GEMS Family Newsletter
November 2023
Upcoming Events
- Wed. Nov. 15 - GEMS Family Crew Game Night and Bake Sale - 6:00-7:30pm
- Sat. Nov. 18 - Winter Coat Give Away
- Mon. Nov. 20 - Tues. Nov. 21 - No School - Student Led Conferences. If you have not signed up please reach out to your child’s teacher.
- Wed. Nov. 22 - Fri. Nov. 24 - No School - Thanksgiving Break
- Tues. Nov 28 - Giving Tuesday! Click here to donate!
- Tues. Nov. 28 - Community Picture Retakes - 3:00-7:00pm
- Wed. Nov. 29 - Fri. Dec. 1 - No School - PD Days
- Thurs. Dec. 14 - GEMS Family Mingle Jungle Dance - 6:00-8:00pm
- Thurs. Dec. 21 - Thurs. Jan 4 - No School - Winter Break
- Fri. Jan. 5 - No School - PD Day
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Important School Information
- School Year Office Hours - 7:45am-4:30pm - office@gemsschool.org
Have you paid your School Fee?
We ask all families to contribute $35 per year, per student to help keep our classrooms equipped with basic supplies. You can pay with cash or check at the Front Office or visit the GEMS School Store to pay with a credit card. Thank you for your support!
GEMS Family Crew - Game Night & Bake Sale - This Wednesday!
Game Night & Bake Sale - Wednesday, November 15, 6-7:30pm
Join us for an evening of board games and family fun! Proceeds from the bake sale will support future Family Crew activities for teacher appreciation week in the spring. If you're interested in helping or donating goodies please click here.
The October Family Crew newsletter is now available. https://www.smore.com/r4amn
Attention 7th and 8th Grade Families - TGFS Career & College Access Night!
Join us for TGFS Career & College Access Night! This year's event will be held at The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University (TCS@ODU) (1270 Brentnell Ave. Columbus 43219) on January 25, 2024 from 5:30 - 7:30PM.
During this event, there will be sessions offered on College Credit Plus (CCP), Ohio's program offering students opportunities to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from community colleges or universities as well as graduation requirements, enrollment info sessions, college essay tips, Financial Aid, Accessibility services, CTE and so much more.
All sessions are 30 minutes, and families may choose to attend up to three sessions throughout the evening. We look forward to seeing you at this event!
GEMS Family Mingle Jingle
GEMS After-School Program
GEMS After-school Program is a collaboration between Graham Elementary & Middle School & Communities In Schools of Ohio. The purpose of this collaboration is to surround students with a community of support, empower them to succeed in school and achieve in life. GAP Middle (5-8) After-school Program is funded through a Nita M. Lowery 21st Century Community Learning Center grant through the Ohio Department of Education. Click here to learn more!
GEMS Running Club
The GEMS Running Club braved the rain to run the Spooky Sprint 5k on Sunday (Oct. 29). The students cheered each other on and helped one another navigate the rainy conditions!
Grade Level Updates
Are very excited that we are almost halfway to the first 100 days of school. We have been learning about place value and counting to 100. Every 10 school days we are visited by Zero the Hero, a superhero who helps us celebrate the great work we are doing together! Students are halfway through the alphabet. We are using our new skills with letters and sounds to spell short CVC words (words created using a consonant, vowel, and a consonant) and identify rhyming families. Students are working hard to create their map of our school building. They have been creating a key, and each student has taken ownership for drawing a part of our map of GEMS.
First Graders
Are coming to the end of their deep dive into Tools. We have decided on our classroom Magnificent thing, a Lost and Found bin, and they have been working hard on making it. Next, we will be looking at the Sun, Moon, and Stars. In Math we had our Unit 1 Test and have moved on to Unit 2. In Unit 2 we have been working hard on story problems. We started with how to read story problems and how to break them down to make equations. This will continue for the month of November and into December.
Second Graders
Are working on our drafts comparing GEMS to other schools and communities around the world. We have learned about schools in the Amazon Rainforest, Haiti, and India. We will begin working on writing paragraphs comparing other schools to our own school. In math, we are finishing Unit 1, where we learned how to look at data and create bar graphs. In Unit 2 we will be learning properties of operations and place value. This will help us in the later units when we learn about money and coins.
Third Graders
In Unit 3 students are focusing on what it means to be a proficient and independent reader. They continue to read literature with characters who are motivated to learn to read and overcome struggles to do so. Students assessed their challenges as readers, and strategies to overcome those challenges. This unit includes a heavy emphasis on building reading fluency. Students write a reading contract in the form of a three-paragraph informative essay, in which they describe two of their learning challenges and some strategies to overcome those challenges. As part of the final performance task, they make an eye-catching reading strategies comic bookmark to help them remember those strategies as they read independently throughout the rest of the year. In math students have been learning about scaled graphs. This is our first step toward learning multiplication!
Fourth Graders
In Math class we are reviewing prime, composite, factors and multiples. We are trying to stay positive in Math by using the phrase number sentence or equation instead of a problem. We need to continue practicing all operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and newly added division. We have been discussing why we need to learn about fractions. The students discussed the use of fractions to measure, cook and travel. They have practiced planning a party with tables, chairs, and food. It might be time to break out some favorite recipes to help our fourth graders learn to embrace fractions in cooking. As always, we review our school norms daily and are encouraging one another to make wise and wonderful choices.
Fifth Graders
In math, we are learning how to multiply whole numbers and fractions together along with unit fraction and unit fraction together. In science, we will become astronomers and archeologists discovering a missing part of an artifact showing its stars and constellations. It is our job to try to guess what the missing artifact looks like. We will be learning vocabulary words such as: rotation, revolution, axis, gravity, and constellations. In Humanities, we are continuing our study of Human Rights through the novel Esperanza Rising by Pam Munoz Ryan and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We are examining how human rights are threatened and how we can contribute to protect those rights. We are writing multiple paragraph essays, developing our writing through revision and adding details and figurative language.
Sixth Graders
In Math, Students are working hard to understand ratios and even create equivalent ratios. They are finding real world connections to their learning and identifying why this math they are learning is important! In Science, it is all about cells. They are learning cell theory, the parts of a cell and functions. We are still in the basics of this but once the students dig a little deeper they will be creating interesting cell projects that we cannot wait to share with you!
Seventh Graders
In humanities, students are writing an informational compare/contrast essay comparing a nonfiction article to A Long Walk to Water, by Linda Sue Park the novel we read in-class. In math, students have been working on a project called 4 Representations. Students have worked with proportional relationships and the four ways we look at them which is through words, tables, graphs, and equations. We will learn about percentages next.
Eight Graders
In Math, students have been working on a project called Shopping With Equations. Students analyzed the prices of foods at two different grocery stores and demonstrated their understanding of equations by writing and solving word problems connected to their food items. In Humanities, students have completed their first module and book, Summer of the Mariposas by Guadalupe Garcia McCall. They have worked hard on narrative stories creating a chapter 13½ to be used in the book. They compared and contrasted traditional Latin American Folklore monsters with their modernization in writing Informative essays, and are creating web pages. In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving break they will begin reading The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan, and begin working in collaboration with The University of Colorado, and The Concord Consortium on a Data PBL grant created to infuse data in everyday learning, specifically social studies.
Attention 8th Grade Families
Join us for Enrollment Information Sessions to talk about high school. The Graham Family of Schools comprises GEMS, The Graham School, and The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University. However, an application must be summited before a GEMS student may be enrolled in either high school. Please join us:
- The Graham School - Tuesday, November 28 at 6:30pm - *RSVP is required for all sessions. Please contact Bryan Kossmann, Enrollment Coordinator/Registrar at 614-262-1111 or bkossmann.1@thegrahamschool.org with questions or to RSVP.
- The Charles School at Ohio Dominican University - Sessions starting in January - Please contact Amanda McCain, Enrollment Coordinator at amccain.1@thecharlesschool.org or 614-258-8588 with questions.
EL Education at GEMS
EL Education came to GEMS to film our 8th grade students who have been participating in Crew conversations about inequities in our society. Last year, GEMS middle school teachers began a partnership with Boston College that has helped to foster this program and conversations in our Crews and we are excited to share the work with the rest of the EL Community!
GEMS Halloween Costume Dance! Students in grades 6-8 had a great night!
Reading - K-8
My name is Sarah Solley, and I am one of the Reading Intervention teachers here at GEMS. If you would like guidance in helping your child to read at home, please reach out. Reading 20 minutes a night is essential for children to develop their vocabulary. My email is ssolley.1@gemsschool.org
Art - K-5
Kindergarteners are starting stations that will improve our fine motor skills with lots of different activities that help us to experiment and create together! 1st grade is learning about warm and cool colors as we create works revolving around the sun and moon. 2nd grade has been looking at prehistoric artwork and just completed some wonderful cave drawings. We will be looking more closely at fossils next for some fun inspiration. 3rd grade is currently studying observation drawings and figuring out how to use basic shapes to recreate what we see in front of us. They will be moving forward into the wonderful world of paper mache. 4th graders are learning portraiture and have been practicing hard to improve their drawing skills as we learn techniques for shading and blending. 5th grade is putting their knowledge of planets to use as we design our own planet trading cards. Next they will be doing galaxy art.
Art - 6
6th graders completed an in-depth project where they created a perspective color wheel and did a deep dive into color theory. Now, as we move into the middle of our second quarter, we are using our newfound knowledge on the color wheel, and color theory to create ‘Remixes’ of classic album covers with pairs of color complements. The students are really excited about our upcoming units where we will focus more on perspective and create beautiful painted landscapes!
SEL - K-5
SEL Students are continuing to work through the Second Step Curriculum. 5th graders are working on Calm Down Techniques and actively learning how to deal with anger and anxiety. They are working on their mirror projects. 4th grade is working on identifying intense feelings and how to manage those feelings with positive self-talk. 3rd grade is learning how to be respectful and skillful learners. Second graders are learning empathy skills and how to show empathy to their classmates. First grade is becoming masterful at identifying feelings, learning new words to express their feelings. Kindergarten is learning to name their feelings and how to anticipate their friends feelings by looking, listening and following directions. All the SEL classes K-5 are using music and song as well as fun activities to identify their feelings and emotions. I have been very impressed with how the students have embraced talking about their feelings and practicing calm down skills, practicing empathy and kindness towards one another.
GEMS Groovy Gryphon Fridays!
GEMS is on Facebook and Instagram! Please like and follow!
Do you know someone interested in attending GEMS?
GEMS is accepting applications for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years. Please share this newsletter with anyone who is interested in learning more about GEMS. Please e-mail Alisha Porter at aporter2308@gemsschool.org with questions.
When you shop at Kroger you can help GEMS raise money for expeditions!
Go to: www.krogercommunityrewards.com or call 1-800-837-4483 to enroll in the program. Add GEMS to your Kroger card. You can search for GEMS by name or use our school code: FD086. Shop! Every time you shop and use your Kroger Rewards Card GEMS gets rebates. Kroger totals those rebates and sends GEMS a check.
The Graham Family of Schools participates in the National School Lunch Program that allows for all families to apply for free or reduced meals. Lunch is available to all students. Should they choose not to participate in the school meal program, students may bring their lunch from home. NO OUTSIDE FOOD MAY BE ORDERED OR DELIVERED AS THIS DIRECTLY VIOLATES THE NATIONAL SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM POLICY.
Breakfast Information
EL Education
Our partnership with EL Education empowers our teachers to unleash the potential of their students. EL Education is built on ten design principles that reflect the educational values and beliefs of Kurt Hahn, founder of Outward Bound and co-founder of EL Education. These principles also reflect the design's connection to other related thinking about teaching, learning, and the culture of schools. The 10 design principles are: The Primacy of Self-Discovery, The Having of Wonderful Ideas, The Responsibility for Learning, Empathy and Caring, Success and Failure, Collaboration and Competition, Diversity and Inclusion, The Natural World, Solitude and Reflection, Service and Compassion.
GEMS School-wide Title 1
GEMS is a School-wide Title 1 program, enabling us to receive Federal Funds to ensure that our students receive the support they need to reach and exceed grade level goals particularly in reading and math. We welcome parent involvement in planning, review and improvement of Title 1 programs. Please contact Debbie Addison at addison.2@gemsschool.org with any questions. Follow this link to the Parent Pact.
Per House Bill 21 community schools are required to perform a monthly review of student files and randomly select families for residency verification. Please contact the school immediately in case of an address change. Proof of residency must be submitted within two weeks of an address change. If evidence is not provided, requests for additional documentation or a home visit may occur.
Email: office@gemsschool.org
Website: https://www.thegrahamfamilyofschools.org/gems_home.aspx
Location: 140 East 16th Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201, USA
Phone: (614) 253-4000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Graham-Elementary-and-Middle-School-109578509098428