Lakeland Ridge Weekly Update!
Friday, March 19, 2021
It's hard to believe but we only have four school days left until Spring Break. Our grade 9s are in the process of registering for grade 10 and we are well into planning for next year.
Upcoming Dates and Events
March 19 - Term 2 Report Cards available online
March 22 - 25 - Lost and Found Items on Display Below
March 24 - Locker Clean-up (Junior High)
March 25 - Lost and Found items packaged up and donated to Hope Mission Thrift Store
March 26 - No Classes (schools closed)
March 29 - April 5 - Spring Break & Easter
April 6 - Classes resume
April 6 and 7 - School administration visits grade 6, 7 and 8 classes to discuss option selections
April 8 - Junior High Option Information sent to grade 6, 7 and 8 students via School Messenger
April 7 - Early Dismissal (Wacky Hair/Hat Day)
April 13 - School Council @ 6:30 & PAS Meeting @ 7:30
April 14 - Junior High Option Forms Deadline (Completed through PowerSchool)
Report Cards
Report Cards for our In-School Learners are now available online on the PowerSchool Parent Portal. For students in grades 1-6, click CSL (Communicating Student Learning). For students in grades 7-9, click Progress Report.
Staffing Update
Gender Neutral Washrooms
Update to School Policy Regarding Hats
Technology Update
Thank you PAS (Parent Action Society)
We would like to thank PAS for their generosity. PAS approved the purchase of 2 mobile Chromebook carts along with 72 Chromebooks for our school. The Chromebooks have arrived and we are in the process of getting those ready for student use.
Chromebook Update
Over the past two years we have made a concerted effort to increase the amount of technology (specifically Chromebooks) in our school. We have added approximately 500 Chromebooks during this time.
Lost & Found Items
Write-On Stationary
Next week your child will be bringing home a 2021-2022 School Supply sheet.
If you choose to participate, and order your child’s school supplies through Write On Stationery, 10% of your total order will be returned to Lakeland Ridge School as a fundraiser.
Yearbook Reminder
A reminder the final day to purchase a 2020-2021 yearbook is April 15 (if you have not yet done so). The yearbook will celebrate all of the events and accomplishments 2020-2021. In addition, we will be featuring academic award recipients. To order, go to the Parent Portal on PowerSchool, your child Student Account and Optional Fees tab and add “yearbook” to your cart. No late orders will be accepted.
Changes to the Accountability Pillar Survey
Elk Island Public Schools will also be releasing its annual parent survey after spring break. This survey provides EIPS with another opportunity to engage all school families and gather their input on Lakeland Ridge and Elk Island Public Schools. We encourage all our families to fill out this survey when it comes out. The information in both surveys helps shape and guide future planning for our school.
Registration 2021-22
Grade 10 Registration
On Thursday, March 18th both Salisbury Composite High school and Bev Facey High School met with our grade 9's to begin the registration process. The kids were excited and looking forward to next year.
Students attending Salisbury will bring home their course selection sheets to review with parents and return them on or before Thursday, March 25. At this time counselors from Sal will collect the forms and begin scheduling for the fall.
Students attending Bev Facey have reviewed course selection and after spring break will meet again with the counselors from Bev Facey to complete the registration process.
If you have any questions about this process please feel free to contact either school directly or Mr. McKay in the office.
Registration for the 2021-22 school year is now open!
To register for kindergarten in the 2021-22 school year, your child must be five years old on or before Dec. 31, 2021.
For full instructions and tips on filling out the form, refer to How to Register a New Student.
For more information about the EIPS kindergarten program, see the EIPS Kindergarten Toolkit or contact the school.
Virtual Information Nights
ECS – Tuesday, May 25 @ 6:30
Junior High – Wednesday, May 26 @ 6:30
EIPS Summer School: Registrations
The future is bright for Lane who wants to be a principal when he grows up!
4-2 Representing St. Patrick's Day - Shirts courtesy of Mrs. Little
Class 1-2 took advantage of the weather and did their writing outside and some nature exploring!
Class 2-2 has been busy this week!
- Celebrated St. Patrick’s Day by wearing green.
- Practiced patterns with yummy math.
- Checked for creepy crawlies outside… Spring is coming!
- Practiced being word builders in phonics.
Mr. McKay giving the Gr. 7's a run for their money!
Family Resources- Mental Health for Youth
Alberta COVID_19 Youth Mental Health Resource Hub. Alberta’s government partnered with the Kids Help Phone and to create this hub where youth, educators and parents can find easy-to-access tools and supports.
Additionally, the youth-focused resources on this hub include:
· Jack Chapters – Youth-led, community-driven mental health advocacy clubs at schools or in the community.
· Jack Talks – Mental health presentations delivered to young people by young people.
· Jack Summits – Mental health conferences developed by youth, where young people within a region connect, strategize and learn from one another.
· Do Something – Tools to take small, simple steps that make a big difference to youth mental health and the mental health of others.
· Be There – Tools to support someone who may be struggling with their mental health.
Additional mental health resources available to support students, families and school staff:
Visitors in School
We want to thank all parents, students, and staff for doing their part to ensure everyone is safe and healthy. Every morning before coming to school all students must complete the daily COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire. Parents are reminded that they need to make an appointment to enter the school, as non-essential visitors and contractors are not permitted in the school or workplace without an appointment. Please call or email the school ahead of time to book an appointment. Individuals should not enter an EIPS building if feeling unwell or have COVID-19 symptoms—fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, loss of smell or taste, nausea, pink-eye. Visitors must sign in at the office (after having made an appointment), practice physical distancing while here and wear mask. The Stay_at_Home_Guide_for_Parents.pdf is a good resources that provides parents with information on what to do when children exhibit COVID symptom.
If you know your child will be absent, late, or leaving early from school, please send a note in their agenda, email or phone the school explaining the reason for that day.
Division Calendar 2021-22
School Education Plan & Results Report 2019-2022 Year 3
Brightspace platform
All staff and students will be using the Brightspace online platform. Students will require a digital device with a camera and should have received instructions from teachers on how to log on and navigate the learning platform.
Please see the links below for both student and parent guides.
Student Brightspace page:
Username: Use the EIPS student email address
Password: Use the EIPS student password
If a student needs help with a password reset, contact the school for assistance.
Watch this video to learn how to navigate the Brightspace environment
Parent/Guardian Brightspace page: This is GREAT information to help your children.
Brightspace Parent/Guardian guide Click here