St. Veronica Catholic School
Newsletter for September 2019
St. Veronica Catholic School
680 Novo Star Drive,
Mississauga, Ontario
L5W 1C7
905.696.6980 phone
905.696.6982 fax
905.696.6980-1 attendance line
Principal: K. Kovacs
Vice Principal: S. Salameh
Head Secretary: L. Magi
Pastor Fr. Cherickal
Superintendent: W. Brunton
Trustees: L. del Rosario (Ward 6 & 11), T. Thomas (Ward 5)
Follow us on Twitter:
Supervision begins in school yard: 8:15
Entry: 8:30
Recess: 10:35—10:50
Lunch: 11:30—12:30
(students will be eating at 11:30)
Recess: 1:55—2:10
Dismissal: 3:00
Opening Prayer
Gracious and merciful God of all creation,
You have loved us since before we were born.
From our mothers’ wombs
to our eternal place in heaven
You have given us the gifts to live and grow in safety.
We come to You now asking for the grace and strength to follow Your plan and to form a safe, caring, inclusive community here at
St. Veronica Catholic School.
May our faith in You and Your plan lead us to know and feel Your presence among us.
We ask this in name of Jesus, Your Son, who lived to show us Your way.
Administrator’s Message
On behalf of the faculty, we would like to thank the students and parents for their cooperation during the first weeks of school. We extend to you a warm welcome to the 2019-2020 school year and extend special greetings to all new members of our school community. The faculty has been working hard over the past couple of weeks to ensure a smooth opening of school. Thank you to all the educators who have diligently organized and prepared their classrooms. A special thank you is extended to our custodial team , Mr. Kerr, Mr. Butler, and Mr. Policarpio, for all their hard work preparing our physical site for this new school year. We would also like to extend a heartfelt appreciation to Mrs. Magi for all her efforts to ensure a smooth school start up. We anticipate a successful year at St. Veronica School, as we serve the students in our care. St Veronica School now has: 386 students, 28 academic personnel, 4 educational assistants, and 3 designated early childhood educators.
It is an honour to be a part of the school community and we look forward to the many events we have planned. We hope to see all of you at our open house on Wednesday, September 18th.
K. Kovacs
S. Salameh
Vice Principal
Our Virtue for September (FAITH)
Our Kiss and Ride is located on the west side of our school. There are two lanes: The Kiss and Ride lane ( closest to the sidewalk) is to be used when dropping off your child(ren). We kindly ask that you follow the direction of the two staff on duty. You will be asked to move up to the front of the lane before children are let out. ONLY KINDERGARTEN parents are allowed to exit their vehicle to assist in removing their child(ren) from car seats. Staff will escort students to Kinderyard. NO PARENT SHOULD BE LEAVING THEIR VEHICLES UNATTENDED.
The Drive Thru lane is NOT for stopping or parking. We kindly ask that you park your car in our parking lot and walk your child to the school yard, ensuring that your child is never allowed to cross through the parking lot and/or kiss and ride alone. Please be aware of the stop sign at the end of the drive-thru lane. Please come to a full stop before the crosswalk.
The front of the school is designated for our 5 school busses. Children should NOT be dropped off at the front of the school—unless you are late. Parents, please ensure that you do NOT park your vehicles in front of the school if you are coming into the building. The City of Mississauga Parking Enforcement will issue a ticket for cars parked and unattended in the KISS and RIDE lanes or at the front of the school.
For safety reasons we are reminding the school community that all visitors must report to the office and sign in. The sign-in book is located in the office. Please do not go into the school yard or to your child’s classroom without signing in first and receiving approval. Remember, to your child you are a parent; to the other students, you are a stranger. Students must sign in and out when they are late arriving to school in the morning or afternoon and they must have a note from parents asking the school to dismiss them early for appointments. No student is to be dismissed directly from the classroom or picked up at the classroom by parents/guardians. All must come to the office to sign in/out.
On rare occasions, we are faced with situations in which non-custodial parents/guardians arrive at school asking to visit a student or sign them out. We are best able to serve and protect our students when we are made aware of legal custody arrangements. Please inform the main office of these issues as soon as possible and we will ensure your child’s teacher is aware of the arrangements.
The office often gets requests from students to make phone calls home to ask parents to bring forgotten items such as running shoes, agendas or textbooks/homework. We are reinforcing with students that phone calls should be minimized and that it is their responsibility to bring all necessary items to school and to arrange in advance their out of school activities. Also, please make after-school arrangements with your children prior to the start of the school day. We make every attempt to minimize interruptions to classes.
Secure Entry System
Emergency Drills
In accordance with Ministry and Board regulations, 3 fire drills, 1 Shelter in Place and 2 lockdown procedures are conducted at the school. During a lockdown procedure the bells will constantly ring inside and outside the school. Please note at this time only Emergency Personnel are permitted to enter the school. Practicing these drills is important for student safety in case a real emergency occurs. We will continue to prepare students in a judicious and conscientious manner. For safety reasons, we ask that students wear proper footwear at all times.
Family Information
There are pupils in attendance who suffer from severe and life threatening allergies to certain foods, such as peanut and nut products. Exposure to the smallest quantities can cause severe life threatening reactions. Please avoid sending lunches or snacks that contain nut products. For class celebrations such as birthdays, Christmas & Valentine’s please consider non-edible treats. Thank you for your assistance.
School staff cannot dispense medication of any kind without the proper authorization and a properly labeled container, (i.e. prescriptions bottle or original over-the-counter container). Medication brought to school in baggies, film canisters, etc. pose a risk to other students and will be secured in the office and returned to the parent. Staff cannot modify or adjust any medication under any circumstances. Additionally, staff cannot medicate a child. Therefore the child must be able to take the medicine as prescribed on their own with staff supervision. Please drop by the office for an Authorization Form before your child brings medication to school.
As we begin a new school year, we would like to inform you that St. Veronica School continues to participate in ‘We Share the Air, a Scent Sensitivity Awareness Campaign. There are students in attendance who suffer from life-threatening asthmatic conditions to air pollutants. Exposure even to minimal odours may cause potential life-threatening reactions. Very common severe chemical triggers are: perfume, cologne, scented products and personal care products (such as hairspray). These products may cause severe reactions for students. The safety and well-being of all of our students is a priority.
In order to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, we request that our school community refrain from wearing scented personal products complying with our Scent Free Zone Campaign at school and all school events. We appreciate your cooperation in supporting a safe learning environment for all students.
Concussions are brain injuries caused by excessive, rapid movement of the brain inside the skull. This movement causes damage that changes how brain cells function, leading to symptoms that can be physical (headaches, dizziness), cognitive (problems remembering or concentrating), or emotional (feeling depressed).
A concussion can result from a blow to the head or body in any number of activities including receiving a check in hockey, falling from a jungle gym, or slipping on an icy sidewalk. All head injuries can be difficult to diagnose, however, a concussion is the most difficult head injury to diagnose. Brain scans do not always determine if a concussion exists.
The school calls parents whenever a child has hit their head. It is important that parents also keep the school informed if their child has had a head injury during an extra curricular activity. The school will work with the family to set up a plan (in line with the Board’s protocol) to assist the student through the 8 phases of Return to Learn and Return to Play.
Wednesday September 18th
6:00 – 7:30 pm
You are invited to meet your child(ren)’s teacher and visit the classroom. Please mark calendars so you can attend this very important event.
6:00- 6:15 pm - Introduction to all in attendance
6:20- 6:45 pm - Classroom Presentations
6:50- 7:15 pm - Repeat Classroom Presentations
7:15- 7:30 pm - Meet additional Staff members
School agendas have been ordered for students in Grades 1-4 to assist your child in organizing his/her time and homework. The teachers will be reviewing the importance of the agenda with their students. Your child is responsible for recording their homework, upcoming tests, projects and assignments, important dates. It is an effective tool to use to establish and ensure strong teacher-parent communication. Important information for parents found in this newsletter can also be found in the inserts, located in the front of the agenda. Please review with your child and child sign the agenda.
We will be having our annual Terry Fox Run on September 27th. More information to follow.
St. Veronica school is using School Cash Online, which provides you with the convenience of paying online for school items such as trips, clubs, and pizza lunches. School Cash Online is a great way to pay without the need for cash or cheques.
School Cash Online provides an option to pay school-related fees safely, quickly and easily. By using School Cash Online, you can help increase efficiency and security at our school by making payments directly into our school bank account.
Parent registration is a simple 3-step process outlined on the reverse side of this document. Once you have registered, you will receive e-mail notification of fees or items for payment related to activities for your child(ren). In addition, a receipt for payment will be issued to you directly and a history of payments is available at all times. If you haven’t done so already please follow the link below to register online - it takes less than two minutes!
Dates :TBD
Information & Notices will be coming home soon !
Before and After School Programs
PLASP Child Care Services operates Before and After School Programs at this school. The Before School Program operates from 7:30 a.m. until school start. A nutritious breakfast is served daily. The After School Program runs from the end of the school day until 6:00 p.m. Children participate in recreational activities, are served a nutritious snack daily and have time for homework.
All students who are eligible for busing, based on the boundaries set forth by Student Transportation, should be assigned their buses prior to the first day of school. Details can be checked on the STOPR website ( www.stopr.ca ). If there are any problems with eligible riders, please contact stopr.ca or call (905) 890-6000. If your child is not eligible for transportation but wishes to have a spot on a bus, please make a “Courtesy Seat” request to the school in writing. Seats will be assigned according to the Region’s “Courtesy Seat” policy. Please write your request under the topic of “Courtesy Seat Request.” Requests may be submitted to the office beginning on the first day of school, until Monday September 30th. Unfortunately, Courtesy Seat requests will not be assigned until the middle of October. Students who are awaiting a courtesy seat will have to make their own arrangements for transportation until then. Students who have been granted a courtesy seat will be notified at that time, and will be given a bus pass. We regret that all students who apply will not be granted seats. This is a limitation based on the availability of bus seats. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
Pastor: Fr. James Cherickal
Associate Pastor: Fr. Fr. João Ferreira
Associate Pastor: Fr. James Zettel
5650 Mavis Rd,
Mississauga ON L5V 2N6
Tel: 905 890 5290
Fax: 905 890 0261
Website www.stfrancisxavierchurch.ca
Sacraments are parish, not school events. Initial preparation is done by the schools through the religion program. Immediate preparation is the responsibility of the parents and the parish.Children do not receive a sacrament just because they are in a particular grade at school. Registration for sacraments takes place at meetings with the church.
First Communion- Thursday September 19, 2019
Confirmation- Thursday September 26, 2019
Reconciliation- Tuesday February 11, 2020 @ 6:30 P.M.
First Communion- Saturday April 25, 2020 @ 10:00 A.M.
Confirmation- Tuesday April 28, 2020 @ 7:00 P.M.
Catholic School Council
If you would like to get involved with St. Veronica's school council here are some important upcoming dates:
Friday September 20 - Return all ballots to the office
Tuesday September 24- Election (if necessary)
Monday October 7- First CSC meeting in Staff Room (all are welcome to attend)
In accordance with the Safe School Act, 2000, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board has the responsibility to provide for a safe learning environment for its students and employees. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will require a Criminal Reference Check, including a Vulnerable Sector Search for all volunteers in the school, including excursion supervisors.
If you intend to volunteer, please pick up a CRC form from the front office. It needs to be completed and brought to Peel Regional Police. Once you receive your CRC from Peel Police, please bring it to the school and we will house a copy of it in a secure location, with the utmost respect to the confidential nature of the material.
Each subsequent year, a CRC is NOT required, Our volunteers need ONLY to complete an Annual Offence Declaration which is kept on file. If you have not completed one, please contact the office...Our volunteers are an integral part of the many activities that our students are so fortunate to participate in. Volunteers do make a difference. Thank you for giving of your time and talents to the St. Veronica School community.
As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of Education, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board annually
provides parents with information about cost-effective student accident insurance coverage. Enrolment is voluntary, the board encourages parents to take advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their child/children participate in sports, excursions or field trips. Enrollment is required in writing so there are two options:
1. Complete the traditional form (sent home with your child) and mail it in.
2. Apply online at www.insuremykids.com.
If you have questions, call 1-800-463-5437.
Sept. 13 —ReOrg PA Day
Sept. 18– Open House
Sept. 19- First Communion Parent Info. Night @ St. Francis Xavier Parish, 7:30 PM
Sept. 26 –Picture Day
Sept. 26 - Confirmation Parent Info. Night @ St. Francis Xavier Parish, 7:30 PM
Sept. 27—Terry Fox Run
Oct. 7 - First CSC meeting
Oct.11 –PA DAY
Oct. 14 –Thanksgiving Day