Family Engagement Newsletter
February 2024
Families and schools working together, because our students are worth it!
What are your Family Engagement Support Needs?
PaTTAN's Family Engagement team would like to support schools in enhancing their family and community engagement efforts. Please take a moment (literally, a minute or less) to complete these 5 questions to help us develop training and technical support based on your preferences and PD needs.
Join us in Hershey to hear and meet renowned educational speakers. Visit the PDE Conference Session Descriptions page to learn more about FAMILY ENGAGEMENT:
- Building Stronger Kids by Strengthening Fathers and Families
- Audience(s): Administrators, Teachers, Agency Staff, Families
- Best Practices for Reaching and Teaching Fathers and Families
- Audience(s): Administrators, Teachers
- Engaging Families in Inclusive Digital Learning: A Symbiotic Endeavor
- Audience(s): Administrators, Agency Staff
- Taking it to the Next Level: Integrated, Systemic Approaches to Family Engagement
- Audience(s): Administrators
- Family Wisdom Circles: Leading and Learning Together
- Audience(s): Teachers, Families
- Pennsylvania’s Annual Parent Survey: Time for a Refresh?
- Audience(s): Administrators, Teachers, Families
- Real-life Scenarios, Real-life Fixes: Addressing Specific Challenges in School-Family Collaborations
- Audience(s): Teachers, Families
Hope to see you in Hershey!
FAMILY-SCHOOL PARTNERSHIPS: Building Your Capacity for Authentic Family Engagement & Student Success
Join us on February 15, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m., as PaTTAN's Family Engagement Team presents this session on family-school partnerships, part of the FACE Webinar Series.
The research is sound--effective, authentic family engagement promotes positive results for families, school staff, and most importantly, our students. Join us for this session, provided by the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN), as they share work being done across Pennsylvania to promote family-school partnerships. Learn about the Families to the Max Statewide Family Network and other valuable resources that you can use to build your school's capacity for family engagement.
Thank you to FACE Learning Network and Successful Innovations, Inc. (@successfulinc) for this opportunity to share the great family engagement momentum in Pennsylvania!
Learn How Your Students Can Become Self-Advocates and Leaders
Contact Hunter, Natasha, and Hayley to learn how to engage your students, and join them at the
APR Learning Institute: Including YOUth in the Transition Process
Presented by the YES Consultants
Explore tools and resources for implementing true person-driven planning practices.
FEBRUARY 22, 2024, Multiple Locations:
9:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. PaTTAN Central, Harrisburg
11:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. PaTTAN East, Malvern
11:45 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. PaTTAN West, Pittsburgh
Audiences: Transition Coordinators, Special Education Teachers providing Transition Services Secondary Administrators
Register HERE.
Natasha Fletcher, Eastern PA Region
Haley Penn, Central PA Region
Hunter Steinitz, Western PA Region
How Much Do You Know About Strategies for Student Engagement?
This tool, offered by Education Week (sponsored by Istation), allows you to see how your score compares to your peers, get the correct answers with detailed explanations, and be provided with additional readings and resources on the topic. What's your score?
Eight Ways to Celebrate Family Engagement - National PTA
Mark your calendars! The National PTA promotes family engagement by providing families the opportunity to strengthen their partnerships with teachers and administrators during this special week.
Hot off the press!
The goal of family and community engagement is for all of us to build relationships with families through clear, concise, and compassionate communication, so that students succeed. The Closing the Loop School-Home Communication Self-Assessment was developed by author and consultant, Patricia Weinzapfel, to help educators determine how family friendly their communications are.
Download a copy, grab one or two of your communications, and take five minutes to see how you measure up.
To learn more, contact Patricia at
Need Assistance? Contact PaTTAN!
The PA Bureau of Special Education and PaTTAN consultants, along with IU partners, will provide LEAs direct support, at a local level, in various areas of need, including family engagement. Types of support offered: Systemic, Critical, Emergent Short-Term, and Professional Development Customized Supports.
Visit PaTTAN's - Customized Professional Development and Technical Assistance and Watch this short video to learn more.
Our PaTTAN Family Engagement Team is available to assist you through your family engagement request process!
Positive Classroom Behavior Supports - Multiple Dates & Locations
28th Annual National Autism Conference - New Location!
APR Networking and Learning Community Opportunities
Pennsylvania Special Education Leadership Academy
IEL National Community Schools and Family Engagement Conference (CSxFE)
Atlanta, Georgia, May 29-31
2024 National Family Engagement Summit: The Practitioners’ Conference
In-Person: Oct. 9-11
Savanna, GA
NAFSCE 2024 National Assembly for Family Engagement
Denver, CO
October 21-25
If you found this family and community engagement newsletter to be helpful, please share it with colleagues and families in your school, district, IU, or agency. Thank you!
The mission of the Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) is to support the efforts and initiatives of the Bureau of Special Education, and to build the capacity of local educational agencies to serve students who receive special education services.