Discovery Primary Update
November 1, 2021
A Note From the Principal
Well just like that it is November! I want to start with a huge shout out to our PTO. Our Discovery PTO team has worked hard to support our students through our many school events. They have also poured out love on our teachers providing snacks and inspiration and have provided fun activities for our students.
During conferences we had an amazing book fair hosted by PTO. Thank you to all who both helped with this event and supported it through purchasing books for your family. Funds raised during our book fair support funding books for the library as well as books for the classroom and for students with financial need. We have such a supportive community at Discovery.
In addition to the Book Fair this month PTO volunteers organized and held a very successful Walkathon Fundraiser. A big thank you goes out to PTO leaders and the many families who participated. Results and pictures are below in this newsletter. I truly don’t think there is any goal we can’t accomplish when we work together. Thank you!
Finally, I hope you have a wonderful time with your family this month. We have some fun events planned at school, so take a look at the calendar in this newsletter as well as communications from your child's teacher.
If you have any questions about Discovery please ask. Your questions are probably questions that other people have and we would like to hear them. Our goal is to serve the needs of students in our school. My contact information is at the bottom of this newsletter.
Happy November all!
Julie Bartlett, Principal
Discovery Primary School
Calendar of Events
November 2: Election Day
November 4: Picture Make UP Day
November 8: Late Start Monday
November 9: PTO Meeting 6:30 ( zoomlink: )
November 9: Desert with the Principals during afternoon recess for top funding raising individuals. Families will be contacted by their classroom teacher
November 10: Pizza Party for top fundraising classes (Lundeen, Richardson, Ebbers, Smerer)
November 11: No School Veteran's Day
November 15: Late Start Monday
November 22: Late Start Monday
November 24: Crazy Hair Day
November 24: Early Release
November 25-26: Thanksgiving Break
November 29: Late Start Monday
Veteran's Pictures Needed
Counselor's Corner
Tom and Tina Turkey's Food Drive
Tom & Tina Turkey are counting on you to give them a beautiful feather tail!
For every 10 items your class brings, they’ll get a feather to go on Tom or Tina.
For every 100 items your class brings, they’ll get a GLITTER feather to go on Tom or Tina!
The class that brings the most for each grade will get a surprise!
Our school goal is 3,500 items!
If we reach that goal, we’ll have a crazy hair day on Wednesday November 24th!
What can you bring?
Canned Foods (tuna, soup, ravioli, diced tomatoes, formula, baby food, vegetables)
Individually Packaged Food (cup o’ noodles, microwaveable cups of mac & cheese, applesauce pouches, granola bars, oatmeal packets, pretzels)
Personal Care Products (toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, baby wipes, diapers size 3 & up, dish soap, paper towels, laundry soap)
**you do not need to separate items. For example, a box of 12 juice boxes = 12 items!**
A Note From our Nurse
Families please send in a change of clothes for your child in their backpack. We have changed a large amount of muddy pants from recess in the past few days and we are running low on supply in the health room.
Below is a helpful health screening chart. You may want to refer to it if your child is sick. Please note the Class A and Class B symptoms and follow guidelines accordingly.
Vaccinations Offered
Omlife has scheduled a COVID-19 Vaccine clinic on October 30th beginning at 2 p.m. They will administer vaccines for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd doses. The FDA/CDC has approved booster shots for Pzifer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen COPVID-19 vaccines. CDC Booster Info.
Booster shots are available for those who completed their vaccinations at least 6 months ago and:
- 65 and older,
- people 18-64 at high risk of severe COVID-19 and
- people 18-64 who live or work in situations where they are at increased risk of severe COVID-19
Interested individuals can sign up at
In addition, Omlife will be offering the flu shot which can be administered at the same time. Flu/COVID shot