Bright Beginnings
Early Childhood Center
Email: bright@443mail.org
Website: https://usd443.org/542378_3
Location: 200 West Comanche Street, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-371-1220
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BrightBeginningsEarlyChildhoodCenterDodgeCity
Oct 3 - Parent Connection Friend's Time
Oct 5 - Policy Council
Oct 10 - Early Head Start Socialization 10 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. at 1900 First Avenue
Oct 19-20 - No School Staff Development
Oct 26 - Picture Retakes
Oct 28 - Parent Meeting/Literacy Event
Dear Bright Beginnings Families:
We are so happy to be able to spend time outside! As the weather gets cooler, please remember, we go outside everyday unless the temperature is below 32 degrees. Your child should bring the appropriate apparel for the weather daily. Spending time outside is important for your child's development.
Your child's attendance is important for their academic and social emotional growth. Setting consistent on-time attendance helps children set habits for later. Consistent attendance also helps students gain confidence by helping them to learn the routines in the classroom. Please bring your child to school everyday on time unless they are ill.
Reminder - Students are considered late 10 minutes after the start of the session and classroom doors lock at that time.
If you call to make a change for the end of the day (bus or after-school program), you must call before 2:45 pm. This gives us the opportunity to notify classroom staff of the change prior to dismissal.
Bianca Alvarez
Bright Beginnings Early Childhood Center
Come check out a book to take home and read with your child.
New take-home learning activities every Friday.
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
7:50 am
11:50 am
Our September Parent Meeting was at the International Festival!
Maria, Rosa, and Blanca
Joan and family
International Festival Event in September
Family Advocates Elizabeth and Marcella
Family Advoates Rosa, Suzette, and Gladys
Health Resource Information 9/28/23
October Parent Meeting
Saturday, Oct 28, 2023, 09:00 AM
3230 North 14th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
- By-laws
- Election of officers
- Non-Federal Share Rates
- Information Memorandum from Head Start
The next meeting will be October 5th, 2023 at 11:30 am. in the Policy Council room (basement of building A). If you are interested in participating in Policy Council, please contact your teacher, advocate, or Brenda Carmona for more information. Please click here to read more about Policy Council. We are so excited to share our program information with parents and have our parents guide our program decisions.
What a joy to to continue to welcome your families into Bright Beginnings School Family! Thank for connecting your kiddos to our greetings in the morning outside in the parking lot and in the hallway. This continues to set the tone for the day!
Your child/ren have been learning how to do breathing strategies with big emotions. Look below to learn more about Sophie and Shubert, their preschool bug friends! I enjoy seeing your child grow and learn at Friends Time every week!
You can learn with your student as well. Every month, I will share tidbits of what we are learning through Conscious Discipline (Sophie and Shubert Books) as well as weekly what your child's teacher is teaching from Second Steps via Facebooks, Talking Points and here in your newsletter.
Thank you being a part of our Bright Beginnings Family.
Wishing you Well this October! ~Miss Melyssa
Shubert's Big Voice
Sophie's Big Voice
Skill of Assertiveness
Come Join us on October 3 for our Parent Connection Group in the Library following Dismissal.
This is a reminder that the school needs a copy of all updated health items.
- Immunizations
- Physicals
- Dentals
- Labs
Also, if your child receives a referral for hearing or vision when notified of a concern, please follow up with a doctor as soon as possible. Our goal is to ensure your child is healthy and able to learn.
We would love to have any parents participate in our Health Services Advisory Council. The meeting will be in the fall. Parent input helps us to better care for our students at school. If you are interested in participating, please speak to Nurse Kendra!