Bumpus E-News
November 25, 2023
R. F. Bumpus Middle School
ATTENDANCE: bumpusattendance@hoover.k12.al.us
FOR ALL ATHLETIC NEWS AND INFO: https://bumpusathletics.com/
Other accounts to follow:
Bumpus Instagram: @RFBumpus
Bumpus Athletics Instagram: @bumpusbucsathletics
Bumpus Athletics Twitter: @BucsBumpus
PE Instagram: @bumpus_bucs_p.e
Bumpus Photo Instagram: @rfb_photo
Bumpus Photo Facebook: @BUMPUS.DIGIPHOTO
Email: bumpushelp@hoover.k12.al.us
Website: https://www.hoovercityschools.net/bumpus
Location: 6055 Flemming Parkway, Hoover, AL, USA
Phone: (205) 439-2200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BUMPUSMS
Twitter: @RFBumpus
A Message from our Principal- Donna Burke
I hope everyone had a chance to check Progress Reports last week. The Progress Report is only viewable on the website and is not available on the app. Click Student Reports in the left Navigation to view the Progress Report. Parent Portal Website
If you have not set up your Parent Home Portal Account you will have to do this first. Numerous emails have been sent out to parents who still need to create their account. If you have not created your account and did not see your email in your inbox, please check your spam folder or trash folder. If you have any questions, email our registrar, Carol Stone - cstone@hoover.k12.al.us
We will have Winter IReady Testing starting December 5th. Our message to our students is GROWTH. We want them to do their best and show how much they have grown since August. We'll test December 5th, 6th, and 7th, and a schedule will be posted this week.
After looking at Progress Reports, if you find that your student may need extra help in their classes, there are several ways students can get some support. We offer many different ETA (Extra Time and Assistance) options for our students as well as other options to do school work. Please encourage your student to take advantage of ETA opportunities.
- Morning ETA - This is a time before school for students to work independently or to get assistance from teachers.
- Lunch ETA (6th & 7th graders) - This is a time attached to the lunch period for students to get assistance from their team teachers and a time for students to work independently on homework.
- Friday ETA - This is a time for students to work with the assistance from teachers or to make up work that has been assigned during the week.
- HomeworkAlabama.org is a free resource for students in Alabama.
We are also looking forward to starting 6th Grade Clubs when we return on Monday. Clubs will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00, with the exception of Creative Writing. Creative Writing will be held on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:30-5:00. Students that sign-up for clubs must provide their own transportation home and be picked up at 5:00. Emails have been sent home and to your student with more specific details.
Donna Burke
Principal - RF Bumpus
Scholastic Book Fair News!
Hi Everyone,
The Scholastic (in school) Book Fair will be here from Wednesday 11/29/23 to Thursday 12/7/23. The Online Book Fair for Bumpus will run from 11/27/23 to 12/12/23. Click on the book fair link for more information. https://www.scholastic.com/bf/bumpus
If you are interested in volunteering please email Mrs. Mims at dmims@hoover.k12.al.us
PTO News
Drama Club
Yearbooks on Sale!
Digital Citizenship Week Wrap-up
The week of October 16th was Digital Citizenship Week and we focused on navigating our digital environments in a way that's safe and responsible. A few students created digital posters to share with their school community. This week's highlight comes from Team 8-3's very own, Gaines. Thank you for your submission!
If students are in need of Chromebook repair, please send the students to see Mrs. Stacey. If you have any questions regarding the HCS Chromebook Policy, please review the information in the HCS Technology Acceptable Use Agreement found here.
Elizabeth Stacey
Front Office
Library News from Mrs. Mims
Library News:
We have been learning about how to locate print books in the library and how to search for books online.
We have 2 library catalogs. The Destiny library catalog lists all the Print books in the library, eBooks, and Audiobooks. The Sora catalog is an online catalog with even more eBooks and Audiobooks. We have also learned about different fiction genres. The students know that a fiction book is a made-up story but sometimes fiction can almost seem real, especially Realistic Fiction. So here’s a list of fiction genres that we discussed this past month: Action/Adventure, Classic Literature, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, Horror, Humor, Mystery, Science Fiction, Picture Books, Quick Reads, Realistic Fiction, Science Fiction, Sports Fiction, and Stories in Collection. If you would like a more detailed description of these literary genres please check out the Fiction Genres Google Slides.
If you have any questions email Mrs. Mims at dmims@hoover.k12.al.us
Destiny Library catalog https://hooverk12.follettdestiny.com/
Sora Library Catalog https://soraapp.com/library/hcmsal
Bumpus Athletics Website
Sport Team Schedules
"Our words shape our children's worlds. Choose them with care." 💬
Find out why on @greatschools #WordsMatter #MindfulParenting #Bumpusparents #GoBucs"
News about School Pictures from Iron City Studios
Hello Parents!
Have you logged in to see your students photos? You can view and purchase school day photos here: https://store.ironcitystudios.com
If you need an access code, you can contact Iron City Studios here: https://www.ironcitystudios.com/seniors-fallspring-photos
Recycle Your Magazines for Family Living
From the Bookkeeper- Shanthi Ravikumar
Pay for Yearbooks and School Fees via My School Fees-- available NOW
School Fees for the 2023-23 School Year, as well as for Yearbooks. are now posted on MySchoolFees.
You can use the link below to pay for both fees. Thank you!
FROM THE SRO- Officer Lee Love
Safety Request from the SRO
The end of the school day has a lot of moving parts to safely get 1200+ kiddos to their respective locations for dismissal. We have almost got this down to a science which allows us to complete carpool in 15-17 minutes from the final bell.
That being said, I have had several teachers who work the carpool side report that in the last couple of weeks, we have had drivers disregard instructions about what lane to enter but instead enter the lane they want. This adds an element of danger that is not necessary.
1. It creates a possibility of injury to the teachers because when they expect a vehicle to go to
their right and the vehicle goes to their left, they could inadvertently step in front of a moving
2. We have a large number of our kiddos that use carpool. We have added a third lane which adds a lot of movement in the parking lot. Even though the outside lane is shorter, it still has the wait time of the other two.
3. There is not one lane that moves any faster than the other. So, whichever lane you are asked to enter, please follow directions to make carpool flow smoothly.
Please show the guys working carpool a little grace. They are trying to get everybody loaded as quickly and safely as possible. If we continue to have issues that could jeopardize the safety of our students and staff, I will recommend reverting back to having only 2 lanes which would be easier to control but increase the overall time of carpool.
Remember, safety is paramount over convenience or speed. I appreciate your cooperation with this.
Officer Lee Love
Hoover Police Department
R.F. Bumpus Middle School SRO
Bus Expectations for 23-24
Please read the following letter from Hoover City Schools regarding expectations for all middle school bus riders.
From the School Nurses- Melanie Schmith and Nicole Zylstra
Information regarding over-the-counter medications at school
Please read the following guidelines for having medication at school. At NO TIME should students self-carry any over-the-counter medications on their person as stated in the outlined box.
Regarding Covid and Flu Tracking
Anticipated Absence Form
Attendance Matters Every Day!
Attendance Cheat Sheet
From the Registrar's Office- Carol Stone
If your lease has expired (or will expire) during the current school year, please ensure that you have provided a copy of your new lease and a current utility bill to Bumpus. Conversely, if you have moved during the current school year, please provide us with a copy of your new lease or deed and a current utility bill.
Your child's account will be put on hold if their residency information is not current.
Please contact Mrs. Stone, our school Registrar, if you are planning on moving anytime during the school year. There is a procedure we have to follow to withdraw your child. You will also need to fill out an "Intent to Withdraw" form on our website. The Registrar will contact you once she receives the "Intent to Withdraw" information. In addition to the "Intent to Withdraw", you will need to come into the school to withdraw, turn in your child's Chromebook, etc. Please call her at 205-439-2212 or email her cstone@hoover.k12.al.us.
Important information for all of our Bumpus Families
Use this link to access some important information about Bumpus. https://bit.ly/RFBumpusInfo
Here is our “Frequently Asked Questions” document for you. You can also ask questions when you come to school on Thursday or you can email bumpushelp@hoover.k12.al.us.
Please be aware of our Bus Expectations as well as our Carpool Procedures.
Breakfast and Lunch Information
Please use the QR Codes in the image below or the following links for more information.
Join us at Bumpus as a Substitute Teacher!
Would you like to be a substitute teacher? Visit https://www.hoovercityschools.net/ and look for the Human Resources tab under Departments. You may also contact Amanda Hiltbruner at ahiltbruner@hoover.k12.al.us or 205-439-1045 for additional information.
Flexible work locations and days! Current substitute teacher pay rate is $100 per day (certification/licensure requirements apply)
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to email or call. If the question is specific to a teacher, email the teacher directly. If you have a general question you can email us directly or through bumpushelp@hoover.k12.al.us
If you have a question email your administrator.
Ms. Donna Burke, Principal dburke@hoover.k12.al.us
Mr. Justin Jones, 6th-grade Asst. Principal jjones@hoover.k12.al.us
Mrs. Kerry Efurd, 7th-grade Asst. Principal kefurd@hoover.k12.al.us
Mr. Sean Colosimo, 8th-grade Asst. Principal scolosimo@hoover.k12.al.us
On occasion, GOOGLE identifies certain emails as SPAM and blocks these emails. If you have sent an email to a staff member at Bumpus and have not received a response, call the main office at 205-439-2200 and leave a message for the staff member you are trying to reach.
Counseling Website for more information and mental health contacts.
Ms. Chardae Franklin- 6th-grade Counselor chafranklin@hoover.k12.al.us
Ms. Zaneta Heard - 7th-grade Counselor zheard@hoover.k12.al.us
Ms. Brennita Keith - 8th-grade Counselor bkeith@hoover.k12.al.us