The Falcon Flyer
Weekly News and Updates - Volume 3 Issue 35 - 5/19/2023
Week in Review
Last night was PHENOMENAL! We hope all who attended Open House had a great time. Your dedication to our students is a key aspect of all the success we've accomplished this year. Special thanks to SDUSD's Farm to School program for the tasty treats and Pamela King from the Family Engagement Department for her exceptional seminar on promoting literacy at home.
Open House was just the beginning to our end-of-the-year celebrations. In the coming weeks we have students experiencing field trips to the San Diego Zoo, Birch Aquarium, and our 5th graders get the opportunity to learn about physics first-hand at iFly San Diego. Yep, we're going indoor skydiving! Field Day will also return on June 9th in the morning. Stay tuned for more details to come.
This year we are proud to start a new tradition too. In addition to 5th grade promotion on June 14th at 11AM, our Kindergarteners will have their own ceremony the day before. Be prepared for level 10 cuteness!
Our PTA is also looking for new leadership to carry the torch next year. Elections are held each year for all three board positions: President, Secretary, and Treasurer. See the information below and contact current Secretary, Ashleigh Ledoux or Principal, Jeff Friedenberg if you're interested.
"An essential aspect of creativity
is not being afraid to fail."
– Dr. Edwin Land
Online LCFF Forms Available Now
Each year the district is responsible for collecting information from our students’ families to support the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) process. The LCFF is hallmark legislation that fundamentally changed how all local educational agencies (LEAs) in the state are funded, how they are measured for results, and the services and supports they receive to allow all students to succeed to their greatest potential.
We are collecting information now and it will be applied to the 2023 – 24 school year. We believe that starting now will reduce the burden of collecting information during the busy time of opening school in the fall and will potentially yield more complete information that will increase the amount of funding that schools and the district receive from the state.
We are starting with our online system accessed through the Parent Portal in PowerSchool. In the portal, we ask parents and families to complete a very short questionnaire that increases the district’s opportunity to receive funds from the state. The information is kept confidential and only used for allowed purposes.
Please complete the form in Parent Portal as soon as possible. If you do not have a Parent Portal account, please contact your school to set one up. (Note: some schools do not yet have Parent Portal available.) Paper survey forms will be available later this spring. By completing the survey, you will not only be supporting the district’s efforts, but increasing the chances of your child’s school receiving more of this valuable funding.
ORDER YOUR 2022-23 Yearbook TODAY!
It's not too late to purchase your yearbook:
Go to:
Passcode: 1016705346251773
Regular price of the yearbook: $13.92 +tax ($15)
Where We Are - Where We're Headed
At Open House last night, Principal Friedenberg shared all of the incredible growth our student and school has made over the past year. The graphics below show data from our year- celebrations and areas of growth. We're so proud of our Kinder-2nd graders for their progress toward reading proficiency and our 3rd-5th graders for their accomplishments in math proficiency. We still have a ways to go, but no doubt we'll get there.
Student of the Week
This week's Student of the Week is Salem in Mrs. Wilson's 1st grade class. Salem has been working really hard on being more responsible and making great improvements in his classroom leadership. He consistently uses critical thinking skills to talk about fiction and non-fiction texts. His version of "The Three Little Pigs" is outstanding too! Well done, Salem! Thank you for being a phenomenal Falcon!
Weekly Forecast
Looking Ahead
22 - VAPA PLC's
24 - Minimum Day - Restorative Justice Practices
26 - No School
29 - No School
31 - Minimum Day - Report Card Prep
7 - Minimum Day - Report Card Prep
14 - Minimum Day - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL
15 - Teacher Check-out Day
19 - Office Closes for the Summer Break
Open House Highlights
SDUSD Farm to School Yumminess
Supporting Literacy at Home
Kindergarten Blueprints Came to Life
Good Things Growing in 5th Grade
Book Giveaway
All Smiles in 3rd Grade
Fletcher Elementary School
Location: 7666 Bobolink Way, San Diego, CA, USA
Phone: (619)605-4600
Twitter: @FletcherSDUSD