Gator Bites- 11/3/23

Important Dates:
Sunday, 11/5-Daylight Savings! Turn clocks back 1 hour
Tuesday, 11/7-Election Day-Half day for students, full day for staff
Tuesday, 11/7-HS College and Career Fair
Thursday 11/9-Chester Elementary Celebration Day for Survey Participation
Friday, 11/10-Veterans Day Observed-No School
Thursday 11/16-Littleville Elementary Celebration Day for Survey Participation
Thursday, 11/16-Chester Elementary School's Pre-K picture day and retakes
Saturday, 11/18-Littleville Craft Fair!
Wednesday, 11/22-Half Day, Start of Thanksgiving Break
Thursday/Friday, 11/23-24-No School-Thanksgiving Break
Tuesday, 12/5-Half Day for students, full day for staff
A message from Superintendent Smidy about Snow Days!
As I watched our first snowfall this week, I was reminded to reach out to you to share the general process I use to determine if there will be a snow day or delayed start.
When the forecast calls for snow, sleet, or freezing rain, I communicate with highway superintendents, the bus company, other area school superintendents, and our own maintenance crew to gather as much information as possible about the conditions and our level of preparedness. Because of Gateway's higher elevations, it is important to note that some areas in our district may have unsafe travel conditions while other areas in our district are clear and dry. I must consider the student who is traveling from those unsafe conditions while making the determination for the district.
I hope to make decisions the night before if the conditions dictate a specific call so you can plan ahead, but if I need more information the morning of then I'll send you an automated call by 5:30am. Admin will also notify local news stations, and our social media pages will be updated. If you don't hear from the district by 6am, school will be held as scheduled.
There may be times when a delayed start turns into a cancellation if conditions don't improve as expected or if plowing doesn't go as planned, if buses don't start, or if other things get in the way. I will send a follow up call as soon as this determination is made to inform you of this decision if it needs to happen. I hope this isn't the case, but weather-related conditions can be very unpredictable!
Wrap around at Littleville and Chester will not be open on school cancellation days. If wrap around staff are able to get to the school safely, we will make every effort to have wrap around open on delayed start days. The district will communicate this information with you regarding the hours of wrap around in the event of a delayed start. The information may be communicated after the initial call via email or on social media because we need to coordinate with our wrap around staff to confirm availability with each delayed start.
I understand that these decisions are disruptive to family plans, and I apologize in advance for last minute shifts you may need to make to accommodate for school delays and closures. It is our responsibility to make decisions that keeps student safety at the center of our work. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions. I thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate these winter months together.
Info for Families : Custody Agreements
Chester Elementary School: 413-685-1360, Fax: 413-354-9618
Principal Vanna Maffuccio vmaffuccio@grsd.org
Secretary Jen Jakubasz jjakubasz@grsd.org
Littleville Elementary School: 413-685-1301, Fax: 413-667-5734
Principal Melissa McCaul mmccaul@grsd.org
Secretary Kayla Turner kturner@grsd.org
Principal Jason Finnie jfinnie@grsd.org
Assistant Principal Will Sullivan wsullivan@grsd.org
Secretary Karen Malinowski kmalinowski@grsd.org
Barr Foundation Grant Update
We are excited to share that schools met their target participation rates in the YouthTruth Survey to earn a celebration! The highest percentage of family participation from any other school is 25%, so these results are truly incredible! Here are the final results!
High School
Students % Surveys Complete 84%
Staff % Surveys Complete 96%
Families % Surveys Complete 89%
Middle School
Students % Surveys Complete 95%
Staff % Surveys Complete 67%
Families % Surveys Complete 78%
Students % Surveys Complete 96%
Staff % Surveys Complete 100%
Families % Surveys Complete 100%
Students % Surveys Complete 96%
Staff % Surveys Complete 86%
Families % Surveys Complete 94%
Chester’s celebratory event with multiple bounce houses will be held outside at Chester Elementary School on November 9th and Littleville’s celebratory event will be held outside at Littleville Elementary School on November 16th! The Middle/High School Celebratory Event is TBD, but coming soon!
Learning and Fun Across the District!
Doctors for a Day at Littleville Elementary!
Ms. Schultz's class
Students hard at work
Ms. Miranda's class
Girls on the Run at Chester Elementary!
Students have been enjoying participating in Girls on the Run at Chester Elementary! The celebratory 5K race will take place at Western New England College @ 11am on 11/19/23!
Chester's Character Vocab Parade!
Chester students worked to identify and define an adjective describing their character or personality, then celebrated with a parade!
Digital Photography Class at GRHS
As we say goodbye to summer, check out the stunning photographs taken by our students in Mrs. Wing's digital photography class!
Gators go to Boston to Advocate for Rural Schools!
As you may know, Governor Healey approved $15 million dollars for rural school aid this year. Although this seems like alot, the recommendation to ensure that rural schools across the Commonwealth can offer competitive and equitable programming to students in sparcely populated communities is for the state to provide $60 million to rural schools.
Senator Jo Comerford and Representative Natalie Blais introduced a bill to ensure that Rural School Aid is fully funded at the $60 million amount. Students, staff, admin, and school committee from Gateway traveled to the state house to testify in support of this bill to the Joint Committee on Education. The link to watch the testimony can be viewed here. Gateway Senior Joey Pisani testifies on a panel at about 1:37, Curriculum Director Deanna LeBlanc testifies at 1:44, fourth graders Sophia Stone, Tucker Robitaille, Brewtus Briggs and Destiny Martinez from the Chester Elementary Student Advisory Council testify at 1:46, 10th grader Theo DeAngelis-Page and Spanish teacher Alexis Batra speak at 1:50, and School Committee member and Chester Selectboard member Brian Forgue testifies at 1:57.
GRHS/MS Winter Sports Sign Ups!
Interested in winter sports at Gateway Regional MS/HS? Sign ups can be found on our website by clicking the last link on the right hand side "Sports Sign Ups". The sign up deadline has passed, so this is the last call to sign up now to ensure that teams can be formed based on the number of students who want to play!
Lunch Menu for November
High School Yearbooks are on sale now! You can purchase online or bring cash or check (payable to GRSD) to Mrs. Wing.
Fundraisers and Events
Middle School PTO Meadow Farm Fundraiser!
If you're holiday shopping for quality gifts, tasty goodies, necessary household items, and wrapping paper, consider using this link to also support our Middle School PTO! This fundraiser runs November 1 through the 27!
To purchase something from the general Middle School PTO store:
To sign up your middle school student to be a seller and earn points and prizes:
GEF Trivia Night--Save the Date!
Get your thinking caps on--March 23rd at Stanton Hall for Trivia Night 2024!
Our Beautiful Community
These beautiful photos were taken on the way to work from one of our teachers, Mr. Rose!
From our Community Partners
Hilltown Holiday Help!
For more than twenty years local families have received help with gifts for their children through a community project called Hilltown Holiday Help. Children of families with low to moderate income in the hilltowns are eligible to receive clothing, books and toys. This effort is organized by the Hilltown Family Center and Hilltown Social Services programs in conjunction with the Gateway Regional High School National Honor Society with contributions from other organizations and individuals throughout the hilltowns and beyond. Last year, we were able to provide gifts for 114 children from 67 families. This year, we expect an even higher need as folks try to navigate rising prices and inflation.
We are looking for donors! This is a community effort. Local businesses, schools, churches, organizations and area residents are invited to help with fundraising and shopping to provide gifts. We can help you give a gift to someone in need in our local communities. Hilltown Holiday Help has also found recipients for holiday meals, cords of wood, help with utility bills, gift cards, gifts for teens and adults, and other items when provided. This year, we will be operating a little differently again for the safety of families, students, donors and staff.
For families in need, wish lists will be available through Hilltown Community Center staff from Monday, October 30th through Friday, November 24th via telephone, in person appointments, email, US Mail or Zoom. Families with children from newborns through the age of twelve, are eligible. Proof of residency and birth certificates or social security cards for children may be required. Gifts will be distributed from December 5- December 8, through contactless curbside pickup or delivery.
For donors, please arrange for a drop off time with staff or send monetary donations via our GoFundMe page located at: https://gofund.me/e63d369e or scan the qr code or send checks to the Attention of Kim Savery c/o HCHC Finance Office at 58 Old North Rd, Worthington, MA 01098 with checks made out to HCHC(Hilltown Community Health Centers) and Holiday Help in the memo.
If you are unable to commit to becoming a sponsor this year, please look for the National Honor Society and Huntington Fire Department boot drive in Huntington on November 11 or consider donating other goods or services or volunteering to deliver (a great opportunity to channel your inner Santa!).
If you are interested in donating or have questions, please contact Susan at 413.667.2203 x.311 slebarron@hchcweb.org, or Kim at 413-685-3500, ksavery@hchcweb.org.
November Happenings at Russell Public Library
Register by email rpldirector@townofrussell.us, call 413-862-6221 and leave a message, or come in
and sign up at the Library,
Teens, Join us for jewelry making with Sue Maxwell
Sue will guide teens in making their own jewelry. All materials are provided.
Wednesday, November 8th from, 3-4 PM
Register by November 6th.
Veterans and Friends, Join us at the library for coffee, doughnuts and conversation.
We honor Veterans Day and your service to our country.
Thursday, November 9th from, 10:30 to 11:30 PM
Kids, How Do You Wake a Piggy Up?
Join us to problem solve and read, “How to Wake Up Piggy.” An interactive musical storytime, complete with building your own instrument and snack
Saturday, November 18th, 10:30 -12:00.
Open to everyone, no registration required
Adults and Teens, join us for a screening of “Indigenous Voices, From the Connecticut River Valley of MASSACHUSETTS”
In honor of National Native American Heritage Month the library will show segments of “Indigenous Voices” A Series of Short Videos About Native Life Past and Present produced by the Nolumbeka Project.(Russell provided one of many Cultural Council Grants for the making of this film series)
Thursday, November 30th, from, 6-7 PM
Register by November 27th.
Adults, choose a cookbook from the library in November, then sign up to make an interesting recipe for our holiday appetizer and dessert tasting.
Saturday, December 2nd from 12 -1 PM.
Register by November 28th.
The Hilltown Family Center Has Many Wonderful Programs!
Check out the multiple opportunities for families to get support from the Hilltown Family Center! If you have questions, please reach out to Susan LeBarron, the Hilltown Family Center Coordinator at 413-667-2203 (311) or via email at slebarron@hchcweb.org.
Contact Information:
Chester Elementary School:
Principal Vanna Maffuccio vmaffuccio@grsd.org
Littleville Elementary School:
Principal Melissa McCaul mmccaul@grsd.org
Principal Jason Finnie jfinnie@grsd.org
Assistant Principal Will Sullivan wsullivan@grsd.org
Athletic Director Matt Bonenfant mbonenfant@grsd.org
Superintendent Kristen Smidy, ksmidy@grsd.org
Gateway Regional School District
Website: grsd.org
Location: 12 Littleville Road, Huntington, MA, USA
Phone: 413-685-1100
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GatewayRegionalMA?mibextid=LQQJ4d