HETAC Newsletter
October 3, 2023
The HETAC Goes Green for November!
In 2007, Congress passed its first resolution recognizing November as National Homeless Youth Awareness Month (NHYAM) to build awareness of the issue of youth homelessness, including its causes and potential solutions, and highlight the need to work to prevent homelessness among children and teens. Since then, November has been a time to elevate the issue of youth homelessness; applaud the efforts of businesses, organizations, and volunteers dedicated to meeting the needs of children and youth experiencing homelessness; and grow the commitment to intensify efforts to prevent and end homelessness among young people in the United States.
The HETAC is encouraging all LEAs and community members to help celebrate Homeless Youth Awareness month and we have everything you need to help build awareness. You can find resources here, or from our homepage at hetac.org. Among the resources you will find a sample school board resolution, a sample calendar of activities, participation ideas for school sites, a book and movie list, and a variety of social media and zoom resources.
Keep your eye out in November when we turn green for the month in support of Homeless Youth Awareness Month!
More resources can be found out https://www.hetac.org/
CDE Homeless Education Data & Donuts
Register in advance for this meeting HERE:
Below is the flyer with registration links for all Data & Donuts between now and December 2024.
Join the California Homeless Education Technical Assistance Center (HETAC) in preparing for National Homeless Youth Awareness Month!
The California HETAC and many other agencies and organizations around the country will recognize November 2023 as National Homeless Youth Awareness Month. This is a great opportunity to spread the word and raise awareness in California schools and communities about students experiencing homelessness. The HETAC team will share resources and ideas for collaboration and engagement to help bring attention to this important issue. Use these resources to learn more, do more, and share more about children, youth, and families experiencing homelessness in November and throughout the year.
Register in advance for this webinar:
FREE: Sexual Orientation Gender Identity (SOGIE) Training
Free Professional Development Opportunity for Educators
This training will focus on the Foundation of SOGIE and expanding on gender equality, pronoun usage, and its intersections. This training will also education attendees on intersectionality, allyship and belonging for LGBTQIA+ youth. Presented by Rainbow Community Center.
Training is FREE, however registration is required.
Registration Link: https://cccoeschools.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMpcO6orDovHNIwpEM704TgqZ_m1X2k_YFG#/registration
CAAVA Training
The CA HETAC is offering a special opportunity to attend a CAAVE training for free to your region! CAAVE stands for Compassion, Awareness, Acceptance, Validation and Empowerment and is a research-based, interactive learning experience that builds a shared understanding for the power of relationships and invaluable life-long skills for leaders, managers and teams.
This training is appropriate for all school site staff including teachers, counselors and administrators.
Check with your region HETAC lead for dates and times in your region!
More about CAAVE can be found here:
LA LGBT Center RISE Training & Coaching Intensive
Consider joining the next cohort for the LGBT Center RISE Training and Coaching Intensive. The dates are Monday, October 30, 2023 to Wednesday, November 1, 2023 from 9-4:30pm daily. See the flyer below for more information and all the details. This opportunity is open to all LEAs and COEs.
To register for this free training visit:
*For COE Regional Meetings - connect directly to the HETAC Calendar and/or your HETAC Lead*
The start of the 2023−24 FAFSA/CADAA Challenge for Students Experiencing Homelessness is only a few days away! The California Department of Education is pleased to partner with John Burton Advocates for Youth and SchoolHouse Connection on the 3rd annual FAFSA/CADAA Challenge for Students Experiencing Homelessness to help make homeless youths’ postsecondary dreams a reality. To participate, please complete the registration form below.
Research shows that 90 percent of high school seniors who complete the FAFSA go on to enroll in college within 12 months compared to 45 percent who do not submit their application, indicating that financial aid is a crucial resource in eliminating barriers to postsecondary achievement.
Register for the Challenge: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScWGllwwKpEglJUow69neJ8UdeXs_l-TvYhgeY70q_kl4hNCg/viewform
If you have any questions about the Challenge, please contact Sarah Pauter at sarah@jbay.org.
About HETAC - Homeless Education Technical Assistance Centers
The California Homeless Education Technical Assistance Center (HETAC) network is funded by the California Department of Education to provide support and technical assistance to county offices of education (COEs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and other interested stakeholders to ensure educational access and success for children and youth experiencing homelessness. The HETAC network is operated by the Contra Costa COE, Los Angeles COE, and San Diego COE.
Visit the HETAC Website for more information here: https://www.hetac.org/about
Submit any question for the HETAC here: https://www.hetac.org/help