The PAW Print
March 13, 2022
Mark Your Calendars
March 25: Two Hour Early Dismissal - End of 3rd Marking Period
Daylight Saving Time begins at 2:00 AM on Sunday, March 13.
Set your clocks ahead by 1 hour this weekend
8th Grade Students and Families
Hopefully, our 8th graders and their families were able to attend the 9th-grade transition events held last week. All information presented at the Rising Freshman Orientation sessions last week are posted online on the HS Resources Site. There, you can find links to sessions presented at Chopticon.
Spring Intramural Sign Ups
Attention Students,
Interested in a spring intramural program?
Pick up an application by the gym or ask your PE teacher.
Activities being offered are:
*Ultimate Frizbee/Disc Golf with Mr. Ficalora,
*Volleyball/Outdoor Sports with Mrs. Hart,
*Softball with Mrs. Visele, and
*Tennis with Mr. Guthrie.
*All permission forms must be turned in by Friday, March 18th, 2022.
Updated Yearbook Information
Yearbook Orders!
It is not too late to order your yearbook for this year. You can click on the following link to order your yearbook online.
Recognition Ads are no longer available online. You are able to order through an order form. Order forms will be accepted until Friday March 18 at 3:10PM, NO LATER. At that time, the yearbook will be submitted and no late entries will be added to the book. Recognition ads can be purchased for students in any grade level. Leave your child a message about how proud you are of them! The Gold Package will get you a message with 40 characters and the Silver Package will get you a message with 20 characters. Each package allows for 1 photo of your child to be added next to the message. If you purchase an ad, simply email the picture and message to Mrs. Kamp.
Dress Code Reminders
Students are also wearing midriff shirts that expose their mid-section. These articles of clothing should be worn outside of school. If worn to school, a jacket or some other article of clothing should be worn to completely cover the mid-section.
Onesies, costumes, and blankets (worn as coats) are not appropriate for the school environment. Parents of students not wearing appropriate attire will be notified.
Additionally, cell phones are to be turned off and out of sight throughout the day. Students are not focusing on their instruction when they are texting or using apps with friends, siblings as well as parents/guardians
Standards for appropriate attire and accessories shall include the following:
- Students must wear clothing that covers certain body parts. Clothes must be worn in a way such that the chest, midriff, pelvic/groin area, and buttocks are covered with opaque material.
- Clothing displaying or suggesting profanity; sexual activity through graphic images, words, or innuendos; weapons; drugs/alcohol or drug paraphernalia; violence; or tobacco products may not be worn, visible, or displayed.
- Clothing with identifiable gang/crew representation or paraphernalia may not be worn, visible, or displayed.
- Symbols or messages generally accepted to promote intolerance, hate, racial slurs (for example Confederate flag, swastika, Ku Klux Klan or KKK) may not be worn, visible, or displayed.
- Head coverings may only be worn indoors so long as the student's face is visible and it does not interfere with instruction or student safety.
- Shoes must be worn that are safe for all activities.
- Official St. Mary's County Public Schools’ athletic uniforms may be allowed at the discretion of the coach and school administrator.
- Student dress for school-sponsored activities must be in compliance with the Student Dress Code.
Water Only, Please!
Thank you for your continued support.
100% ID Check
- Emergency contacts ARE NOT permitted to pick up students unless the parent/guardian notifies the school.
- Siblings who are not at least 18 years of age ARE NOT permitted to pick up students.
These requirements are meant to keep your child safe.