John R. Lewis Middle School
Family Newsletter - October Edition
Message from the Principal:
Happy October! We have lots going on at Lewis MS!
All of us here at Lewis have been working HARD since the beginning of the school year to "Get In Good Trouble". Your student may have spoken to you, or even brought home a Good Trouble Award. The JLMS staff has been recognizing students with good attendance and good behavior for Good Trouble! Please continue to encourage your students to be at school, in every class on-time, and with positive behavior.
With Parent Teacher Conferences coming up, please make sure to log into the Parent Portal and check your student's grades and attendance. It's important to check student's grades at least one time per week and discuss attendance and assignments with students.
Students finished their MAP testing last month - these give teachers a better idea of what skills each individual student needs to develop. Please watch for student's MAP scores to come home.
Ms. Schaefer & Ms. Nault
Quarter 1 Ends October 14
Good Trouble Card
Good Trouble Award
Parent Teacher Conferences - October 19th & 20th
Please watch for communication from the school and your teachers about how to schedule appointments or for drop-in times.
If your child is earning a D or an F in any classes please prioritize meeting with these teachers. The teacher, family, and students will be able to develop a plan for the student.
Upcoming Important Dates
October 10th - No School - Indigenous Peoples and Immigrants Day
October 19th - Early Release at 1:30PM
October 19th - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-7:30PM
October 20th - Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-7:30PM
October 21st - No School
John R. Lewis Middle School Alumni - Doing BIG Things
Jaguar Adjustment Time
Being late to class means your student is missing valuable class time. Many times the beginning of class sets the tone for the entire period, as well as informs the student on how to be successful on the learning objective for the day. If the student continues to have multiple tardies in a five day period the student will be assigned Jaguar Adjustment Time.
Jaguar Adjustment will be for 90 minutes after school and is required. It will be structured and time will be used reflect, set goals, and build the student's skill in getting to class on time.
We are asking families to please support JLMS and help make arrangements for transportation when Jaguar Adjustment time is assigned.
Will Your Student Be On Track?
Club Social Mexiquenses Del Sur Performance
JLMS Food & Drink Expectations
Jaguar Universal Food/Drink Expectations
Beginning Tuesday, Oct 4th, we will begin reinforcing our expectations for food/drink in the building. It is important students abide by these expectations to help keep our classrooms and hallways safe and clean. Parents please help communicate this to your students and reinforce that they may not receive food deliveries at school.
Students must eat and drink in the student cafeteria, with the following exceptions:
- School issued breakfast, to be eaten during advisory in classrooms.
- School issued fruit/veggies, to be eaten during period 3 in classrooms.
- Water, provided it is not disruptive.
If students have visible food/drink in class, teachers should direct students to put it away or may confiscate it until the end of the class. If a student is not compliant with this, administration will confiscate the food and hold it until the end of the day. Students should not be sent to lockers to put food away. We will be reminding students of these rules during the lunch periods on October 3rd.
- Food may still be used as classroom incentives or rewards, but all food must be eaten in the classroom before the end of the class period.
- Students may bring snacks from home, but they can only be eaten in the student cafeteria during the student's lunch period.
Not Permitted:
- Delivery (ie, Door Dash) ordered by students.
- Any type of restaurant food in the cafeteria.
- Food from incentives outside of the classroom.
Hispanic Heritage Performance
Good Trouble Attendance Incentive
Mexican Consulate Visit
Attendance Is Important - Every Day - Every Period
It is very important that your student is here every day that he/she can be. If the student is not here it makes learning very difficult for them and the student tends to fall behind. If your students has 9 or more total days absent the student is considered chronically absent.
Parents please be aware that when you take a student out for vacation those absences are not excused and the student is missing valuable instruction time.
Hispanic Heritage Month
JLMS has been celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month through daily announcements, assemblies, and recognition.
Bilingual and Multicultural Department - Parent Workshop
Every First Friday of the Month - October 7th
The Bilingual and Multicultural Department will be hosting their First Fridays parent workshop from 6PM - 7:30PM at the Welcome Center, come listen to the Psychologist Dr. Ferney and meet other parents in the District. Parent workshops with Dr. Ferney are held on every first Friday of the month.
We hope you can attend!
The Weather Is Changing - Dress For The Weather
If you are in need of warm weather clothing please let a JLMS staff member know. We will help make sure your student has what they need!
Does Your JAGUAR Want To Go To Panama?
On our tour to Panama this summer, we will explore one of the most diverse countries in the world, have lunch with indigenous people, snorkel along the country’s Caribbean coast, and explore bustling Panama City. Students will also discover how, long before the canal was built, Panama’s central location attracted pirates like Sir Francis Drake and Henry Morgan. Stay tuned for information about our upcoming parent meeting where we will give you all the trip details. We are still in the planning stages so watch for future communication regarding the trip!
Stop by the Panama Trip table at Open House for more information!
Cell Phone Policy is Helping!
Please help remind your student! Students may possess personal electronics while attending Lewis MS if their parents/guardians feel the student is responsible enough to use them appropriately, which includes adhering to the following expectations:
Students may not use personal electronics during class time (from the starting bell to the ending bell).
Personal Electronics must be silent and out of sight during class time.
Students are permitted to responsibly use personal electronics before and after school, in the cafeteria, and between classes.
Students may not take pictures, videos, or any other recording of any person at Lewis MS without their permission.
Students may not share, post, or in any way make public any images or recordings from Lewis MS.
Students may not use personal electronics to disrespect, bully, threaten, or incite violence in connection with any person associated with Lewis MS at any time, including non-school times.
Minor infractions will result in warnings, parent phone calls, temporary confiscation of the personal electronics for the remainder of the class period or until the end of the school day,
Major infractions or repeated minor infractions will result in students not being allowed to possess personal electronics at school.
🚌 Please Be Mindful of Pick-Up and-Drop Off Areas 🚗
Walkers must cross Lewis Avenue with the crossing guard.
Parent Pick-Up is in the South Loop - Please pull all the way up and fill in two lanes so we do not back up on Lewis Avenue. Parents please do not use the staff lot, the Main Entrance loop, or Lewis Avenue for pick-up.
JLMS Bell Schedules
Daily Bell Schedule
Early Release Bell Schedule
September 21st
October 19th
November 16th
January 18th
February 15th
April 19th
R.O.+A.R. Day Schedule
John R. Lewis Middle School
Location: 600 South Lewis Avenue, Waukegan, IL, USA
Phone: (224)303-2560