Holy Cross Catholic School
From the Desk of Mrs. Wagner
May 13, 2022
Our eighth graders have had an incredible journey over the past nine years. Their time here at Holy Cross has definitely been a unique one and the last three years have been particularly unusual. Although this path isn’t one we would have chosen for them, it has helped them build on characteristics that will help them be successful in their future. We must always remember and trust that God has a perfect plan for us even when the load seems too heavy to bear. A quote by Alice Earle is one that I have chosen to live by in the most recent years especially when times were tough, “Every day might not be good, but find the good in every day.” Therefore, I chose to find the good that has come from our adversities and the many attributes they have acquired since they have been at Holy Cross. The ones that are most apparent to me are that this class is loyal, resilient, kind, determined, and faithful.
The class of 2022 is one that I admire and respect. They have been handed so many challenging times, but with those difficulties, they have gained many lifelong characteristics that I know will take them far and help them attain the goals and dreams their parents wished for them when they started their journey with us.
We are so proud of your accomplishments Class of 2022! Remember you are always welcome to come back home. We will be here with open arms! God Bless you all!
Holy Cross Catholic School
School hours 8:00-3:30pm.
If you have a friend that is interested in Holy Cross for their child, please call the school office for more information. Multiple Scholarships are available.
Email: mwagner@holycrosscatholicschool.com
Website: www.holycrosscatholicschool.com
Location: 8101 West 95th Street, Overland Park, KS, USA
Phone: 913-381-7408
Facebook: facebook.com/HolyCrossOP
Twitter: @HolyCrossOP