Kindergarten Weekly Update May 4th
Mrs. George
Zoom Meetings
I am going to be adding a 30 minute Zoom meeting on Thursdays, for some fun activities and to check in with students. Thursdays will be our "Sharing Days," and these meetings are for us to talk with each other more, do some artwork, and just be together as a class. Please read our Weekly Zoom Schedule below.
What we're learning this week...
Phonics: Blending sounds, rhyming words, digraphs, sight word practice, long vowels
Book: Chester's Way by Kevin Henkes
Reading Strategies: making a connection, retelling the story, identifying the problem and solution, making an inference
Math: Writing numbers, counting on, comparing numbers, 2D and 3D shapes
Writing: Informational writing
Science: Force and motion: Why do builders need so many big machines? How do you knock down a wall made of concrete?
Social Studies: American Symbols, reading a map
Religion: Gathering as a community, Belonging to the Church
Social and Emotional Learning: Caring for others
Upcoming Assessments
You will notice in the coming weeks that I am posting some assignments on Seesaw with the label "Assessment." This is an attempt for me to get some information on your child's reading level and overall academic achievement and progress for Trimester 3. Please encourage your child to focus on completing these tasks before all others, and if you don't get to the other assignments... that's fine! While your guidance is very needed, please do not provide your child with any answers or help, other than reading the directions, explaining the task, and helping your child to record and submit his or her work. I really appreciate your help with this!