Board Meeting Summary
September 20th, 2023
General Information
President Snider called the September Regular BOE meeting to order at 6:30 pm. After roll call, the Board approved the meeting agenda and consent agenda, consisting of the minutes from the August meeting, bills, payroll and treasurer's report.
Visitors and teachers Bill McLain and Beth Wilkinson were welcomed and were asked if they wanted to address the board. No public comments were made.
During communications BOE members were reminded that the Fall Northwest Division Dinner will be held in Prophetstown on October 4th. He commented that the presenter will be Jim Burgett, who is well known for his expertise in school board work. The Carroll County PreK board report was discussed with Dr. Kashner highlighting that the state is paying their grant on time and PreK is off to a great start. Dr. Kashner commented on the upcoming 1/2 day in-service on September 22 stating that he is proud of the scheduled PD activities and what will be accomplished that day by our staff.
Information regarding Old Business, New Business, and the Superintendent Report is listed below.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:59 pm.
Old Business
- approved Board Policy 7:240 Student Code of Conduct, 7:240AP1, 7:240AP2, and 7:240E1. These policies were updated to reflect the re-implemented random drug testing policy for the district. Dr. Kashner thanked his leadership team for their work to really make sure that the process makes sense and that students are provided the support needed.
- approved Board Policy 7:60 residency. Dr. Kashner shared that recent legislation allows local BOE to pass a policy allowing non-resident full time employees to register their children in the district instead of a hearing every four years. The district originally passed this policy via hearing in April 2019 and renewed in 2022.
- approved going out for bids on snow plowing services. Bids will be opened on Thursday, October 12th, 2023 at 1:00 pm in the Eastland District Office at EES.
New Business
- approved trips for the FFA and Cinema Club.
Superintendent Report
Personnel and Job Vacancies
The following personnel options were approved:
New Hires:
- Long Term Substitute - Shelley Stoner (Junior High Math)
- Bus Aide - Chloe Bouvia-Waller
- Dianna "Dee" Peterson (Bus Aide)
Eastland CUSD #308
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 493-6301