Fox Ridge News
CUSD 303 Early Childhood Department
September 20, 2023
Sep 21 (Thu): Picture Day
See the flyer below for more information.
Sep 27 (Wed) Early Release Day
AM classes DISMISS EARLY at 11:05 am
If your child rides the bus home from our morning session, drop off at your home or child care will be 25 minutes early.
PM classes START EARLY at 12:05 pm DISMISS EARLY at 2:10 pm
If your child rides the bus to school for our afternoon session, pick up will be 25 minutes early from your home or child care and the bus at the end of the day from Fox Ridge will drop off 50 minutes earlier.
Oct 5 & 6 (Thu & Fri) NO SCHOOL
Parent/Teacher Conferences (see below for more information)
Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples' Day
School Improvement Day
Oct 25: Early Release Day
Picture Day
School pictures will be taken on Thursday, September 21, while your child is at school.
Ordering information here. Look for a printed flyer in your child's backpack.
Open House & Book Fair
Three out of four families attended our Fox Ridge Open House & Book fair last week! Whether you were able to join us or not, please share your feedback on the survey below if you haven't already.
Parking Lot Safety & Expectations
Our parking lot gets a lot of use throughout the day with many cars and buses entering and leaving at the same time. This can cause the potential for serious saftey hazard for children as well as those who are taking care of them. Please help us reduce the risk our Fox Ridge families and children face as they arrive and depart from school each day by:
- Using the crosswalk consistently- everyday and in all weather. This models safe crossing behavior for all of our students and helps keep everyone safe.
- Staying alert and minimizing distractions- please refrain from using your phone.
- Maintaining a safe, slow speed throughout the lot and waiting patiently before backing out
- Parking only in designated parking spots to unload or load (NO stopping to unload in the traffic lane)
- Follow the directions and requests from the crossing guard and other school staff members
- Keeping children close to you when in the parking lot to protect them from the dangers of moving vehicles
If you are unsure about the procedures and expectations please don't hesitate to ask. Thank you for keeping the safety of our students (and you!) a top priority.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Big Hearts of Fox Valley Holiday Giving Program
For the 10th year in a row, D303 is again partnering with Big Hearts of Fox Valley, which supports families in need during the holiday season. Big Hearts of Fox Valley Holiday Giving Program's purpose is to provide holiday gifts for D303 students and their younger siblings whose families face significant financial hardship. Through Big Hearts, members of the D303 community anonymously shop for wish list items. D303 social workers will review applicants. You can visit the Big Hearts of Fox Valley website for more information.
Story Time with Miss Anna
Miss Anna from the St. Charles Public Library visits Fox Ridge for Story Time most months. She also attended our Open House and Book Fair to sign up students for library cards. Fox Ridge loves Miss Anna and our partnership with the St. Charles Public Library!
Early Release Dates 2023-24
2023-24 Early Release Days- ALL Grades including Early Childhood
September 27
October 25
November 29
January 24
February 21
March 20
April 24
Toy Lending Library
Preschool for All
Community Resources
Fox Ridge Early Childhood Center
Website: https://foxridge.d303.org/
Location: 1905 East Tyler Road, St. Charles, IL, USA
Phone: 331-228-2400