30pm. We are looking for parents to participate and help plan activities that benefit all our students. Hope you see you there!
Dr. Quanz
Pacific Little League CO-ED Basketball Program
Background Checks
Coleman Warriors have some field trips planned for October. If you would like to join your child on the field trip, you must have a current background check with the district. Below is a link to resources and process for completing a background check.
Important Upcoming Dates...
10/9 - 10/13 - Fire Safety Week
10/9 - Coleman PTO Meeting @ 6:30pm
10/13 - Early Dismissal @ 1:10pm
10/13 - Homecoming Parade @ 2:30pm
10/27 - PTO Trunk N Treat
Smore Back-to-School
Email: dquanz@mvr3.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.mvr3.k12.mo.us/o/coleman
Location: 4536 Coleman Road Villa Ridge
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColemanWarriors/