Dual Language Immersion Newsletter
Winter 2023/2024 (Haz click abajo para espanol)
What a Great Start to the School Year!
Our Mission and Vision for the Dual Language Program
Over the last 10 years, the program has grown beyond Helen's expectations thanks to the DLI teachers, the innovation of our new supervisor, Susanna Bailey, who secured a DoDEA Grant to support a program expansion, district leadership, the staff and administrators in the schools that house our DLI classes, and our DLI families. We have been overwhelmed by the success stories that we have heard from students and their families. We want to hone and unite our vision as a DLI family as we move into the next decade of Dual Language Immersion at NNPS. After consulting our Parent Advocacy Group, staff members, and other stakeholders, we have created a Mission Statement and a Vision Statement that encapsulate our goals for the students we work with:
NNPS DLI vision is to inspire a lifelong love for learning while building bridges across language and cultures.
The mission of the NNPS DLI program is to empower multilingual learners through enriching academic bilingual and biliterate experiences while fostering an inclusive and diverse community that celebrates all of our cultures and unique identities.
For the Love of Biliteracy! Dual Language Immersion Event and Family Meeting
Join us February 6 on zoom: https://bit.ly/NNPSDLIFE from 5:30-6:00 for stories and activities for the children as we celebrate their talent for reading in both languages!
At 6:00 we will have our Parent Advocacy Group meeting to discuss the upcoming DLI Community Day event and get ideas from our families.
Tuesday, Feb 6, 2024, 05:30 PM
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Save the Date for our Celebrate Me DLI Community Event on Saturday, March 9!
Family Feedback
We continue to learn and improve based on your input. We all want what is best for your children; the more we can work together as a team, the more successful we will be!
Contact Us!
Susanna Bailey: susanna.bailey@nn.k12.va.us
Supervisor for World Languages and DLI
Paola Mendizábal: paola.mendizabal@nn.k12.va.us
DLI Instructional Specialist
Sarah Olsen: sarah.olsen@nn.k12.va.us
DLI Instructional Coach