Panther Post
October 21st, 2022
Save the date...
- October 26th: Early Release
- October 26th: Coffee with the Principal 7:30-8:30am
- October 28th: Spirit Assemblies
- October 28th: Fall Fun Party- Sponsored by PTA 6-8pm
- November 2nd: Parent Advisory via Zoom *UPDATE* 6:30-7:30
- November 9th and 10th: Scholar-Led Conferences (no school)
- November 11th: Veterans Day (no school)
- November 23rd: Early Dismissal 1:40pm
- November 24th and 25th: No school
October 24th-October 28th
Monday- Rainbow Wear
Each grade level is assigned a color to wear. Represent your grade level with your specific color!
Kindergarten- Red
1st Grade- Orange
2nd Grade- Yellow
3rd Grade- Green
4th Grade- Blue
5th Grade- Purple
Tuesday- Pink Out
Supporting breast cancer awareness month, wear as much pink as you can! Pink out the school!
Wednesday- Hat Day
Yes, you read that correctly! Wear your favorite hat to school! October 10th was Mental Health Awareness Day. Lift the id on mental illness and wear a hat!
Thursday- Orange Unity
October is Anti-Bullying month. Wear orange to unite against bullying! WE DO NOT TOLERATE BULLYING AT PANTHER LAKE!
Friday- Book Character
Dress like your favorite book character! This could be childhood stories, chapter books, and even comic books! We will be taking pictures of anyone who wants to enter the "Best Dressed" award for the best book character outfit! Voting will be in next week's newsletter.
Spirit Days
Don't forget Spirit Wear Days!
Mondays: Sports wear! Wear your favorite team or favorite sports wear to show that Panther Spirit!
Wednesdays: Panther Pride Wear! Wear your Panther Lake shirt or our school colors (black and blue) to show off that Panther Pride!
Fridays: Future Friday! Keep yourself focused on your future by sporting your favorite college!
A message from the Principal
Hello wonderful Panther Lake families and community,
We are so thankful to have the rain! It was a beautiful rainy day and the air is so much better.
Rainy Day Recess
Washington weather is pretty wet in the fall and winter months. At Panther Lake, we want our kids to have as much time playing outside as possible. This does mean we do not call for indoor recess when it is raining. We will only call for indoor recess when the weather is unsafe outside. Unsafe weather is lightening, thunder, or hail.
Please ensure your scholar is dressed for the weather to include waterproof shoes (if possible) and a waterproof jacket (if possible). We highly recommend dressing in layers if needed and packing an extra set of clothes, just in case. Umbrellas may be brought to school for arrival and dismissal. For safety reasons, umbrellas will not be allowed at recess.
Scholar Led Conferences
Your scholar's teacher will be reaching out, if they have not already, to see if you have any preference for a day/time for your scholar's conference. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions.
Spirit Assembly
All scholars participate in our Panther Pride Spirit Assembly on the last Friday of every month. If your scholar is receiving an award, their teacher will reach out to invite you to the assembly. ALL FAMILIES ARE INVITED! We love to have our families come and celebrate with our scholars. Please feel free to join us in celebration on October 28th!
Thank you again for your continued partnership! We truly appreciate every one of our Panther Lake families!
Tabatha Ritch
253-391-7444 (Cell - Text okay)
Emily Smith
(Assistant Principal)
253-391-6251 (Cell - Text okay)Attendance Matters!
To report absences:
- Call Mrs. Hagen at 253-945-3603 or office 253-945-3600, email:
- Report on ParentVue, preferable before school starts at 9:10am (before teacher submit absences)
*If absences are not reported before 10:15am, parents will get a district automated absence callout* to remind them to call students absence in.
TIP: If students go to a medical appointment and misses school, you can provide a doctor's note so the absence can be excused as “medical” which will not count as an absent for BECCA.
**If you have a question about BECCA, our state school attendance law, please feel free to email or call me for more information.**
Prearranged absence: Form attached needs to be completed when student is out for more than 2 days BEFORE missing school. This applies for vacations or extended absences.
*parent will complete the top portion, then teacher will complete their section, parent and student will sign and final step will be completed from our principal, Mrs. Ritch.*
Tardy hours 9:15-9:40am
Absence is after 9:40am
If students are late and check in after 9:40am and it is under an unexcused reason, parents will get the auto absence callout.
- PLEASE put a reason down when students are coming in late or leaving early, if there is no reason written down, then the attendance code will not be accurate and it will be automatically coded as unexcused.
Please see below flyer for “what is excused or unexcused”
If you have any attendance questions, please contact Data Secretary Bonnie Hagen 253-945-3603
Announcing: Panther Lake PTA
Seeking Members!
President- Renee Metanoia
Vice President- Juliana Ha
Secretary- Jason O'Daniel
Treasurer- Kianna Hall
PTA is seeking members to support planning events for our school! Our board has our first event planned for October 28th! PTA is asking for candy donations and will be awarding the class with the most candy donations with a Pizza Party!
If you would like to join our PTA, please reach out to Mr. Sanchez or any of our board members.
This Week at Panther Lake
Family Partnership at Panther Lake
Family Engagement Leadership Team
Very Involved Partners (aka: Volunteers)
Join our school day to support your child or all children in the classroom, outside at recess or during lunch. We love our Panther Lake V.I.P.'s and are so happy to welcome volunteers back at Panther Lake. Please come to the office to pick up your Washington State Patrol form to begin the process. All volunteers must have proof of vaccination.
Language Ambassadors
Do you speak, read & write in another language? Do you enjoy helping advocate & connecting with other families that speak the same native language as you? Then you would be a great addition to our community to welcome, support and connect with other families at Panther Lake.