Gamma Eta Chapter Newsletter
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
Epsilon State || Southeast District
Volume 23, Number 2, October 11, 2016
DELTA KAPPA GAMMA promotes professional and personal growth
of women educators and excellence in education.
Our very own Rosebud!
Our first teacher through our project!
Our second teacher through our project!
From the President: F. Margret Atkinson
I hope this finds you well and I hope everyone continues to find peace in your lives since we last saw each other.
Again, I am humbled by the leadership in Epsilon state: our state officers, our SE District director, past Gamma Eta officers, current Gamma Eta officers, and founding Gamma Eta sisters.
Thank you for providing inspiration for so many women educators.
Don't forget that there are several resources, including scholarships, on the Epsilon state website. We will discuss these more at the October meeting, and there is a button in this newsletter if you're interested.
Our Christmas dinner order (for the Christmas meeting in December) is due in November. We will have copies of the form at the October meeting.
Reasons for us to celebrate:
We have earned website compliance for the 2016-2018 biennium! Every biennium we have to renew, so check out our seal on our website!
Gamma Eta's own Laura Grubb has earned the prestigious Rosebud Award for the Southeast District. Laura has worked so hard for Gamma Eta, and she is an excellent treasurer.
Mary Jane delivered close to 400 board books that were donated at the SE District meeting. It is so special to be able to give the gift of literature.
We have three new members who will be initiated at the October meeting!! Aimee', Michele, and Sarah are all going to be our Gamma Eta sisters, and I am so happy they will share their talents with us.
Continued two-pronged vision:
1. Shifting our technological paradigm:
Our August minutes have been written in Google Docs! Our fabulous secretary, Katie, wrote them and shared them with me via Docs, and then I was able to download and send them to you. Super easy and super effective. We will continue to harness the potential of collaborative technology.
International's fantastic website is still a wonderful tool, and Laura will share how you can use it to show your DKG pride. There are still screenshots below that can show how you can use it to find out more about communities, participate in discussion boards, and read publications in digital form.
The short tutorial earlier in the year on how to navigate the communities section can still be found here.
Don't forget that your member number is a six digit number that can be found on your membership card. Your temporary password is dkg2014society, and you can change it once you log-in. Laura will have your new membership cards at the meeting!!
2. Building membership by working towards a balance of commitment to engaging community building:
We have made two deliveries of supplies as a part of our special project, "Helping to Restore One Classroom at a Time." We have delivered to a teacher in Livingston and a teacher in Ascension.
We hopefully will make a third delivery to teachers in Baton Rouge, at Mary Jane's former school, Park Forest Elementary.
We have continued to have donors reach out, and this project is not going to end anytime soon.
At the October meeting, we also will learn about Braveheart-Children in Need. Hopefully we will be able to contribute our time to the children in our community.
Thank you for going on this journey with me as we continue to grow and seek excellence in education.
As always, I appreciate dialogue and welcome a conversation, so don't hesitate to email me at fmatkinson@gmail.com.
With much love,
Committee Lists
First Vice President: Debbie Usie
Braveheart will be our October meeting, and it is important to remember the connection we have to the community.
If you have any questions, you can email me at usiedebbie@gmail.com
OCTOBER MEETING (October 18, 2016)
Chapter Meeting Program:
Braveheart Children in Need (Dee Robinson)
6:00-8:00 pm
De'Angelo's Pizzeria
Laura Grubb and Barbara Verdin
Email: gammaetaepsilondkg@gmail.com
Website: www.gammaetaepsilondkg.com
Location: Louis Deangelo's, Bluebonnet Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA, United States
Second Vice President: Linda Landry
As the summer vacation ends and the 2016-2017 school year begins, I hope all of our members will invite someone to come to our next DKG meeting. The new president and the other officers have planned an exciting year of programs.
I hope we all have an exciting year, and you can contact me at trpll@yahoo.com.
Treasurer: Laura Grubb
Thank you to all of you who have paid your dues.
The time has come for me to turn in the membership paperwork, so please send me your dues if you have not yet.
Dues are $71 for regular current member .
Dues are $81 for new members.
Dues are $26 for reserve members.
Make checks payable to Delta Kappa Gamma-Gamma Eta.
My address is in the yearbook. You can always email me, too!
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
I also have everyone's membership cards for 2016-2017.
In addition, for DKG merchandise, such as pens, tote bags, and jewelry, you can visit www.acgreek.com/deltakappagamma.
I enjoy serving you as treasurer, and I can always be reached at lmgrubb14@gmail.com
Secretary: Katie Ferguson
Chapter members, please send me (via email) any news of member's concerns and celebrations so I can recognize you.
Should there be any corrections needed to the minutes, please contact me at katermike3@aol.com
Be sure to look at it as well!
Editor's Edicts: Barbara Verdin
What a wonderful time of the year!
The weather is beginning to change, football season is in full swing, the children are winding up the first nine weeks of school, and people are beginning to recuperate from the devastating floods. Still a long way to go, but there is hope for a better tomorrow.
Our chapter continues to thrive under new leadership and with guidance from experienced members. We are so blessed! Let us continue to provide support for our Officers and grow professionally, spiritually, and emotionally.
I can always be reached at barbaraverdin@att.com.
You need to be an active member. There are more guidelines found on this page.
Parliamentary Possibilities-Barbara
What is the role of the Parliamentarian?
The parliamentarian is to provide members and the executive board with training on simple parliamentary procedures such as how to state a motion, rules of debate, quorums, etc. Parliamentarians do not rule, rather advise when requested. Usually the Parliamentarian is not a voting member of the executive board, but does assist with the drafting and interpretation of bylaws and rules of order.
Book Blitz
This is a moving novel and will be a great way to continue the dialogue.
A panel of Gamma Eta sisters will lead the discussion of the novel.
Tuesday, Feb 21, 2017, 06:00 PM
La Madeline, Bluebonnet Boulevard, Baton Rouge, LA, United States (Perkins Rowe)
Barbara Verdin: 10/5
Lora Patureau-10/6
Catherine Brooks: 10/19
Carol Peltier: 10/21
Barbara Verdin || Editor || barabaraverdin@att.com
You're right!! It's not too early to begin thinking about attending the State Convention in March, 2017. It will be a short trip down the Interstate and land at the Hilton across from the airport. Fun and fellowship guaranteed!