Lansdowne Middle Newsletter
October 10, 2022
A note from Mr. Warfel
Hello LMS families!
Conference Night was a success for Marking Period 1. We had 186 visitors for our event! If you did not have a chance to attend conference night, please email your child's teacher to arrange a conference via phone, internet (Google Meet), or in-person.
Cell phones - Parents, we need your continued support to ensure that students are keeping cell phones off/silenced and away during instructional hours. Students may receive a consequence for repeat offenses.
This is a reminder that we are bringing back our Trunk or Treat event at LMS on October 27th 5:30 - 7:30pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thank you!
Ryan Warfel
Reminder: Schools are CLOSED to students:
- Friday October 21
- Monday October 24
- Tuesday November 8