Hawk Happenings: Jan. 24th
Holy Rosary Regional School/Juan Diego Academy Community
Message from the Principal
CSW 2018
Catholic Schools Week begins this weekend! It is a time to celebrate all that Catholic Schools bring to students, families, and our community. The motto for this week is: Learn. Serve. Lead. Succeed. We will kick things off with Catholic Schools Week Mass on Sunday at noon at Holy Rosary Church. Any student who attends mass this weekend (in uniform) will be given a free dress pass to be used on Monday, February 5th. Students simply need to bring in a note from a parent indicating that they were at mass in uniform (at any church) and give the note to their homeroom teacher on Monday, Jan. 29th. Check out the section below on CSW 2018 for information about the rest of the week!
Enrollment Begins Monday!
Don't forget...registration starts on Monday for current families!! At Holy Rosary/Juan Diego, you get a fantastic education grounded in morals and faith, as well as a world-class bilingual program in a small setting (15:1 average student to teacher ratio). Current families will get the first crack at enrollment and then the slots will open up for new families on Monday, Feb. 26th. Check out the link below for information on the enrollment process.
Have you purchased your tickets for the annual Crab Feed and Auction? Tickets are $60 per person and can be purchased online at https://hrrsjda.ejoinme.org/crab2018. Don't miss this event! Please buy your tickets this week so that we can get a firm handle on our numbers for the food. We hope to see you there...and thank you for your support!
Don't forget about the State of the School meeting tomorrow night at 6:30 pm in the auditorium. Families will receive 2 service hours for attending this important event. This is an adults-only event.
Have a great week!
Katie Dempsey
Upcoming Events:
This Week:
- Thursday, Jan. 25th - Please return signed Communication Envelopes, State of the School Meeting at 6:30 pm
- Friday, Jan. 26th - All school mass at 9 am
Next Week:
Mon: Catholic Schools Week Theme Days Begin, Socks for Love (see insert in the Communication Envelope)
Annual Auction...We NEED You!
The Crab Feed/Auction is right around the corner! Don’t miss this fun and interactive evening to support Holy Rosary School. Please see the website with all of the event details and to purchase tickets online: https://hrrsjda.ejoinme.org/Crab2018Tickets
Date: Saturday, February 10, 2018
Doors Open: 5:00 pm
Dinner: 6:00 pm
Location: Bellarmine Preparatory School, Connelly Center
If you are not able to attend as a guest, please consider attending as a volunteer. This is a major event and it takes many to make it a success. There are multiple opportunities to volunteer from February 9 - 11. There are opportunities for set-up, to work the event, and to clean up. To sign-up to volunteer, please visit the following link: https://hrrsjda.ejoinme.org/Crab2018Volunteer
Questions/comments please contact Sarah McKinney: smckinney@hrrsjda.org
CSW 2018: Jan. 28th - Feb. 2nd
Here are the themes and the dress for the individual days:
Monday -- Pajama Day/ Community Appreciation Day
Tuesday -- Disney and other Characters Day/ Parent Appreciation Day
Wednesday -- Twin Day/ Staff Appreciation Day
Thursday -- Color Wars (see below)/ Student Appreciation Day
Friday -- Full Uniform/ Grandparent Appreciation Day
Colors for the Color War Assembly:
PK3 -- Purple
PK4 -- Orange
K -- Blue
1/2 -- Red
3/4 -- Yellow
5 -- Green
6/7 -- Gray
8 -- Black
Staff Appreciation Lunch...Can You Help?
If you have questions, please contact Nina at nina.tatumm@gmail.com
Registration/Fees for 2018-19
$150 (1 student), $300 (2+ Students) on/before March 25th
$200 (1 student), $400 (2+ Students) after March 26th
PreK 3 & 4 Tuition = $7,000
KG through Grade 8
1 Student = $6,050
2 Students = $10,700
3+ Students = $13,750
Registration Process:
- Pay registration fee
- Complete enrollment (see instructions below)
- Spaces are held for current families until Feb. 25th - after that, it opens to the outside community.
Enrollment Process
To complete our online re-enrollment process, you will access our ParentsWeb through your existing login. If you do not have a login, please follow the Instructions for Creating a ParentsWeb Login listed below.
To access ParentsWeb:
- Please go to https://logins2.renweb.com/logins/ParentsWeb-Login.aspx
- Type in your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on the link provided. District code: HR-WA
- After logging in, click on the Family Information button in the left menu.
- Click on the Enrollment/Reenrollment button.
Our Online Enrollment system will open with a link to the enrollment packet for {StudentFirstName}. The online process should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your information will be saved if you need to quit and come back later.
The Instructions and Enrollment Checklist page of the enrollment packet contains supplemental enrollment forms that also must be submitted. Further instructions on these forms are provided online.
If you have any questions about the process or need a paper packet, please contact me at 253-272-7012.
Berenice Williams
Office Manager
Reminder: Fee for Not Returning Communication Envelope
State of the School
Thursday, Jan 25, 2018, 06:30 PM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
Registration Opens for Current Families
Registration Fees (for early registration):
$150 per student with a maximum of $300 per family
Monday, Jan 29, 2018, 08:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
Socks of Love
Monday, Jan 29, 2018, 08:00 AM
Holy Rosary School, South 30th Street, Tacoma, WA, United States
Crab Feed and Auction
Tickets are now on sale for our annual Auction/Crab Feed scheduled for February 10th. Please see the website with all of the event details and to purchase tickets online: https://hrrsjda.ejoinme.org/crab2018
Date: February 10, 2018
Doors Open: 5:00 pm
Dinner: 6:00 pm
Location: Bellarmine Preparatory School, Connelly Center