The Weekly Hoot
The 'Brand New School Year' Edition
Who IS Ms. Dawson?
I will tell you that this year is a transition year, a pivotal moment in the academic journey. It's a year of a lot of firsts. Sometimes that freaks people out. That's okay. That's what I'm here for. I can promise you a few things this school year:
1. I will absolutely at some point make YOU uncomfortable. You will likely say to yourself (insert grimace face emoji) I'm not sure about this...she's pushing them a little hard. Yes. I am. They can do it. Remember...I'm molding. Notice I didn't say I will make the students uncomfortable. You know why? They can handle it. They always do. I have been teaching for 100 years and I always say to parents...if you will just give your child to me, fully and completely, I promise you, in the best way possible, they will never be the same. Trust me. Just trust me.
2. I will always be as transparent as possible. There is very little to no guesswork with me. I'm an absolute, full live human. At some point this year, I'll have to apologize. I'll forget, or I'll miscalculate. Don't get mad. Just reach out to me. Remember...human.
3. I will absolutely push your child to be an independent, critical thinker and a responsible student. It may sting a little at first but I promise the end result is BEAUTIFUL.
Soooo...tell me about the newsletter.
The Weekly Hoot is the best way to get information about what's happening in the class. You'll probably also get some added conversation you didn't want, for example--me polling the audience on random topics. You'll get used to it :) You may be accustomed to checking the teacher website to get information and while that is certainly a tool you can use, my website will tell you to check the newsletter.
The newsletter will automatically be sent to the email you provide to me. I will also post the link for "The Weekly Hoot" on Remind because, well, then there is just no way you can ignore my slightly witty banter :)
Morning Coffee
Morning Coffee is a way I like to connect with my parents. Here's how it works. Each morning, I will call one or two parents. This call is just a check in. We talk about your student, how everything is going and I answer any questions you have. Think of it as a "light roast" conference (did you see what I did there?). Except, it's not really a conference it's just a way to stay connected to you. You'll likely get a few of these morning calls throughout the year.
I will likely start morning coffee in mid September, once I've gotten to know everyone.
Now, you don't have to wait until morning coffee to contact me. If you're thinking...hmmm...I just want to check in with Ms. Dawson and see how things are going, DO THAT! I don't bite...if you haven't heard from me in a while, reach out! Say, "Hey, what's up?!" or "Just checking in!"
Ways to Contact Me
- send me an email (address below)
- message me on Remind (see how to join, below)
- call the school (910.455.2672)
- text me--503.741.9609
Join Remind: Text @dawsonh7 to 81010
Full transparency here: I do not check my email outside of school and most days, I'm so busy that I'll check my email in the morning and I won't check it again until the end of the day.
If you need me, the quickest way to get to me is to text me. If it's not an emergency send it through remind or email it. But if you're like---omg, this is an emergency and I need to let Ms. Dawson know---send me a text.
After school, I'm a whole human so if it's after about will likely not hear from me until the next day.
Phone: 503.741.9609