109 News - Happy Holidays!
December 20, 2022 - Issue 9
A Note From Mike
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It’s hard to overstate the relief of this first half of the year. In so many ways it’s been the school year we’d dreamed of with unfettered instruction and a return to robust classroom social engagement. Not that we weren’t anxious, mind you, and now that the fall is coming to an end, we realize the exhaustion from it, in part because of the aforementioned nerves but also because students and adults alike have had a surprising amount of relearning to do. “We forgot how to do school” was how one colleague explained it. Amidst all of this we have been able to count on you, and in the season of counting one’s blessings we are particularly grateful and appreciative of your willingness to come with us on this unpredictable yet successful ride. We hope for the same in the new year and wish you a relaxing and regenerative break with your students.
Michael V. Simeck
Superintendent of Schools
Thank You For Your Generosity!
The 109 Gives Back Holiday Gift Drive was another success! Thank you for your generous gifts that helped dozens of DPS 109 families ensure that everyone has a great holiday season!
Check Out The 109 Way Magazine!
Just Because It's Timely... Another Reminder on Winter Weather & E-Learning
If conditions are deemed unfit for opening school, it is DPS 109's intent to utilize a remote learning day when possible in place of adding an extra day to the end of the school year. If the forecast calls for unfavorable conditions, students and staff will be alerted the day before to bring home devices and prepare for the possibility of a remote learning day. The determination wouldn't be made until the actual morning of school.
See below for how you would be notified on the morning of a potential remote learning day and click below to read more on our bad weather procedures:
What's Good in 109: Student Artists Honored, A Spartan Dance-Off & Choraliers Visit
DPS 109 was proud to collaborate with the Hyatt Regency Deerfield on their annual holiday card decoration! Students from all four elementary schools (Kipling, South Park, Walden & Wilmot) submitted designs, and one drawing from each school was selected to be part of the project! Congratulations to our talented artists!
The December BOE Recap
The Month Ahead - Upcoming Dates to Know
- December 22-January 6: Winter Break
- January 9: School resumes!
We'll see you in 2023!!!