Promise Prep Weekly
November 13, 2023
Dates to Remember
November 13- Boys and Girls Club is closed
November 21- Early Dismissal Day- 1:00PM Dismissal
November 22-24- School Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday
For a complete PLA@PromisePrep calendar, click the link below
Boys and Girls Club Calendar
The following are dates the Boys and Girls Club will be closed:
Monday, November 13th - Professional Development
Wednesday, November 22nd – Friday, November 24th – Thanksgiving Break
Monday, December 4th - Professional Development
Thursday, December 21st – Friday, January 5th 2024 – Holiday Break
We will miss you/Welcome
It is with a heavy heart that I have to inform you that we are losing our 2nd grade teacher, Ms. Palmer. She has been a wonderful addition to the PLA@PromisePrep family. We wish her the best in all future endeavors.
Replacing Ms. Palmer is Ms. Salisbury. Ms. Salisbury was brought on to the PLA@PromisePrep team a couple of weeks ago, to help out in 3rd grade. Now that we have Ms. Hawes back, Ms. Salisbury will become the new 2nd grade teacher. She has been a wonderful addition to our staff and we look forward to her making the smoothest of transitions.
A Thought from Principal Mayer
This week I want to talk about scholar attendance. I would like to start with some statistics that speak for themselves.
-Chronic Absenteeism is defined as missing 10% or more of school.(18 or more days per year)
-Scholars in grades K-1 that miss more than 18 days of school are much less likely to be on grade levle by third grade.
-Students who cannot read at grade level by third grade are four times more likely than proficient readers to drop out of high school
-When scholars improve their attendance rates, they improve their chances for graduating high school.
-Chronic absences reduces even the best teachers ability to provide learning opportunities.
As you can see, it is important that scholars attend school when they can. It doesn't matter if the absence is excused or unexcused, the more scholars miss school, the harder it is for them to be on grade level and have success in later grades.
Attendance and the importance of coming to school is critical in the early grades, K-3. Developing good habits creates good results. A scholar's success starts with good attendance. If a scholar is not at school, they cannot learn. The more they miss, the further behind they fall. If a scholar gets too far behind, it leads to frustration and a dislike of school, which then makes attendance ever harder.
We definitely understand that scholars get sick and there are occasional family emergencies, and if that is the case, please do not send your child to school. But if it is any other reason than sickness or family emergency, please get your scholar to school.
If your scholar does have to miss school, take some time to reach out to the teacher and get any missed work. Help your child catch up on missed school work, even if that means missing some play time or fun things. Parents need to be there with their children to help them if they struggle with an assignment. Guide them through as best you can. If you know your scholar is struggling, and you feel that you cannot help them, reach out to the teacher and ask questions.
While absences might not be the number one reason your scholar is struggling, absences really can set a child behind from their peers. Make coming to school a priority/expectation in the early grades, for it will definitely benefit them in the later grades.
Alec Mayer
Follow us on Social Media
Follow PLA@PromisePrep on Social Media at any or all of the following:
Instagram- PromisePrepIndy
Twitter- PLAPromisePrep
Facebook- www.facebook.com/PromisePrepIndy
We will use Social Media to show off all the wonderful things we do here at PLA@PromisePrep. We will also use it to keep families informed of upcoming events, school delays and closings, etc. Whenever you see us on Social Media, please give us a like and share with your family and friends.
Check out our Instagram and Twitter feeds for pictures from the Ice Cream Social and the First Day of School!!
Click the Link below to the PLA@PromisePrep website.
School Uniforms
This year, in an effort to be more like our other PLA schools, PLA@PromisePrep will be changing our uniforms. The following is the uniform requirements:
Shirts- Red or Gray collared Polo shirts(long sleeve or short sleeve)
- PLA Crew neck Sweatshirts
Bottoms- Solid color pants or shorts(no shorts after 11/1 and before 4/1)
- Khaki, Navy, or Black in color
- Jeans, solid in the same colors as pants
- No holes, designs, patches, etc.
Uniform no nos- No hoodie sweatshirts, no leggings, no yoga pants, no sweat pants, no basketball shorts
Scholars will no longer be allowed to wear the Promise Prep shirts from last year.
Uniform good news- We have contracted with a uniform company called SchoolZone. They have all the unform requirements and logoed uniform shirts for purchase. They are located at 5425 N. Keystone Ave, suite 200. Any uniform purchased from School Zone, they will donate 10% of all sales back to PLA@PromisePrep. Click on the link below to reach their website.
Cost of Uniform Shirts:
Youth Sizes 4-20 $13.99.
Adult S-XL $15.99
2x & up $17.99
Sweatshirts- $21.99
Pants- $15.99-$26.99 depending on size
If you are in need of uniform assistace, contact your local trustrees office for a unifrom voucher.