BCCHS Parent & Family Newsletter | May 2020
Message from the Principal
Dear BCCHS Parents and Guardians,
We are fast approaching the end of the school year and greatly appreciate the flexibility and collaboration that we’ve enjoyed working with all of our stakeholders.
I first want to provide a couple of updates regarding our seniors.
We have made a small adjustment to senior finals exams, so we have a couple of more days for teachers to submit final grades. These extra days allow us to confirm the graduation status of students before we proceed with student clearance activities that culminate in students receiving their diploma.
- Please note that seniors first final now takes place on Thursday, May 21st. Because we’ve moved back the start of finals for seniors, we also need to move back the final date to submit late work.
- The final exam schedule is included in this newsletter.
- May 17th is now the final day for seniors to submit late work without penalty.
- Senior Clearance will begin the week of June 1st.
- Senior Clearance procedures are outlined in English and Spanish in this Newsletter.
- Students were emailed the link to sign up for an appointment on Wednesday.
- We are providing here for your convenience as well. https://calendly.com/admissionsbcchs/senior-checkout?month=2020-06
- No students will be allowed to participate in senior clearance without an appointment.
- The final step of the clearance process will include students receiving their diploma and an opportunity to put on their cap and gown and take a photo on a decorated Class of 2020 podium.
This Saturday, we are holding a Class of 2020 Car Parade at the Haynes entrance of campus. We will be handing out yard signs and decals to all seniors. For those students that are not able to attend, we will mail these items home.
Please be advised of the following rules:
- Only vehicles will be permitted to participate in the parade.
- Participants will not be allowed to enter on foot.
*We sincerely apologize to those families who do not
have a vehicle to use for the event,
but we must abide by this rule to protect the safety
of all individuals in attendance.
- Only one vehicle will be allowed per family.
- All individuals in attendance must wear face masks.
- Individuals will not be permitted to exit their vehicles at any point during the parade.
- You will be entering the parade through the Haynes gate, but please take a drive by the corner of Victory and Balboa as senior portraits and names will be projected on the school electronic marquee.
- You may decorate your vehicle if you wish, but it is not required.
In our update next week, we will provide more information on turning in athletic equipment, CTE equipment, textbooks, and clearing out lockers for 9-11th grade students.
Finally, we are organizing a committee of teachers, counselors, and administrators (with guidance from our school nurse) to begin to plan for the opening of next school year. As we begin to put together ideas, we will be reaching out for both parent and student input, so please be on the lookout for that.
Please be well, stay healthy, and know that we’re thinking about our students and families everyday.
Ari Bennett, Birmingham Principal/CEO
Grad Nite 2020 is officially CANCELLED for this year for all schools and all students!
The Disneyland Grad Nite Team were saddened to make the decision but felt that for the safety of everyone and the uncertainties of when the country will reopen for business, that it was the right choice given the circumstances.
PTSA/Parent Center will refund all Grad Nite ticket monies back to the students/families by mail during the week of May 4-8, 2020.
Thank you, parents and students, for your understanding.
To our Birmingham Family,
Senior Awards, my favorite evening of the school year, will be a virtual event this year, so we will be awarding the achievements of the Class of 2020 in a different way. Every year, through the generosity of so many of you, we have been able to award scholarships to the most deserving students. Please read the attached letter and consider a donation to our Dollars for Scholarship Fund to assure that we can do the same for the Class of 2020. Thank you so much.
Rochelle Kronstadt, College Counselor
Dear Class of 2020 Families,
We have to say we are extremely proud of our seniors and we miss them dearly. We know they are working hard and doing all that they can to finish the year successfully. Their work will not go unnoticed. In fact, we have a surprise prepared for our wonderful Seniors. Keep an eye out for that announcement.
We know that it is hard to hear that all of the senior activities have been postponed, however, please know that we are here for you and we will try to make this the greatest last month despite the circumstances.
Don't forget:
Stay healthy and stay safe.
The Class of 2020 Faculty & Staff
Class of 2021
We sincerely hope you are all doing well during this difficult time away from school and friends. Our dedicated teachers, counselors and administrators have been busy posting useful information as it becomes available to keep everyone on top of things. Please note that next couple of weeks are crucial.
1. Free meals are served every weekday between 10 am and 1 pm. Students can enter through the Victory gate.
2. Please remind students to check in for attendance on the link provided through their teachers’ Google classrooms.
3. The drop dead deadline to turn everything in is May 22. If students are failing any classes, they must turn in all missing assignments (posted during the closure) by this date.
4. Students who are working on Accelerate do not have much time left to finish their online classes…they need to email their class teacher to take tests or quizzes.
5. The PSWs are putting together a newsletter for parents with useful information, please read it.
6. The most important updates are in our Google Classroom. Counselors will be communicating with students about summer school needs as the date gets closer.
7. Teachers, Counselors and Academy Leads are here to help you! Don’t hesitate to reach out to any or all of us!!
- Collegebound Juniors - Here are a few sites to help you as you begin to look at colleges for next year's applications.
- Two exciting opportunities for Juniors for the summer and the fall.
- Weekly newsletter for students compliments of your school social workers.
Remember that we are in this together…teachers, counselors and the entire Birmingham family are here for you when you need us.
Juniors… we miss you!!
Jenina Franco & Bertie Navarro
Class of 2021 Academy Leads
Sami Brown & Ana Palacios
Junior Counselors
Missindy Wilkins
Assistant Principal
Class of 2022 Students, We are so proud of the transition you have made over the last six weeks towards the new online learning programs. The change can be difficult, but please know that the staff is doing everything they can to support your learning and social needs. Please continue to reach out to your teachers, counselors, and the PSW's when you need extra support. To our Patriot parents, this has been a very difficult transition for many of you, and we at the school want to continue to support you and your families. Please reach out to us is there is something you need or are unsure about. It is understandable and acceptable to feel stressed and overwhelmed in unprecedented times such as these. Please see the link below for an article read that could be helpful during these trying times. https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/how_to_reduce_the_stress_of_homeschooling_on_everyone
Friendly reminders:
- Remember to check in with your teachers during their assigned office hours on you have any questions.
- Remember proper etiquette when you are on your zoom calls with your teachers and fellow classmates.
- Remember to fill out the weekly forms sent out to you by our principal, Mr. Bennett
- Remember to prioritize your time wisely so you are not trying to catch up with all your work. The last day to turn in any late work is May 21.
All case carriers have a google classroom set up for support and communication.
SPED Office
Special Education Office Staff (hablamos español) available to answer any questions or concerns you may have concerning your student. You may contact us at anytime, Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm:
Sabrina Sedani
+1 818-217-0429
Jessica Rayas
+1 818-233-0830
Mayela Yanez
+1 818-213-1126
BCCHS Health Office Tips
While health is on everyone’s mind these days, it is a great time to return to health basics. People who fare best during this current crisis are those that have a higher level of health to begin with. The building blocks of good health include a varied diet, exercise, adequate and regular rest.
- ‘Choose My Plate’ is a federal website with a wealth of information about healthy eating, nutrition, exercise and much more. https://www.choosemyplate.gov/
or for Spanish:
- Many fitness routines are available on You Tube designed for small spaces. To help get moving try walking a mile in your living room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njeZ29umqVE There are fitness tips for those living with obesity, physical ailments so just look! For those that want a challenge try the ‘Bring Sally Up’ challenges where you do squats, planks, etc. to music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNteqLI-9-0 I can’t do all of them but I like to see my progress!
- There are several health benefits to waking and sleeping at approximately the same time every day https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-reasons-why-good-sleep-is-important#3.-Good-sleep-can-improve-concentration-and-productivity. Your child will have an easier time returning to a schedule if they maintain a schedule now. Your student may need reminders or help to turn off electronics at a reasonable time for your household but it is easier to maintain a routine than to let poor choices become the norm.
Finally, remember to breathe. Everyday stress is difficult enough without the added insecurity of these days. Please review the weekly newsletters the PSW’s have sent out and our other resources listed on our website.
Academic Integrity Issues
While Distance learning has created great opportunities for students and educators, it has also created challenges when it comes to issues related to Academic Integrity. BCCHS, like all other educational institutions, are not immune to these challenges. BCCHS has a comprehensive Academic Integrity Policy that addresses incidents involving plagiarism, cheating, and other forms of academic dishonesty. Parents and students are strongly encouraged to review our Academic Integrity Policy in its entirety. Assignments, projects, quizzes, and exams should reflect authentic work completed by the individual student. Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy are forwarded to the respective Dean, and have discipline consequences that are progressive, as indicated in the policy.
Links to BCCHS Academic Integrity Policy:
- English - https://1.cdn.edl.io/dOxt8J3JkXffuVUYGOrZPm4n9vlPU7g5YwOqT07vmWHv4t47.pdf
- Spanish - https://1.cdn.edl.io/UnUx26jdoyua73rIO4QQt2S8BUoapXcVvqyzV7zApB73WjnZ.pdf
Reminders to Students
BCCHS Deans:
- Mr. Nick Halic | 9th Grade | (818)758-4444
- Ms. Brittany Reisbord | 10th Grade | (818)758-6529
- Dr. Joseph Granish | 11th Grade | (818)758-6554
- Ms. Melissa Reisbord | 12th Grade | (818)758-5248
P-EBT (Pandemic-EBT)
Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) benefits will be available for eligible California families soon!
Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals at school will get extra food benefits. These food benefits are called Pandemic EBT or P-EBT benefits. P-EBT benefits help families in California buy food when schools are closed because of the coronavirus emergency.
Families will get up to $365 per eligible child on their P-EBT card to use on food and groceries.
Families with children who get CalFresh, Medi-Cal or Foster Care benefits do not need to apply. Most will get their P-EBT card in the mail during the month of May. P-EBT cards will begin arriving in May, 2020.
Families with children who are eligible for free or reduced-price meals and who do not get their P-EBT card in the mail, must apply online before June 30, 2020. The online application will launch in late May.
Additional information will be posted on our website as soon as it becomes available.
Should you have any questions please contact Ms. Garcia at e.garcia@birminghamcharter.com or at (818) 305-6411.
Hello BCCHS Patriot Family!!! I send greetings to you and your families. It is a new month and Spring has sprung. During these unprecedented times of social distancing, social isolation, wearing masks, food crisis, high unemployment, increased anxiety, and fears, I remain hopeful and optimistic. In spite of everything, I encourage you students to remain hopeful and optimistic as well as resilient, brave, compassionate and kind. As we come to the end of this experiment, I hope that you have been able to complete assignments, communicate with your teachers, and talk to counselor and/or support staff. Best wishes and I look forward to seeing and working with you in the Fall semester.
As we close the year, I would like to acknowledge the students with Excellent Attendance (First day of school through March 13th, 2020).
Congratulations on a job well done!!!
- Anthony Acevedo
- Juan Villa Acosta
- Jay Allen Agsaulio
- Jeric Agsaulio
- Cristofer Almaguer
- Pablo Arteaga
- Jade Baxendale
- Alexandra Benavente-Reyes
- Jason Bonilla
- Joan Camacho
- Joshua Contreras
- Guadalupe Covarrubias
- Valerio De Anda
- Matthew Didszun
- Brett Dupree
- Kieran Gehan
- Aldy Hernandez
- Aris Koroglu
- Phillip Lemus
- Christopher Lopez
- Evelin Lopez
- Oscar Marinez
- Aliah Medina
- Janna Mae Moore
- Patricia Nicdao
- Van Nugyen
- Jennifer Ojo
- Olivia Ojo
- Jessica Orellana
- Prabina Pokharel
- Katherine Paredes Del
- Fernanda Quinonez
- Isaiah Robinson
- Jan Kristin Sandajan
- Jaden Shuler
- Alexandra Soriano
- Joseline Vega-Cazares
- Maia Villalobos
- Valeria Yermejev
- Anelya Yussupova
Have a great summer.
Ms. Holden, Pupil Services and Attendance Counselor
Google Number-747-300-5558