Tiger News
August 27, 2023

October 29, 2023
Tiger Nation Information
Website: https://bghs.battlegroundps.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BGHSUTC
Athletics: http://BGHStigers.com
Student ASB Leadership Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bghs.asb/
Student UTC Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/utc_leadershipbghs/
YouTube Channel: BGTV 27
Esports Twitch Channel: https://www.twitch.tv/bgh_esports_gm
See something, say something (anonymous): Online Tip Reporting System
Bell Schedule
Monday - Monday Schedule
Tuesday - Tiger Time Schedule
Wednesday - No Late State - Assembly Schedule
Thursday - Early Release Schedule - Periods 1, 2, 3
Friday - Early Release Schedule - Period 4, 5, 6
For our bell schedules, please click here.
Parent - Teacher Conferences
Skyward Conference Scheduler is still open. Conferences will be in 15-minute increments. The default is in person, but parents can also choose phone or virtual conference.
Conference dates and times:
11/2/23 Thursday - 12:00 to 2:25 p.m. and 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
11/3/23 Friday - 12:00 to 2:25 p.m.
For directions on how to schedule please click this link
What's for Lunch?
If you would like to know what is for lunch this week, click this link.
Lost and Found
The lost and found will be out in front of the attendance office during parent teacher conferences. Please stop by and collect your items.
Play-In Playoff Football! Tigers vs the Sumner Spartans!
We will have a state walk for our Tiger Football team on Friday. We are also looking at getting a rooter bus. Listen to the daily announcements for details!!! Goooooooooo Tigers!!!
Responsible - Respectful - Engaged Winners
These students were "caught" doing the right thing!
Class of 2024
Caleb Erickson got a RRE card from the Ms. White for being Responsible, Respectful, and Engaged!
Class of 2025
Emerald Strange got a RRE card from Ms. Wetzbarger for being Responsible!
Class of 2026
Elly Bonde got a RRE card from Mr. Heberling for being Responsible, Respectful, and Engaged!
Class of 2027
Destinee Mezyk got a RRE card from Ms. Welter for being Engaged!
Drama Fall Production
Fall Production of "One Stop Light Town" is being presented by our amazing Drama Department. The show will run the following nights starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Lair.
Tickets will go on sale beginning Oct. 30th.
- November 9th, 10th, and 11th
- November 16th, 17th, and 18th
Halloween Costume Rules
Let's have a fun & safe Halloween at BGHS by keeping the following rules in mind:
- All costumes must meet the Battle Ground School District's dress code
- No props, weapons, blood, gore, or violence will be allowed
- Masks or face paint that cover the entire face are not allowed
- Please be culturally sensitive, costumes should not be offensive or inappropriate
- Costumes must not disrupt the learning environment of the classroom
Socktober Extened to 11/3
BGHS is collecting new socks in both children and adult sizes to support the Socktober initiative. Donations will benefit two local nonprofits that support children in foster care in partnership with TMG Cares. Our sock drive is running from October 2 through October 27. Students can turn in socks to Mrs. Blankenship in room B4.
Senior News
Hey Seniors!
It’s that time of the year to start thinking about senior pictures. Senior pictures are due December 2nd, so don’t wait until the last minute.
For more infomraton please click this link.
Class of 2024!
We would like to introduce you to our official graduation vendor, Royal-T / Herff Jones. Royal-T has been servicing schools in our area for over 40 years and Battle Ground High School is proud to partner with them in creating a memorable graduation experience for every Senior. They will be providing caps & gowns and our official Battle Ground graduation announcement, custom class rings, and jewelry, as well as 2024 apparel and memorabilia to ensure that this much-anticipated celebration is unforgettable.
This is time-sensitive and orders should be placed right away to ensure correct sizing and availability. Please take time to watch your Senior Grad Launch Video and read through this carefully. This video will help answer any questions you may have and show you the benefits of ordering now. Contact Royal-T / Herff Jones with any of your questions.
Congratulations Class of 2024! My name is Scott Thompson and I am your graduation representative from Royal-T. We are excited for a great year and have created a Senior Grad Launch Video for you to watch at home today.
CLICK HERE for a link directly to your Senior Grad Launch Video!
Graduation Product Timeline for Battle Ground High School
· This is your Senior Grad Launch date! Click the above link to watch your Senior Grad Launch Video or check it out at https://youtu.be/gAtMOb25Ft8
· Your official ordering window begins right now. Place your order with a $60 down payment HERE. Battle Ground High School’s designated ordering window ends on November 26th, 2023. Our website will be open until the Spring, but this official ordering window is how we can guarantee our best prices, early delivery, and precise sizing on your items.
· Delivery of apparel and all other early delivery items will happen on November 29th, 2023. You will receive an email from us with pick-up details if you have early delivery items available for pick up on this day. (Caps & gowns as well as all paper products will not be a part of this delivery in November. Those products will be delivered in the Spring.)
· Final payments on all graduation orders are due on March 1st, 2024.
You can make payments anytime throughout the year online at www.highschool.herffjones.com.
· Delivery of Cap & Gown and Graduation Announcement products Spring 2024.
Grad Night Fundraisers
BGHS Flocking!
Print off the form or get one from our Main Office. Return the form and payment to get our birds out and flying! Thank you for supporting our senior flock! Flocking Order Form
Guilt Free Pass
- No time to volunteer? No problem!
- If you’d like to help the senior class raise money for their drug and alcohol free grad night party, but don’t have time, here’s your chance!
Click this link for your guilt free pass
If you have any questions, please email us at bghsgradnight@gmail.com
College and Career Center
Financial aid application changes for 2023-24
For seniors looking to apply for state or federal financial aid, please be aware of the following changes for this year: To allow time for updates and improvements, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid has been delayed by the Department of Education until mid-to-late December. This will also impact the timing of the Washington Application for State Financial Aid.
In the meantime, students and parents/guardians should create an FSA ID prior to the anticipated December rollout date. There will be a FSA ID workshop for students and parents on Oct. 30 from 3-5 p.m. in the Prairie High School College and Career Center. The student and a parent or guardian must have an FSA ID in order to complete the FAFSA.
Do you want more money and more options?
Get more education beyond high school
If you want to secure a better future, further education and training beyond high school can lead to a good job, higher wages, and more. Financial aid like WA Grant helps make college, trade school, or technical school affordable.
Why apply for college or training? Adults with a college degree or certificate:
- Are more likely to enjoy their work.
- Can change careers more easily.
- Are less likely to be unemployed.
- Live longer, healthier lives.
- Earn around $1 million more over their career than high school graduates.
Need to start working sooner than later? Move beyond minimum wage with an apprenticeship or other job training. Even a one-year program at a community college or technical college can increase your future earnings. In an apprenticeship, you earn while you learn. In many cases, apprentices can get paid to work and use financial aid to cover out-of-pocket costs like tuition, fees, and materials.
Put your passion to work. More education means more job stability and higher earnings—for life.
Learn more and plan your future on the Washington Student Achievement Council (WSAC) website.
Reminder: Better FAFSA/WASFA is coming in December
The new & improved 2024-25 FAFSA/WASFA applications will open in December 2023. The form will be simpler, with fewer questions.
Most importantly: More students will be eligible, and they can get more financial aid.
Scholarship Money
Students if you are in need of scholarship money, check out the Current Scholarships.
ASB News
Winter sport sign ups are now happening.
- Athletes must register on FamilyID.com and submit their current sport physical.
- Sports available for winter are:
- Girls Bowling beginning Oct 30th
- Girls gymnastics beginning Nov. 6th
- Boys and Girls Wrestling Nov. 13th
- Basketball and Boys swimming Nov. 13th
- Specific try out times will be available soon.
Yearbook Sale
The 2023/2024 yearbook is now on sale. Yearbooks can be purchased at school in the ASB windows during school hours, 7:30 am to 3:00 pm. You can also order them through our school website. Yearbooks cost $55 with an ASB card and $60 without an ASB card. Get yours now and cherish your high school memories! Sale is on thru Oct. 31, 2023.
This Week Sports:
Monday October 30th
No Games
Tuesday October 31th
Volleyball vs. Skyview at C4:00/JV5:30/V7:00 @BGHS
Wednesday November 1st
No Games
Thursday November 2nd
Vollyball vs. Camas (Sr) at C/JV5:30/V7:00 @BGHS
Friday November 3rd
Cross Country State TBA
Saturday November 4th
Cross Country State TBA
Football Playoff Game TBA
News from Battle Ground Public Schools
Multilingual Parent/Family Engagement Event
When: Monday, October 30th 5:00PM-7:00PM
Lewisville - 406 NW 5th Ave, Battle Ground, WA 98604
What: Outreach event to partner with families to share all parts of the school system and Multilingual Program. Families will have the ability to visit stations to explore educational programs, resources and learn more about district wide offerings. Multilingual Program Teachers and Paraeducators will be in attendance for this event as well.
Food and childcare will be available.
Set your clocks back on Sunday, Nov. 5
Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, Nov. 5. Remember to set your clocks back one hour!
Weather-related information
It may be hard to believe, but the potential for wintry weather will soon be in the forecast. Please visit the district’s weather and emergency information page to make sure you are ready in the event of a school closure or delay.
How we notify families
Automated phone calls, emails and texts: Please keep your contact information updated in Skyward (Family Access) or contact your school office. On weather days, calls may begin going out as early as 5:30 a.m. to families who have not opted out.
Information line: 360-885-5343 (updated by 6 a.m. on weather impacted days).
Flash Alert: Sign up for email alerts or download the mobile app for updates about emergency and non-emergency issues. You must re-subscribe every year.
TV and radio stations, local newspapers may share information at their discretion.
Please download and print our weather guide for quick access to weather-related information and make sure you know if your child’s school is in the north or south part of the district.
New payment option
There’s a new way to add funds to a student’s meals account, pay class and sports fees, buy yearbooks and more! Using this one-stop shopping option, parents and guardians can pay for each of their children in one transaction. Follow the instructions labeled “1st Time Parents” to access one account for the entire family. Meal payments will be reflected in Skyward every hour between 7:05 a.m. and 1:05 p.m.
E-Funds also remains an option for adding funds to a student’s meal account.
Student online safety
Keeping students safe online is a priority in Battle Ground Public Schools. Recent events have reinforced the need to use caution when interacting online. These include national reports of online groups targeting children and teens. While we are not aware of BGPS students being targeted by these groups, it is important for staff, students and parents/guardians to work together to keep our young people safe.
How you can help students be safe
Please periodically review these tips with your child:
Students should keep their passwords confidential. They should not share passwords or allow others to use their Chromebook after they sign in.
Use school email addresses for only school-related communication and activities.
Be cautious when accepting friend requests; communicating with other people online; and sharing photos, videos, and identifying information on social media and other sites. Review privacy settings to limit who can see this information.
Monitor what your child is doing online and discuss risks associated with sharing personal content.
Use GoGuardian Parent to see how your child is using their device. Get information on GoGuardian Parent.
November schedule reminders
Monday, Oct. 30-Friday, Nov. 3 - Parent/teacher conferences. School will start at the regular M/T/Th/F time on Wednesday, Nov. 1. There will be NO one-hour late start that week.
Three-hour early release schedule is as follows:Grades K-4: Monday through Friday
Grades 5-8: Tuesday through Friday
Grades 9-12: Thursday and Friday
Friday, Nov. 10 - Veterans Day (observed) - no school
Wednesday, Nov. 15 - District in-service day (no school for students)
Wed-Fri, Nov. 22-24 - Thanksgiving break - no school
Report incidents anonymously with SafeSchools
Please report bullying, intimidation, harassment, threats and safety concerns using our anonymous reporting system. Reporters can remain anonymous. Emergencies should always be reported to 911. Learn more about emergency procedures and safety protocols.
Something Inspirational
From Prevention/Intervention Specialist Team
BGHS Administrative Team
Mr. Gourde (Principal - Seniors)
Ms. Main (Assistant Principal - Sophomores)
Mr. Suksdorf (Assistant Principal - Freshmen)
Mrs. Talbott (Assistant Principal - Juniors/Athletic Director)
Mr. McKenzie (Dean of Students)
Battle Ground High School
Email: info.bghs@battlegroundps.org
Website: https://bghs.battlegroundps.org/
Location: 300 West Main Street, Battle Ground, WA, 98604
Phone: 360-885-6550
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BGHSUTC
Battle Ground Public Schools provides equal opportunity in programs and employment and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin/language, creed/religion, sex, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a service animal by a person with a disability, age, marital status, honorably discharged veteran or military status, HIV/Hepatitis C status. The district provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other
designated youth groups. Contact the following regarding questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Tom Adams, Director of Student Services, adams.tom@battlegroundps.org, Title IX Compliance Officer, 360.885.5415; Michelle Reinhardt, Executive Director of Human Resources, reinhardt.michelle@battlegroundps.org, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator/Section 504/ADA Coordinator, 360.885.5481; or a letter may be submitted to the designated coordinator at the Battle Ground Public Schools, PO Box 200, Battle Ground, WA 98604