ELC at George Earle Weekly Update
Friday, January 27th, 2023
Celebrating Kindness & Grit!
We celebrated our Kindness Royalty and Grit workers at our Royal Gala for Quarter 2 this week. We are so proud of these kiddos for going above and beyond in displaying kindness to teachers, staff members, and most importantly their peers. We are also so proud of our grit workers who had huge gains academically this semester and worked so hard on their goals.
We know there are a lot of goals and a lot of things to learn in Kindergarten! Growth Mindset is a way to tackle a challenge with a positive attitude. Developing a growth mindset is so important as it means having the confidence you will need to make it through. You may make mistakes but even a mistake is an opportunity to learn. It is important to remember for both ourselves and our children... challenges and mistakes help us all learn! Always remember all the things your child CAN do and don't just focus on the things they cannot do! Try flipping the script on your child when they are having a hard time and say "I can't do this!!!" Tell them, "You can't do it YET!" They will get there. The most important thing is to not give up and keep trying! No one is good at something the first time we try it... you have to try, try, and try again. Having a growth mindset helps your child get prepared for the challenges. If we couple this with hard work and GRIT and your child will be eager to learn new things!
Welcoming SRO Officer D to Kindergarten 💜💛💜
Our Building Brickie's staff held an event called "Brickies Read Together" where this book was available throughout the community and they also provided a copy for each and every Kindergartener and Pre-schooler. We read the book this week together in library and then the kids got a chance to draw something they wish for!
Please use Skyward for reporting all absences!
There is no need to call the office when calling your child off of school due to illness. Follow the simple steps below to have your child marked absent. If we have any questions, we will get ahold of you. Thanks so much!
Our VIRTUAL lost and found!!!
Scan the code above to see the most update link of our virtual lost and found! 40 new items added yesterday! Remember, when you see something that belongs to your child- DO NOT comment on Facebook. Send an email to SRO D at dserrano@hobart.k12.in.us and he will get the item back to your child.
Can you believe it is the 100th day of Kindergarten already?!?
Brickie Bulletin Board
School Hours
Visit www.hobart.k12.in.us/schoolhours to view the start and end times for the 22-23 school year, including Late Start Wednesday times.
School Calendar
Visit www.hobart.k12.in.us/calendar to view this year's updated school calendar.