Husky Update
May 2023
CAASPP Testing
State testing for ELA and Math has arrived! We will be testing from Monday, May 1st through Friday, May 12th. The students will be on a special block schedule, but the start and end times of the day will not be affected. It is IMPERATIVE that students arrive on time to school. If their class has begun testing before they arrive, they will not be allowed to go to their classroom and will need to sit in the media center. Also, please make sure your student's chromebook is completely charged each and every day. Thank you for your support!
After School Detention Wednesdays
Over the course of the past few months, we have had students constantly caught up in the cycle of lunch detentions. Most of them are from chromebook violations, while others are for disruption or other disciplinary actions. It has become apparent that for some students, the consequence of a lunch detention is no longer a deterrent to change the behaviors that keep recurring. We have decided to implement a one-hour after school detention on Wednesdays for those students who have multiple lunch detentions. The detention will go from 1:50pm-2:50pm. Students will be required to report IMMEDIATELY after school to the cafeteria. If your student is issued an after school detention, you will be notified via ParentSquare on the Tuesday before the detention.Thank you in advance for your support.
Tardy Sweeps
In an effort to reduce the number of tardies between class periods and after breaks, we are conducting random tardy sweeps. After the tardy bell rings, no student will be allowed to enter the classroom until one of our security or administrators have recorded their names on the tardy sweep log. Students will be issued a lunch detention and parents will receive a ParentSquare message informing them that their student was caught in the tardy sweep. We ask that you please have a conversation with your student regarding the importance of getting to each class on time. Together, we can work to maximize their learning time in the classroom. We thank you in advance for your support!
Cell Phone Reminder
This is a reminder that student cell phones need to be off and in their backpacks during class time. No phones should be kept in pockets or sweaters. Students are allowed to use their cell phones before school, during Nutrition, during Lunch and after school. This policy has cut down classroom distractions significantly and we appreciate all of the parent support that we have received. Students have been more focused in class and ready to learn!
Kona Ice is Back! Monday, May 1st!
Incoming 6th Grade Parent Night
Memorial Day
School will by closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of the Memorial Day holiday.