Schroeder Library Media Center
October 2018 Newsletter
The Role of Choice in Creating a Culture of Readers
The key is providing students with access to reading materials of their own choosing. We've known this since Fader's studies of reform school boys in the 1960s. For your accountable independent reading, independent novel studies, and inquiry projects, the library can help put your students in touch with books at their reading level that interest them.
Will you invite me in?
Co-teaching also leads to more personalized and differentiated instruction. Your students can engage in meaningful instruction with me while you have individual conferences. Or, I can conference with students allowing you to concurrently provide high quality instruction. Alternatively, we can try team teaching, stations, or parallel teaching approaches. We'll start the conversation with questions around how I can best help you and your students.
Laurie Halse Anderson visit
Mon., October 15: 6:30 - 8 P.M. Fairport Public Library
Tues., October 16: 6:30 - 8 P.M. Irondequoit Public Library (FLP)
Wed., October 17: 4-5:30 P.M. Central Library
The Hate U Give, by Angie Thomas
Tues., October 16: Reader's Group after school in the library
Wed., October 24 (FLP): 2:30- 4:30 P.M. Informal Talk-
"Violence, Victory and Voice: Millenials and Social Justice in Angie Thomas' The Hate U Give". St. John Fisher College
Thurs., October 25 (FLP): 6:30- 8:30 P.M. Formal Presentation-
"Violence, Victory and Voice: Millenials and Social Justice in Angie Thomas' The Hate U Give". St. John Fisher College
What is Bibliotherapy?
It is a therapeutic approach to selecting literature that has the potential to support good mental health and aid readers in addressing issues that they are facing.
In conjunction with Mental Health Awareness Week, the library has curated a bibliotherapy collection. See library staff for details, or check out our bibliotherapy pathfinder on the library media center website.
September by the Numbers
250: Average number of student library users per day
118: Number of books checked out
12: Number of classes using library resources
BOCES Streaming Video Requests are Back!
Copyright in Schools
October Library Programs
October 15- November 15: Hosting "Because of Women Like Her" Suffrage Exhibit
October 16: The Hate U Give Reader's Group- Meeting 1. All are welcome! Future meeting dates
and film screening TBA.
Krashen, Steven. “The Power of Reading.” YouTube, 5 April 2012. Lecture.
(MLA citations truncated for formatting purposes)