RUSD Family & Community eNews
February 2023

From the Diversity and Equity Coordinator
Welcome to Black/African American History Month! Every year, the Redlands Unified School District honors Black/African American History and culture through a variety of in-class and on campus events, activities and lessons led by students and staff members. For the purpose of educating children about Black History and culture, each school site collaborates to provide thoughtful and thorough experiences for all students. Our students explore the Black Heritage in a significant, relevant and intentional way.
The RUSD equity teams are actively preparing a school site equity plan as they endeavor to achieve equity in schools. Every school site has an equity team consisting of an administrator, teachers, a counselor, a member of the classified staff, and/or a parent. Dr. Derek Greenfield and I have been collaborating with the Equity Teams. The teams are working hard to address equity issues at their school sites after spending several months participating in professional development opportunities and having national debates about creating more equitable schools. Thank you to the members of the Equity Team for participating in this process, which is in line with the Redlands 2025: Excellence for All vision and aims to make sure that all of our students, staff, and families feel safe, valued, and have a sense of belonging in the District.
The Family and Community Engagement (FACE) Team is working hard to make sure that our families and schools are collaborating to support student success by addressing the needs of RUSD families. The FACE team is pleased to work with Child Nutrition Services and other agencies to offer families resources like food, clothing, toys, and other school-related services. In order to aid families with knowledge on how to navigate the school system for student achievement, the Parent/Family Academies are currently offering valuable programs in regards to attendance, special education, and other school business.
RUSD is committed to establishing inclusive schools, and while there may be difficulties along the way, we are working toward equity one day at a time and are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with our school community. Through the District African American Parent Advisory Committee (DAAPAC and AAPAC), the District English Language Learner Committee (DELAC and ELAC), the School Site Council, and the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), RUSD continues to seek support from our parent/family communities. We thank you for your continuous support.
In partnership,
Juanita Watkins, Diversity and Equity Coordinator
LCAP Survey
We would like to invite you to join the conversation about our Local Control and Accountability Plan for 2023-24! Click the link below and complete the survey by February 5 at 11:59PM!
What's Happening in Redlands USD
The Great Kindness Week Challenge
We kicked off the Great Kindness Challenge the week of January 23-27. Under the direction of Redlands Coordinated Supports and Services, school sites promoted kindness, social-economical health, and bullying prevention from pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Students, staff, and families had the opportunity to complete as many acts of kindness through the week including writing a positive message to their friends, decorating throughout the campus, and engaging in spirit week. For more information, visit https://thegreatkindnesschallenge.com/.
CVHS Mock Trial Back in Session
The Citrus Valley High School Mock Trial Team has had a very successful season this year. The 16-member team is under the the guidance of Coaches Ms. Debra Muniz and Ms. Kate Fonken-Stoker. This year, the team's case is People V. Franks, the trial of Jordan Franks, a young actor who finished a run of performances of the Shakespeare-adaptation Macbeth at Sea on the cruise ship Heart of the Ocean. In this case, Franks is charged with robbery and battery of Franks’ fellow actor, Billie Scher, and the students focus on the Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable search and seizure.
The District's Mock Trial Program, which also includes Redlands High School and Redlands East Valley High School, is designed to give students a working knowledge of our legal institutions. Teams study a hypothetical case, conduct research, and get guidance from volunteer attorneys about courtroom procedures and trial preparation. Students portray courtroom characters such as attorneys, witnesses, court clerks, and bailiffs. Students also argue a pre-trial motion which has a direct bearing on the trial.
"I enjoy having the ability to express myself and explore career paths that interest me through the Redlands Mock Trial program," shared CVHS Mock Trial Team Member Bella Moreno.
"Students should definitely join mock trial because not only does the program teach public speaking and critical thinking, but it also allows you to surround yourself with people who feel like another family," shared CVHS Mock Trial Team Member Alyssa Gidley.
This year, Citrus Valley High School Mock Trial Team was one of 24 high schools who competed against Oaks Hill High School in this year's San Bernardino County Mock Trial Championship held on January 14. The teams competed in two rounds: one prosecution and one defense. At the end of the day, Citrus Valley High School Mock Trial placed second place.
"[I'm] so proud of how this team came together and showed CLASS," shared Ms. Muniz. "From practices to the finals, they supported each other and challenged each other to be better both individually and as a team."
I enjoy the fact that everyone on the team has grown and evolved in their roles together, and we each have our own talents that we can share and help everyone else with," shared CVHS Mock Trial Team Member Juliana Acuna.
Taking a Look into Floreo, A Safe VR Learning Experience
Welcome to Floreo--the newest virtual reality platform that teaches social, behavioral, communication and life skills! Featured in the New York Times as The First Behavioral Therapy Metaverse, this immersive VR platform allows students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ADHD, anxiety, and other neurodiverse conditions to experience skills and tools in a safe, virtual world.
How it Works: a staff member uses an iPad to help guide the student through the enlisted lessons while the student uses an iPhone paired with the virtual reality goggles.
"One of the reasons it's so innovative in my mind is because Floreo works for speaking and non-speaking students," shared Special Services Assistive Technology Specialist Courtney Dawson. "Students are able to practice social skills, and safety planning and they are able to be exposed to new environments which may otherwise be overwhelming without practicing first."
Students can practice crossing a busy intersection, responding to greetings from their peers, looking for items in a grocery store, trick-or-treating, emotional regulation, and even travel training. Floreo allows real-life practice for skills that are difficult to isolate in a traditional setting.
In addition to purchasing 20 licenses with Floreo, the District will be partnering with a researcher at St. Josephs University to be part of a groundbreaking research in the field. Director of Innovation, Technology, and Accountability Jamie Cortz and Ms. Dawson will be presenting this technology at the next Board of Education Meeting, February 14 at 7PM.
Check out the video below to see what the process looks like!
REVHS Senior Day for Boys and Girls Varsity Soccer Teams
Congratulations to our REVHS Wildcats who played their first and last home game on their new Stadium!
Girls Varsity Soccer Senior
#12 Grace Campos
Boys Varsity Soccer Seniors
#2 Philip Soriano, #4 Derreck Soriano, #6 Ashton Palmer, #12 Leonel Avila, #14 Craig Morrison, #16 Davin Porto, #21 Karim Ayoub, #1 Alberto Gonzalez, Captain, #8 Paul Garcia, Captain, #10 Koury Khalloufi, Captain
Check out the video below to view the chronology of the project. Visit the REVHS updates webpage for more information.
Breakfast Breaks Making a Positive Impact
As part of the District's policy for serving meals to students under the California Universal Meals Program (AB 130), our Child Nutrition Services provide breakfast breaks at the morning elementary recesses and morning passing periods at middle and high schools. Hear from Franklin Elementary School Principal Dr. Rebecca Acosta and Cope Middle School Principal Dr. Stephanie Lock about how breakfast breaks are making a positive impact for their students.
District Hosts Their 30th Science and Engineering Fair
This year's Science and Engineering Fair and Award Ceremony was a success! The fair encourages students in developing a research and inquiry project using the scientific or engineering practices of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as well as the California Standards in Science Literacy and the California Standards in Mathematics. Hosted by Moore Middle School, 55 Elementary, middle, and high school students participated in the event. Families and guests were invite to view the students' projects. Students were asked to explain their project and answer any questions.
The judging criteria was based on the student's research question/problem, design and methodology, execution, creativity, display board, and video presentation. During the awards ceremony, each student received a certificate for their accomplishments. 27 students were awarded medals and selected to move on to the San Bernardino, Inyo, and Mono Counties Science and Engineering Fair (SIMSEF), which will be held on March 17 at Cal State University, San Bernardino.
Special thanks goes out to Bryn Mawr Elementary School Teacher Mr. John Harbert, Mentone Elementary School Teacher Ms. Jessica Rojas for supporting their students, and Moore Middle School Ms. Colleen Duncan and STEAM and Innovation Coordinator Deepika Srivastava for coordinating this opportunity.
What Does MLK Day Mean to Me?
Redlands High School and Orangewood High School Black Student Union members created a video where they interviewed their peers of what Martin Luther King Jr. Day meant to them.
"The goal of including excerpts from the "What's your life's blueprint?" speech was for students to become familiar with a Dr. King speech that was not as well known," shared Orangewood High School BSU Advisor Vanessa Aranda.
"[Students] wanted to interview their fellow peers to gain an idea of his influences from many different perspectives," shared Redlands High School BSU Advisor Jamila Ali.
Recognition and Awards
District Recognized at SBCSBA Annual Meeting
At the San Bernardino County School Boards Association (SBCSBA) Annual Meeting, hosted by SBCSBA and the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools (SBCSS), the District was recognized again for their Golden Bell Award for Community Schools through Partnerships and Collaborations with Garner Holt Education for STEM and Innovation. This is the District's fourth consecutive award! The District was one of five districts/schools who received a Golden Bell Award at the 43rd CSBA Golden Bell Awards Ceremony
The District is the first K-12 institution in the country to partner with Garner Holt to form the first-ever AniMakerspace learning environment. Garner Holt Education is a miniature version of Garner Holt Productions, the worlds largest producer of theme park animatronics. Students experience making, tinkering, collaborative learning, career exploration, and invention. This space opens a world of tasks and skills previously available only to experts.
Special thanks to the following staff and community members who have supported this program: RUSD Board of Education, Superintendent Mauricio Arellano, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Dr. Ken Wagner, Garner Holt Productions President Garner Holt, Garner Holt Education through Imagination, Director of Innovation, Technology, and Accountability Jamie Cortz, Franklin Elementary School Principal Dr. Rebecca Acosta, Victoria Elementary School Principal Dr. Estella Patel, Beattie Middle School Principal Kimberly Lium, Clement Middle School Principal Wes Cullen, Franklin Elementary School Innovation Teacher Danielle Day, Victoria Elementary School Innovation Teacher Karen Burk, Beattie Middle School Innovation Teacher Chris Hunt, and Clement Middle School Innovation Teacher Michael Hettrick.
Certificated and Classified Spotlights!
Certificated Staff Spotlight: Mr. Roland Hosch
Meet Kimberly Elementary School Teacher Mr. Roland Hosch! Mr. Hosch has worn many hats in his 27 years with district including being the Redlands East Valley High School Head Coach for the Boys Junior Varsity Water Polo team and a muralist for Lugonia and Franklin Elementary Schools.
Mr. Hosch is an active member on his campus, balancing his daily interactive math lessons using Roboblocky to hosting "Reader's Theater" where he helps his students with their reading comprehension, voice, and fluency.
Currently he is spearheading the video production program using one of the district's newest technology in digital storytelling, Rapidmooc. Using the technology's augmented reality and double-screen applications, he guides students to creatively write their script, upload to the device, and produce their very own project.
"This is so much fun for the kids and [it is] meaningful to their learning!" he shared. "They ask me everyday if it is time to 'make movies' and they own their learning, and are proud of the complexity and depth of their knowledge they find in doing these amazing productions!"
Fun Fact: Mr. Hosch used to be a rapper and break dance in high school!
Classified Staff Spotlight: Ms. Stevi Rivera
It's never a dull moment for Ms. Rivera. From the morning she enters the campus to when she leaves, she is ready for what the day brings. She has helped students and parents with many questions they have regarding enrollment and has been crucial during our recent administration change with supporting teacher substitute teacher coverage. Her assistance is appreciated by everyone.
"I am a part of an amazing district and educational system," she shared. "It is important to lead by example."
From her experience as a former student in the district to now working alongside her Monarch families, she ensures that the safety and the well-being of the students are her and the district's number one priority.
"Everyone here has the students' best interest at heart," Ms. Rivera shared. "We all want to see everyone succeed, and we are doing our best to give them the tools to do that."
Fun Fact: Ms. Rivera was one of the first song teams at Redlands East Valley High School!
Nominations are Open!
We are seeking nominations for next month's Certificated and Classified Spotlight!
Students, parents, community members and staff can recognize a RUSD staff member by clicking this link.
School Communications
Parent Communication: What to Expect
Staying informed is key to a smooth school year (for everyone!). Outlined below are ways the district as well as school sites will communicate with you.
District Communication
The district will send monthly newsletters, letters from the Superintendent, and updates through ParentSquare containing important information and various action items. By reading through the communication, you are helping your student(s) stay on top of any pressing issues, updates and information. ParentSquare is also an app you can download on your phone and set up your personal communication preferences. Seeing too many emails? You can adjust your notification preferences to digest mode and only receive one email from both your child(ren)'s school and the district in one readers digest format (click here to see how!). You can also enable text and push notifications (which we recommend in case of emergency).
In an effort to effectively and efficiently communicate with our staff, families, and community members, the Redlands Unified School District has adopted an electronic flyer communication tool, Peachjar. If you have any questions regarding this new digital flyer service, please email peachjar@redlands.k12.ca.us
The district also uses social media to share positive stories and happenings throughout the district, in addition to important dates and reminders. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn!
School Site Communication
School site communication varies depending on site and grade level. However, all sites will send out either weekly or monthly newsletter-style communication through ParentSquare. For questions related to school site communication, please reach out to the site directly!
ParentSquare Resources
Here is a link to more information and resources related to ParentSquare. See the contact information below for assistance with your ParentSquare account.
Christine Stephens, Public Information Officer / District and Community Relations Specialist
Phone: (909) 307-5300 ext. 20480
We are Hiring!
Join Our Team!
We post new positions regularly! Join our school community by applying here or share this link with someone who may wish to apply.
Current openings:
- Campus Monitors
- Child Nutrition Services Workers
- Paraprofessionals
- School Bus Drivers
- Substitute Teachers
Call Human Resources at (909) 307-5300.
Stay Connected!
Website: www.redlandsusd.net
Location: 20 West Lugonia Avenue Redlands, CA 92374
Phone: (909) 307-5300
Facebook: facebook.com/RedlandsUSD
Twitter: twitter.com/RedlandsUSD
Instagram: instagram.com/redlandsusd/
YouTube: youtube.com/RedlandsUSD Media
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/company/redlandsusd/
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